cdcharlebois / mx-har-analyzer

a node tool to analyze mendix har files
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A tool to analyze the xas network traffic from a mendix app.

use cases

Use this tool when you have a page that loads slowly and/or seems to trigger too many xas requests. This tool will help identify the sources of the xas requests on your page.


  1. clone this repository
  2. run npm install in the repository root
  3. run the command you want


All commands generate output in a file called out.json in the repository root.

analyze: given a .har file, analyze the traffic and determine the sources of each call. For this to run, you must provide the path to the .har file in the command line invocation:

npm run analyze <path/to/har/file>

tree: view the structure of the data elements on a page from the model, along with the data source for each. For this to run, you must create a .env file in the repository root with the following variables:

npm run tree

start: run both analyze and tree and generate combined output. For this to run, you must provide all the inputs to both commands.

npm run start <path/to/har/file>


At a high level, this is what we're looking for:

a refresh_class that causes a bunch of other retrieves
- a refresh_class followed by one/more retrieves where the CurrentObject's guid matches the class
- match the first N digits of the guid?

map queryId to xpath or other retrieve (type?)