cdhigh / KindleEar

Aggregates RSS and web content(Calibre recipe), sends to Kindle, and includes an e-ink optimized online reader.
MIT License
2.71k stars 631 forks source link

立刻推送时Internal server error #654

Closed gukejing closed 2 years ago

gukejing commented 2 years ago

[把issue里面的内容都扫过一遍,也尝试重新部署或者按照readme一步步部署,都在立即推送的时候出现错误。日志如下。 downloaded-logs-20211023-161516.csv

gukejing commented 2 years ago


Client Error

The request is invalid for an unspecified reason.

cdhigh commented 2 years ago


Readme里面有命令 gcloud datastore indexes create index.yaml gcloud app deploy --version=1 app.yaml queue.yaml gcloud app deploy --version=1 app.yaml cron.yaml gcloud app deploy --version=1 app.yaml dispatch.yaml

gukejing commented 2 years ago

尝试重新部署,自动代码输入后,得到如下错误 `User [] does not have permission to access projects instance [ID] (or it may not exist): Cloud Scheduler API has not been used in project 648807393240 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.

gukejing commented 2 years ago

要启用Cloud Tasks API和Cloud Scheduler API两个服务,后者有提示要收费,不知道会不会被收费?

cdhigh commented 2 years ago
