cdli-gh / mtaac_syntax_corpus

Dependency syntax for Sumerian
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MTAAC Corpus of Syntactically Annotated Sumerian

Dependency syntax for Sumerian, Ur III corpus.

Our syntax annotations come in CDLI-CoNLL, a tabular (TSV) format with specifications similar to CoNLL-U, but different column structure and a domain-specific annotation scheme.



sample (P430477): Ibi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four quarters; Shulgili, the scribe, [is] your slave.

1   {d}i-bi2-{d}suen {d}i-bi2-{d}suen[1]   RN  RN                        0       root    _
2   lugal            lugal[king]           N   N                         1       appos   _
3   kal-ga           kalag[strong]         V   NF.V.PT                   2       amod    _
4   lugal            lugal[king]           N   N                         1       appos   _
5   uri5{ki}-ma      urim5{ki}[1]          SN  SN.GEN                    4       GEN     _
6   lugal            lugal[king]           N   N                         1       appos   _
7   an                _                    N   N                         8       mwe     _
8   ub-da             an-ub-da[quarter]    N   N                         6       GEN     _
9   limmu2-ba         limmu2[four]         NU  NF.V.3-SG-NH-POSS.GEN.ABS 8       nummod  _
10  {d}szul-gi-i3-li2 {d}szul-gi-i3-li2[6] PN  PN                        12      ABS     _
11  dub-sar           dub-sar[scribe]      N   N.ABS                     10      appos   _
12  ARAD2-zu          arad2[slave]         N   N.2-SG-POSS.ABS           1       acl     _

Note that Sumerian phrasal structure is to a large extend encoded in the morphology, and there such information is available, the syntactic analysis respects the existing morphological annotation. Here, Shulgili is annotated (on its dependent, dub-sar) with absolutive case, indicating that it is a clausal argument of a following predicate. Without any verbal predicate in the clause, we must assume that the final word ARAD2-zu is the predicate of an (implicit) copular clause. As it is also annotated with absolutive case, this indicates that it is an adnominal modifier (hence acl) of a preceding noun.

However, as absolutive case is marked by a zero morpheme, the copula is implicit (morphologically unmarked) and the writing of case marking is deficient in the Sumerian Ur-III data, alternative analyses of the same textual input are possible, e.g., the analysis of Ibi-Suen as vocative argument of the copular clause. However, for this analysis, we would expect the first word to be annotated as RN.ABS and the last word as N.2-SG-POSS.


Note that our materials and data for syntax annotation as still being consolidated. In particular, this includes the results of the commodity parser and from annotation projection.

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