cdaringe / markdown_player

Executable markdown files. Documentation & demonstrations, all in one!
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demo deno documentation markdown


▶️ Executable markdown files.

Write markdown documentation, run markdown documentation!


Install the CLI:

deno install --unstable -f -A -n markdown_player ""

Install the deno library:

import * as markdownPlayer from "";

How it works


This is a living document. Let's observe markdown_player in action!

import { getEmojiByName } from "";
const fileType = "markdown";
const description = `Runs code fences in a ${fileType} file`;
console.log(`${description} ${await getEmojiByName("pizza")}`);
Runs code fences in a markdown file 🍕

The above output was auto written to this document by using the --appendOutput flag!



Code fences can be configured via single line yaml in the meta section. Consider the following markdown meta:

```bash {file: {name:}}

Now, apply it to a real code block (warning, the meta is hidden by real codeblocks, unless you look at the markdown source):

# creates a file called "", as specified in the meta
echo "hello $USER!"
hello cdaringe!

...and that file gets run!

meta-option type description
skipRun boolean? Do not execute this code block
group string? Run any same named group code blocks in the same file
cmd string? Executable to run
args string[]? Args to pass to the executable. Use the string "$ARG" to get the contents of the code fence
file object? Flush the code block to a file then execute it. This is the default operation mode. string? Name the file. Otherwise, a random filename is generated
file.autoRemove boolean? Set to false to keep the file. Otherwise, it is deleted by default
isExecutionOutput boolean? Signify that this block is for capturing stdio from the above code block. Generally considered a private API
skipOutput boolean? Run the block, but skip writing output if appendOutput mode is also requested

You can verify your compact YAML syntax using


Meta blocks

The following block has meta: ```js {cmd: node, args: ["--eval", $ARG]}

// no file is written

The following block has meta: ```js {file: {name: 456-demo.js, autoRemove: true}, cmd: node, args: [456-demo.js]}


Share execution context

Sharing variables can be achieved by adding a {group: name} to the codeblock meta. All items in a group eventually get run from a single file, where all blocks are combined into a single file.

Math is important. Learn math! Consider this function:

const square = (x: number) => x * x;

What if we passed a two?

const twoSquared = square(2);

What about the square of a square?


Run a code block, but skip output

use the skipOutput meta flag: ```ts {skipOutput: true}

// print out an enormous string!


Error: Exec format error (os error 8)

Did you try to execute a file that was not a binary, or had no #!/usr/env/bin LANG block?