cdaecke / md_unreadnews

TYPO3 extension to add a unread flag for feUsers to a news record.
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TYPO3 Extension md_unreadnews

This extension adds unread information to the records of ext:news for frontend users. In a list of news records, a frontend user can see, whether or not an article was read by himself. Additional it is possible to show how many unread articles are in a category.

The extension is shipped with typoscript libraries, which can be included at desired places.



Screenshot list


Available constants:


As soon as you have installed and activated the extension, it will hook into the saving process of new news records. Everytime a backend user adds a new record, the unread info for this record and the configured feUsers will be added.

List plugin

The extension ships a plugin, which shows a list of all unread news for a user. In the Plugin Options you can set the link to the detail page. If you do not provide the detail page, the news record will be linked to the page of the first attached category.

Show general unread counter

This counter will show the number of unread items for a user. To show this information use the following code in your fluid template:

<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.mdAllUnreadCount" />

Show unread info in list view

Use the following code in the fluid template of the news extension to show, whether the current logged in feUser has read a news or not.

<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.mdIsUnread" data="{newsUid:'{newsItem.uid}'}" />

Example: Copy ext:news/Ressources/Private/Partials/List/Item.html into your extension and modify the following:

<!-- header -->
<div class="header">
        <n:link newsItem="{newsItem}" settings="{settings}" title="{newsItem.title}">
            <span itemprop="headline">{newsItem.title}</span>
            <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.mdIsUnread" data="{newsUid:'{newsItem.uid}'}" />

Show unread info for categories

With the following code snippet you can show the number of unread news according to categories:

<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.mdCategoryCount" data="{categoryUid:'{category.item.uid}'}" />

Example: Copy ext:news/Ressources/Private/Templates/Category/List.html into your extension and modify the following:

< title="{category.item.title}" pageUid="{settings.listPid}" additionalParams="{tx_news_pi1:{overwriteDemand:{categories: category.item.uid}}}">
    <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.mdCategoryCount" data="{categoryUid:'{category.item.uid}'}" />

Remove unread info

Remove the unread info as soon, as the user has read the news article. Therefore add the following code on the news detail page:

<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.mdRemoveUnread" data="{newsUid:'{newsItem.uid}'}" />

Example: Copy ext:news/Ressources/Private/Templates/News/Detail.html into your extension and add the following code at the end of the template:

<f:if condition="{newsItem}">
        <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.mdRemoveUnread" data="{newsUid:'{newsItem.uid}'}" />

Cleanup task

This extension ships a scheduler task, which allows you to remove unread information, which is older than a certain period of days. Activate this job, by following these steps:

Bugs and Known Issues

If you find a bug, it would be nice if you add an issue on Github.


Thanks a lot to all who make this outstanding TYPO3 project possible!


Extension icon was copied from ext:news and then modified.