cdd1969 / pygwa

Ground Water Analyzer tool for Hydrographs. flowchart, python, pyqtgraph, pyqt
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Open cdd1969 opened 8 years ago

cdd1969 commented 8 years ago


1) Node: interpolateDf when loading Flowchart, the State is not fully restore. Children are not added. Probably this is comming from method process where all columns are deleted at first

2) (DONE) Node: plotTimeseries When dataIn is changed, it is onl updated on the upper subplot. To update it at the bottom, you need to reconnect the input terminal

3) (DISMISSED) Node: plotTimeseries PlotTimeseries currently works only with curves in which X-axes has been built with datetime objects

    I have decided that this should be the only possible behaviour

4) (DONE) Node: plotTimeseries PlotTimeseries does not update te colors of the points when a color of a curve is changed after it has been added the canvas

5) (DISMISSED) Node: readCSV Supports only certain datetime formats. For example, it will fail loading 24:00:00 (only 23:59:59 is accepted). To treat those annoying 24:00:00 you may use script _/utils/

dismissed comment: it is too much work to do that. let the user take care of that problem himself

6) General, Flowchart The changes in the Node-parameters doesnt provoke the unsavedChanges status. Currently it it toggled only when : a) node is added b) node is removed c) node is renamed

UPD 15.02:
    Partly fixed, but now some unwanted signals `sigUIChanged` are emitted when data is processed

7) Function, Statistical Analysis Sometimes bugs appear when NaNs are passed. Check that out

8) (DONE) Node: viewPandasDf When clicking on columns (for selecting/deselecting them) - qtableview closes

9) (DONE) Node: detectPeaks_ts peak detection does not work as expected with keyword order i.e. a = [5, 4, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4 , 5] it detects two minimum peaks at 1 and 1

Check this code....
    import scipy.signal as sg
    import numpy as np
    a = [1.87, 1.97, 2.07, 2.17, 2.25, 2.35, 2.42, 2.47, 2.51, 2.53, 2.52, 2.53, 2.48]
    a = np.array(a)
    print sg.argrelextrema(a, np.greater_equal, order=10)
    # >>> (array([ 9, 11]),)
    # So that is our problem! We want only one peak!

This problem has been fixed by introducing `order` parameter in <remove_region()>
function in module lib.functions.detectpeaks

10) (DONE) Node: plotGWLvsWL Something is wrong with trendlines... Not working, sometimes KeyError, sometimes everythin's ok

11) (DONE) Node: timeseriesPlot/makeTimeseriesCurve When timeseriesPlot node is connected to makeTimeseriesCurve, and the legend is on whenever the column is changed in makeTimeseriesCurve it is not updated in legend...

12) GENERAL fix the warning below. Mostly in process() method of my custom nodes:

```Warning: use of node.terminalName is deprecated; use node['terminalName'] instead.```

13) LIBRARY After reloading the node library it becomes impossible to add new nodes to the flowchart if nodes of the same type have not already been added to the fc

14) NODE Nodes: +, -, /, * When the limits are changed, value is updated but it is not visialized in combobox! Old value stays there...