cedricyeeky / orbital_NUShopLah-

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Team NUShopLah!


Team Members

Scope of Project:


Problem Motivation

To allow NUS Students/Staff enjoy the exclusive benefits of a loyalty programme app specifically tailored for NUS Students/Staff when they patronize retail shops/dining places within the NUS Premises.

Currently, there is no unified loyalty programme present on campus and payments mainly are through bank apps with no added benefits/returns. In light of the present economic outlook where many people value rewards programmes, we hope to provide a special, unified platform on campus to reward users for their spending our campus, where they spend a large portion of time everyday.


We want to create a seamless app with an intuitive user-interface for loyalty programme within NUS premises to benefit both NUS student and staff as well as retail shops/dining outlets on campus.

From the consumers’ perspective, they could use the app to earn points to exchange for rewards from participating brands located within NUS premises. This rewards them for their everyday spending on campus, besides merely paying the merchants. This app lets them view their spending habits too.

From the retailers’ perspective, they could use the opportunity of this loyalty scheme to promote their business, through the provision of cashback vouchers, as well as hosting seasonal “upsized points” promotions to boost sales (Increased rate of point accumulation).

User Stories

  1. As a NUS student/staff, I would be able to gain points with every dollar that I spend at all retails within NUS premises and exchange for vouchers / rewards. These vouchers / rewards would save me some money in the long-run.

  2. As a NUS Student/Staff, I would want track my expenditure and spending habits in NUS. (This is especially the case for those with tight financial budgets such as Exchange Students)

  3. As a retailer of NUS, I can expect more students/staff to patronize my store as I offer vouchers in the loyalty app as well as introduce seasonal promotions in terms of “upsized points”. (Retailers may also include merchandise shops set up buy NUS clubs/societies)

Completed Features

For our Loyalty Programme App, we have chosen to categorise our users into 2 main user types: Customer and Seller, and there is interactions between the 2 user types.

There are 3 main types of Transaction taking place in our app: Points Transaction, Dollar Voucher Transaction (NO points awarded), Percentage Voucher Transaction (NO points awarded).

Key features:

(Common Features)

  1. Login and Register Screens, secured using Email and Password :white_check_mark:
  2. Forget Password function on Login Screen (sent through email link) :white_check_mark:
  3. Email Verification (sent through email link) upon account registration :white_check_mark:


  1. Home Screen

    • Voucher Catalogue (featuring colour-coded voucher cards with horizontal scrollview) :white_check_mark:
    • Current Point Balance :white_check_mark:
    • Logout button :white_check_mark:
  2. Activity Screen

    • Transaction containers (Flatlist style) colour-coded according to the type of Transaction (Points Transaction, Dollar Voucher Transaction, Percentage Voucher Transaction) :white_check_mark:
    • Total Amount Spent :white_check_mark:
  3. Personal ID Screen

    • Personal QR Code to engage with Sellers for Points Transaction :white_check_mark:
    • Current Point Balance :white_check_mark:
  4. Account Screen

    • Loyalty Tier Card :white_check_mark:
    • Loyalty Tier Benefits (According to Loyalty Tier) :white_check_mark:
    • Change Password button :white_check_mark:


  1. Home Screen

    • Dollar Voucher and Percentage Voucher Creation Card (toggled using customed radio button) :white_check_mark:
    • Choose Image from Device Gallery (using expo-image-picker) :white_check_mark:
    • Store and render chosen image in Firebase storage and Firestore :white_check_mark:
    • Scan QR FAB (designed using React Native Paper) :white_check_mark:
  2. Activity Screen

    • Transaction containers (Flatlist style) colour-coded according to the type of Transaction (Points Transaction, Dollar Voucher Transaction, Percentage Voucher Transaction) :white_check_mark:
    • Total Revenue Earned :white_check_mark:
  3. Scanner Screen

    • Integrated QR scanner using expo-camera :white_check_mark:
    • Camera Permissions rendering using expo-camera permissions methods :white_check_mark:
    • Whole-screen modal post-successful scan rendered :white_check_mark:
  4. Account Screen

    • Voucher Card creation history (colour-coded and rendered with Voucher Images chosen; Flatlist style) :white_check_mark:
    • Deletion of Voucher from Firestore :white_check_mark:
    • Change Password button :white_check_mark:

App Setup (Android APK)

You may download our app (Android APK format) should you own an Android device using the following link: https://expo.dev/accounts/cedricyeeky/projects/nushoplah-app/builds/3cb14ea2-1332-4772-9e43-6fb55fb26727

App Setup (Expo Go Tunnel)

Ensure you have Node.js, npm, git and gitbash installed.

Clone this repository

On gitbash, navigate to the folder you would like to place the cloned repository in.

After doing so, run the command:

git clone https://github.com/cedricyeeky/orbital_NUShopLah-.git

Install dependencies

Open up the project in VScode or any preferred code editor.

In the terminal, run:

npm install

This should install all the node.js dependencies required for the project.

Also ensure you install the react-native-dot-env package using the command:

npm i react-native-dotenv

This package is required to run the .env file which contains the API keys to access and use our firebase database. Please contact either Freddy or Cedric for the .env file.

After installing the react-native-dot-env package, place the .env file in the root directory of the project folder.

Download the Expo Go app on IOS / Android

In the terminal, input the command:

npx expo start --tunnel

(NOTE: Please only start the tunnel after you have put in the .env file in the root directory; else it will render invalid API keys due to the file not being read yet)

Scan the QR code on your phone camera app and wait for the project to build. You may start using and testing our app after that!

Tech Stack

Database Usage

We have successfully integrated Google firebase to to store and mange user data for authentication (email and password login).

We have managed to utilise Firebase to send authentication emails to new users to verify their email address, and users can also have the ability to change and forget their password.

Besides Firebase user authentication, we have utilised 2 other main Firebase features for our project: Firebase Firestore as well as Firebase storage function.

Firebase Firestore was used to create and store different collections of user data for the different components of our app (eg. Transactions collection, Vouchers collection).

Firebase storage function on the other hand was used to handle the storage of photo images for voucher cards created by Seller accounts.