cdebotton / react-universal

React, redux, react-router, graphql, postgres, koa, universal starter-kit
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A react starter kit that handles universal rendering as well as a bunch of another neat things. This is sort of a living spec for how I build web applications.

Already implemented

  1. babel, because ES2015+ all the things.
  2. react, clearly.
  3. react-router for routing on the client and server.
  4. redux, react-redux, redux-devtools, and redux-thunk for state management.
  5. koa for the client server.
  6. express for the graphql and dev server.
  7. graphql, graphql-relay for building a backend.
  8. flow type checking. I use atom with nuclide, but you can run flow by typing flow int he root of the repository.
  9. eslint with the airbnb config plus some slight tweaks, like with flow, I'm linting using atom & nuclide, but you can simply run eslint (./node_modules/.bin/eslint) at the root of the repository

Not yet implemented

  1. react-relay, though the tools are included to get started with Relay, including the graphql backend, I've decided to not include the start of a Relay based front end until server-side rendering hooks are exposed [facebook/relay#136].

  2. A database, still deciding whether to push forward with Neo4j or use Sequelize + Postgres.

  3. Testing, I plan on adding karma, mocha, sinon, and chai.

Where'd the terminal ui go?

It felt pretty garish, and was very heavy, so I opted to remove it for a cleaner output.
