cdklabs / cdk-ecs-codedeploy

Apache License 2.0
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CDK ECS CodeDeploy

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This project contains CDK constructs to create CodeDeploy ECS deployments.


TypeScript ```bash yarn add @cdklabs/cdk-ecs-codedeploy ```
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CodeDeploy for ECS can manage the deployment of new task definitions to ECS services. Only 1 deployment construct can be defined for a given EcsDeploymentGroup.

declare const deploymentGroup: codeDeploy.IEcsDeploymentGroup;
declare const taskDefinition: ecs.ITaskDefinition;

new EcsDeployment({
  targetService: {
    containerName: 'mycontainer',
    containerPort: 80,

The deployment will use the AutoRollbackConfig for the EcsDeploymentGroup unless it is overridden in the deployment:

declare const deploymentGroup: codeDeploy.IEcsDeploymentGroup;
declare const taskDefinition: ecs.ITaskDefinition;

new EcsDeployment({
  targetService: { 
    containerName: 'mycontainer',
    containerPort: 80,
  autoRollback: {
    failedDeployment: true,
    deploymentInAlarm: true,
    stoppedDeployment: false,

By default, the deployment will timeout after 30 minutes. The timeout value can be overridden:

declare const deploymentGroup: codeDeploy.IEcsDeploymentGroup;
declare const taskDefinition: ecs.ITaskDefinition;

new EcsDeployment({
  targetService: {
    containerName: 'mycontainer',
    containerPort: 80,
  timeout: Duration.minutes(60),

API Canaries

CodeDeploy can leverage Cloudwatch Alarms to trigger automatic rollbacks. The ApiCanary construct simplifies the process for creating CloudWatch Synthetics Canaries to monitor APIs. The following code demonstrates a canary that monitors and checks the JSON response to assert that safe_title has the value of 'The Cloud'.

const canary = new ApiCanary(stack, 'Canary', {
  baseUrl: '',
  durationAlarmThreshold: Duration.seconds(5),
  threadCount: 5,
  steps: [
      name: 'info',
      path: '/908/info.0.json',
      jmesPath: 'safe_title',
      expectedValue: 'The Cloud',

Application Load Balanced CodeDeployed Fargate Service

An L3 construct named ApplicationLoadBalancedCodeDeployedFargateService extends ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService and adds support for deploying new versions of the service with AWS CodeDeploy. Additionally, an Amazon CloudWatch Synthetic canary is created via the ApiCanary construct and is monitored by the CodeDeploy deployment to trigger rollback if the canary begins to alarm.

declare const cluster: ecs.ICluster;
declare const image: ecs.ContainerImage;
const service = new ApplicationLoadBalancedCodeDeployedFargateService(stack, 'Service', {
  taskImageOptions: {
  apiTestSteps: [{
    name: 'health',
    path: '/health',
    jmesPath: 'status',
    expectedValue: 'ok',

Local Development

yarn install
yarn build
yarn test

To run an integration test and update the snapshot, run:

yarn integ:ecs-deployment:deploy

To recreate snapshots for integration tests, run:

yarn integ:snapshot-all


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.