cch5ng / job_tracker

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Job Tracker README

These are instructions for running the app locally. Due to restrictions with db hosting and budget, this app will not be hosted for public long-term use but for short-term demo purposes only.




Firebase (v9 web sdk and current admin sdk) was used to handle the authentication. Please see the following docs:

Client integration

Server integration

Environment variables

Server environment variables

From /server make a copy of .env.example and name the new file => .env

cd server
cp .env.example .env

Notes on environment variables

API_ROOT - you may need to update the url if hosting the server other than local machine; base url for the API server
PGUSER - PostgreSQL database user name
PGHOST - PostgreSQL database host url
PGPASSWORD - PostgreSQL database password
PGDATABASE - PostgreSQL database name
PGPORT - PostgreSQL database port
PGMAXCONNECTIONS - This value is set to the max connections supported at free tier for but it might be increased for local database instance or other hosts

Client environment variables

From /client make a copy of .env.example and name the new file => .env

cd client
cp .env.example .env

Notes on environment variables

REACT_APP_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID - This value will be the same as the server env var, GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID
AuthorizeURL - This value will come from Google project configuration, see Authentication > Client Integration docs
TokenURL - This value will come from Google project configuration, see Authentication > Client Integration docs
PORT - Update this if you change from the default client port, 3001

Running the app

To install the app (server)

From /server, install required libraries.

cd server
npm install

To install the app (client)

From /client, install required libraries.

cd ../client
npm install

To run the app (development server)

cd ../server
npm run dev

To run the app (development client)

cd ../client
npm run start_https

A browser should open with the url: https://localhost:3001