cdd1969 / pygwa

Ground Water Analyzer tool for Hydrographs. flowchart, python, pyqtgraph, pyqt
GNU General Public License v2.0
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PyGWA is a tool for analysis of the groundwater hydrograph data with a GUI based on PyQtGraph and PyQt5.

The work-flow concept is the "flowchart", meaning that the typical usage will include splitting the whole job into small parts and solving them step-by-step using small subprograms -- so-called "Nodes" (gui-wrapped processing scripts). For example the task "determine the mean hydraulic gradient in tidal-influenced aquifer" may have following solution algorithm: Read well data > Interpolate missing data > Check data plausibility > Filter out tidal influence > Calculate mean hydraulic gradient > Visualize result > Export result. The idea behind PyGWA is to provide the library of scripts for solving this kind of small tasks as well as to give user the possibility to extend the library by adding his own "Nodes".


Find all information on Wiki Installation page.


Check out the project's wiki.


Copyright 2016, Nikolai Chernikov (, Hamburg University of Technology
