cdhigh / KindleEar

Aggregates RSS and web content(Calibre recipe), sends to Kindle, and includes an e-ink optimized online reader.
MIT License
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使用sendgrid时出现403错误 #689

Closed wavierwister closed 3 months ago

wavierwister commented 3 months ago


程序在使用GAE推送时正常,不过,在使用Sendgrid时,出现403 forbidden错误,可否帮忙看看是什么问题?以下是log:

{ insertId: "6654c5a20000a7044ba8defe" labels: {1} logName: "projects/febdaily/logs/stdout" receiveTimestamp: "2024-05-27T17:40:50.353594269Z" resource: {2} textPayload: "[] Failed to send mail "纽约时报双语版": HTTP Error 403: Forbidden" timestamp: "2024-05-27T17:40:50.042756Z"


cdhigh commented 3 months ago

一般是因为sendgrid的api key权限不够,或在后台注册的sender和发送邮件使用的sender不一致 登录sendgrid确认api key 权限或确认sender地址。