ccolonna / odp-reactor

React UIs to render Linked Data, especially Ontology Design Patterns
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A framework for Linked Data visualization

Reusable components to visualize linked data, learn more on website


React components for structured data visualization. Project Data on maps or visualize graph like structures.


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Technologies Used

Best technologies are used to render Linked Data. Leaflet, G6, React.

Highly Connected Data

First framework to provide special visualization for highly structured data and subgraph.

Technical Description


To install it just to:

npm install ld-ui-react


How To Contribute


Project is still in development some components may not work as expected

MAP providers

Every component projecting data on a map is based on Leaflet technology. You can find interesting map on TileLayer's on: leaflet-provider.js to customize your visualizations.

URI encoded icon

You can download svg icons, uri encode and embed them directly in the html file. This is a good solution avoiding to struggle with webpack building configuration for applications using this package.

Some day you may host icons in a separate online server and switch the iconUrl to the online one.

To encode icons you need to:

$ npm run encode-svg