itor)CEED C++ is a GPL3-licensed, cross-platform, C++ port of the (now unmaintained) python CEED. It provides a multi-tab CEGUI layout designer and imageset editor.
Collaborators are highly welcome.
Windows: build CEGUI and either place it into /3rdParty/CEGUI/[bin, lib, include, dependencies] or fix your local .pro file to point to the build. If you have your cegui and ceed-cpp repo folders side by side, use /3rdParty/CEGUI/update_cegui_win_sdk.cmd. Prebuilt 32-bit CEGUI for Windows is included into the GitHub release.
Open the Editor.pro with Qt Creator
Use your favorite shell to go into the ceed-cpp directory, and run:
qmake -tp vc
You can then build it using the generated Visual Studio project files. QT 5.12 seems to only support x64 with MSVC 2015. With MSVC 2017 the x86 and x64 target is supported