ceceppa / anima

Godot: run sequential and parallel animations with less code
MIT License
695 stars 22 forks source link

not working for .gde files #29

Open engimaxp opened 2 years ago

engimaxp commented 2 years ago


The first if statement is always true: file.find('.gd.') < 0

The second if statement is also match for both .gd file and .gdc file ,which makes it's quite confusion

and I guess its not working for gde file, I use a low version of anima , and it report cant find any animation

in replacement:

        for file in list:
            if file.ends_with('.gdc'):
                filtered.push_back(file.replace('.gdc', '.gd'))
            elif file.ends_with('.gde'):
                filtered.push_back(file.replace('.gde', '.gd'))
            elif file.ends_with('.gd'):
        _animations_list = filtered

BTW, Anima is a great plugin ! Thanks a lot !