ccomrade / c1-launcher

Open-source Crysis executables.
286 stars 25 forks source link
c-plus-plus cryengine2 crysis


An open-source replacement of Crysis (2007) executables. It provides a better game and dedicated server launcher with additional features.


Supported game versions

Crysis (2007)

Version Build 32-bit 64-bit
1.0 5767 Y Y
1.1 5879 Y Y
1.2 6115 Y Y
1.2.1 6156 Y Y

Crysis Warhead (2008)

Version Build 32-bit 64-bit
1.0 687 N -
1.1 710 N Y
1.1.1 711 N Y

Crysis Wars (2008)

Version Build 32-bit 64-bit
1.0 6527 Y -
1.1 6566 Y Y
1.2 6586 Y Y
1.3 6627 Y Y
1.4 6670 Y Y
1.5 6729 Y Y

Crysis Editor (Sandbox 2)

Version Build 32-bit 64-bit
Crysis 5767 Y Y
Crysis Wars 6670 Y Y

Where to get the game

Crysis (2007)

Platform Version Build 32-bit 64-bit Supported
DVD 1.0 5767 Y Y Y
GOG 1.2.1 6156 Y Y Y
Steam 1.2.1 6156 Y Y Y
EA 1.2.1 6156 Y Y Y

Crysis Warhead (2008)

Platform Version Build 32-bit 64-bit Supported
DVD 1.0 687 Y - see below
GOG 1.1.1 711 - Y Y
Steam 1.1.1 711 Y Y Y (64-bit)
EA 1.1.1 711 Y Y Y (64-bit)

Crysis Wars (2008)

Platform Version Build 32-bit 64-bit Supported
DVD 1.0 6527 Y - Y
Trial 1.0 6527 Y - Y
GOG 1.5 6729 - Y Y
Steam 1.5 6729 Y Y Y
EA 1.0 6527 Y - Y


How to use it?

Get the latest release and just replace the original executables.

Note that Warhead and Editor launchers need the original executables, which is why the new ones have different names.

Remember that you should always use a legal copy of Crysis!

Is there any way to avoid replacing the original executables?

Yes, you can rename C1-Launcher executables to whatever you want and use them next to the original ones.

How can I play Crysis multiplayer?

The official multiplayer no longer works due to GameSpy shutdown. However, there is CryMP community providing their own multiplayer services.

For Crysis Wars take a look here or here.

Does Crysis support screen resolutions higher than 1080p?

Yes, it does. There is a scrollbar in the resolution list.

Does C1-Launcher support Crysis Remastered?

No, it does not.

Does C1-Launcher support Crysis Warhead?

Yes, it does, but only 64-bit version. The reason is that CryGame and CryAction DLLs are integrated into the EXE in Crysis Warhead. This means the original EXEs are still needed. 32-bit one is encrypted by SecuROM, which makes it basically unusable. Luckily, 64-bit one is clean. See below why.

Why does the Bin64 directory contain 2 executables?

The original Bin64/Crysis.exe file is actually only a 32-bit SecuROM DRM launcher. It reads the Bin64/Crysis.ini config file and runs Bin64/crysis64.exe, which is the 64-bit game launcher. However, running the game launcher directly results in a crash during game startup. This is because 64-bit CrySystem loads the Bin64/b64.dll library with additional SecuROM garbage. It checks whether the game was launched using the DRM launcher, and if not, the game crashes.

All this nonsense is skipped by C1-Launcher. That means you can safely delete all the mentioned files.

Command line parameters

Parameter names are not case sensitive.

-dx9 (vanilla, game only)

Runs the game with DX9 renderer. This is the default if DX10 is not available (WinXP).

-dx10 (vanilla, game only)

Runs the game with DX10 renderer. This is the default if DX10 is available (WinVista+).

-splash (since v2.7, game only)

Disables automatic skipping of startup video ads.

-language LANGUAGE (since v4, game only)

Sets game language. Overrides Game/Localized/Default.lng config file.

Supported languages:

Language Crysis Crysis Warhead Crysis Wars
English Y Y Y
Czech Y Y Y
French Y Y Y
German Y Y Y
Hungarian Y Y Y
Italian Y Y Y
Japanese Y Y ?
Chinese ? Y ?
Korean ? N N
Polish Y Y Y
Russian Y Y Y
Spanish Y Y Y
Turkish Y N N
Thai ? ? ?

