cdlm / homebrew-custom

Micellaneous Homebrew recipes
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Miscellaneous Homebrew recipes

These homebrew recipes provide some additional software I'm interested in and need to hack on without relying on the merge process at the main repo.

How do I install these formulae?

Just brew tap cdlm/custom and then brew install <formula>.

If the formula conflicts with one from mxcl/master or another tap, you can brew install cdlm/custom/<formula>.

You can also install via URL:

brew install<formula>.rb

What's in here?

MSP430 tools ⚠️ OBSOLETE ⚠️

Development tools for the Texas Instruments MSP430 platform, and especially for the eZ430-Chronos watch (apparently it's also used in sensor networks). I copied these formulas from reid's fork and adapted them a bit, since they were 2 years old.
