cdhigh / KindleEar

Aggregates RSS and web content(Calibre recipe), sends to Kindle, and includes an e-ink optimized online reader.
MIT License
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Project documentation

Demo site1
Demo site2
Note: These demo sites are free services hosted on Koyeb/Render. It may take around 50 seconds for the Render demo site to start up the first time you open it. The login username and password are admin/admin. All data will be automatically cleared after a period of inactivity, so feel free to perform any operations. You can use it to test ebook pushing.


June 1, 2024 Release of KindleEar 3.1, includes an online reader optimized for e-ink (Docker only).

Significant Updates:


KindleEar is a web application which can be deployed on various Python-hosting platforms or VPS.
It automatically aggregates various web content into epub/mobi/mp3 and delivers it to your Kindle or other e-book readers daily.
Support online reading too, including an online reader specifically optimized for e-ink screens.

The features included:



KindleEar is Licensed under the MIT license.


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