-root PATH (vanilla)

Sets root directory, where log and config files are stored. Defaults to main directory.

Used for running multiple instances within a single main directory. Mostly for servers.

-mod NAME (vanilla)

Loads a mod.

-dedicated (vanilla, game only)

Starts dedicated server instead of game.

-devmode (vanilla)

Enables developer features (DevMode).

-lvlres (vanilla)

Enables recording of startup and level resources (assets).

The resulting list is saved on quit to a file in the current level directory.

-pakalias NAME,VALUE[,NAME,VALUE]... (vanilla)

Adds CryPak aliases.

-resetprofile (vanilla)

Resets user profile, including game.cfg in the user directory. Triggers automatic detection of quality settings.

-autodetect (vanilla)

Forces automatic detection of quality settings (Low, Medium, High, Very High) based on computer hardware.

-logfile NAME (vanilla)

Sets name of the log file. Defaults to either Game.log or Server.log or Editor.log.

-logprefix PREFIX (since v3, headless server only)

Sets prefix of each log message. This is the default value of the log_Prefix cvar. Defaults to nothing.

The prefix consists of normal characters and the following special sequences:

Sequence Meaning
%% %
%d Day of the month (01..31)
%m Month (01..12)
%Y Year (e.g. 2007)
%H Hour (00..23)
%M Minute (00..59)
%S Second (00..60)
%N Millisecond (000..999)
%z Offset from UTC (time zone) in the ISO 8601 format (e.g. +0100)
%F Equivalent to %Y-%m-%d (the ISO 8601 date format)
%T Equivalent to %H:%M:%S (the ISO 8601 time format)
%t Thread ID where the message was logged

-verbosity NUMBER (since v3, headless server only)

Sets log verbosity. Defaults to 0 in headless server. In all other launchers, the default verbosity is always 1.

The following verbosity values are supported:

Verbosity Meaning
-1 Log disabled (headless server only)
0 Only always messages
1 Additional errors
2 Additional warnings
3 Additional messages
4 Additional comments

-userdirname NAME (since v6)

Sets name of user directory in Documents/My Games/. Overrides Game/Config/Folders.ini.

Example User directory
-userdirname Crysis Documents/My Games/Crysis (default)
-userdirname Test Documents/My Games/Test
-userdirname "My New Mod" Documents/My Games/My New Mod

-userpath PATH (since v6)

Sets user directory path. Overrides -userdirname and Game/Config/Folders.ini. Both \ and / are supported.

Example User directory
-userpath . Crysis main directory
-userpath Something\MyFolder Crysis main directory + Something\MyFolder (relative path)
-userpath C:\Something\MyFolder C:\Something\MyFolder (absolute path)

+CVAR VALUE (vanilla)

Sets a console variable (cvar) value after startup.

This can be used to change certain settings from command line. Here is an example that disables restricted console and enables showing basic engine info (the default in DevMode):

Crysis.exe +con_restricted 0 +r_DisplayInfo 1

+CMD [ARG]... (vanilla)

Executes a console command after startup.

This can be used to load a server config file. Often in combination with loading a server-side mod (SSM) and changing root directory. For example:

CrysisDedicatedServer.exe -mod MySSM -root C:\Crysis\ServerFolder +exec server.cfg

Build instructions


The source code is still fully compatible with the legacy VS2005 compiler that was used to build Crysis. It is also used to build C1-Launcher releases to minimize their size and maximize compatibility.

MSVC is the only supported compiler due to required ABI compatibility with Crysis DLLs.


Using Native Tools Command Prompt

  1. Download the source code.
  2. Create Build directory inside the source code directory.
  3. Create two empty directories named Bin32 and Bin64 inside the Build directory.
  4. Open the x86 Native Tools Command Prompt in the Build/Bin32 directory and run the following commands:
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../..
cmake --build .
  1. Repeat the previous step with the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt and the Build/Bin64 directory.

Using Visual Studio

Modern Visual Studio (>= VS2019) and Visual Studio Code allow you to directly open the source code directory as a CMake project and build it as usual.

Older versions of Visual Studio require manually generated solution files. Use the same steps as above with the following command:

cmake -G "Visual Studio 10 2010" -A Win32 ../..

Choose the appropriate version of Visual Studio. For 64-bit build replace Win32 with x64.