Hexapon AI is a game similar to Hexapawn but I've included an AI program that becomes smarter the longer you play and learns faster the better player is. It is played on a 3x3 board, 3 white pawn pieces for the player and 3 black piece for the black player.
The player or white pawn always starts first so the AI always plays every even turn. Pawns may advance straight foward one tile to an an empty space. A pawn may capture an opponent pawn by moving one tile dagonally left or right, but the tile must be occupid by the opponent
Advancing a pawn to the opponents side Capturing all the opponenets pieces Achieving a position in which the opponent cannot move.
The AI has 24 algorithms, and each algorithm has a number of AI-moves it will random choose from.(lets call them beeds that represents a move) If the AI loses a round, it will remove one beed from the last algorithm
Run on Unity coded with c#. Available for Android Test Cases to test if everything works link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alki.HexaponAi link http://www.mediafire.com/file/b9gdt46v66bbjji/hexapon-ai.apk/file and here are the Test Cases https://github.com/ceeleemee/Hexapon-AI/tree/master/Test%20Cases
The Game That Learns by vsauce2 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw7UAZNgGg8] article [http://cs.williams.edu/~freund/cs136-073/GardnerHexapawn.pdf]