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Add-on submissions #11

Closed levinli303 closed 2 years ago

levinli303 commented 2 years ago

Submit your add-ons in this issue, thanks for your contribution! Submission template:

**Description:** (a short description to be shown on the addon download window)
**Proposed category:** (pick one of the existing categories (https://celestia.mobi/resources/), or suggest a new one)
**Demo Object Name:** (optional, the name of the main object used for Go to command)
**Release date:** (The date this add-on is released. If left empty, will be the date the add-on is uploaded here)
**Link to download:** (Please use zip to package the add-on, it should contain a file called description.json)
**Image:** (optional, no UI control element, HUD display, label. Avoid using "tall" pictures (height > width))
**Thumbnail:** (optional, by default will be the downscaled version of Image if present, so unless you want something different to show as a thumbnail, leave it empty)
**Additional metadata:** (optional, this can be anything that web supports. Link, image, audio, video, text, attributed text, cel URL, cel/celx scripts, embedded stuff (for example a YouTube video)...)

For updates to existing add-ons, please attach the id to the add-on and only include updated fields from the template. For removal of add-ons, please attach the id too.

The id is part of the link to the add-on: For example, this addon below has an id of A4577B17-4C60-0C1E-CAB5-92A604FF0EC3 https://celestia.mobi/resources/item?item=A4577B17-4C60-0C1E-CAB5-92A604FF0EC3

Check before uploading an add-on

Your add-on will be running on Android/iOS/macOS/Windows, to enable maximum compatibility, please ensure that

  1. files names referenced in models, ssc, dsc files, etc are exactly the same as the actual file names (some file systems are case sensitive. For example if in your .ssc there is Mesh "Progress.cmod", then the file name should be exactly Progress.cmod not progress.cmod).
  2. Textures should have width/height of power of 2 (for example: 1024 512, a texture of 1000 500 will not work on many mobile devices).
  3. If your add-on requires specific Celestia versions, please mention in the description. Please also ensure that your add-on should not crash running on other versions.
  4. If you are updating an existing add-on, note that existing users will not see an update button, so it might be a good idea to include version history in the description.
  5. Please try to use smaller files for image/thumbnail/other metadata. For example, use JPG if alpha value is not needed.


Title: Kepler-1649 Description: The Kepler-1649 planetary system, which is a red dwarf star orbited by a Venus-analogue and an Earth-analogue. Alternate surfaces for planet c are included. Proposed category: Exoplanets Demo Object Name: Kepler-1649/c Author(s): SevenSpheres Release date: 2020-07-16 Link to download: Kepler-1649.zip Image: kepler1649planets

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: 2020 SO Description: 2020 SO is a near-Earth object that was discovered on September 17, 2020. Previously thought to be an asteroid, but later found to be the booster rocket stage of the Surveyor 2 space probe launched to the Moon in September 1966. The stage was captured and entered Earth orbit, and made an approach to just 50,000 km away from Earth on December 1, 2020. The object left Earth orbit in March 2021. It is currently orbiting the Sun. Proposed Category: Spacecraft (1951 - 2000) Demo Object Name: 2020 SO Author(s): Art Blos Release date: N/A Link to download: 2020so.zip Image: 20220306_102607

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

@levinli303 What do you think about creating a category called "Space debris", because like the addon I posted here, in this case the 2020 OS is a space debris. What's more, there are a few more space debris addons I'd like to put here soon, and I wouldn't consider them "spacecrafts".

levinli303 commented 2 years ago

I'll leave it to @DaveBowman2001 to decide. and if we are to create a new category, we'll need a new for the category.

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Please don't add the Space Shuttles, Soviet Space Program, and Project Apollo yet to mobi...there are many features there that aren't suitable for mobile use yet. Also, spent rocket stages aren't that as interesting as the spacecrafts themselves, but if you want to add a category for space debris, go for it

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

@DaveBowman2001 I think you're right about Space Shuttles. We will add them more in the future. I think it's interesting to also include space debris, but in a separate category from spacecrafts.

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: HD 141569 Description: HD 141569 is a young A-type pre-main sequence star about 362.64 light-years away in the constellation Libra. In 1999, a protoplanetary disk was discovered around the star with a prominent gap between the inner and outer portions of it, leading to speculations that a possible planet was forming in it, though none was found orbiting the star Proposed category: Stars Demo Object Name: HD 141569 Author(s): Cham Release date: 2009-Aug-28 Link to download: HD 141569.zip Image: Untitled

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: WASP-12 Description: WASP-12 Ab is a hot Jupiter discovered in 2008 orbiting the star WASP-12 A, 1410 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Auriga. Due to its close proximity to its parent star, WASP-12 Ab is estimated to have an oval shape due to the star's tidal forces. Proposed Category: Exoplanets (Early Years, 1988 - 2008) Demo Object Name: WASP-12 Ab Author(s): SevenSpheres Release date: 2019-10-11 Link to download: wasp-12.zip Image: 20220306_121415

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: Vega Description: Vega is a young A-type main-sequence star about 25 light-years away in the constellation Lyra. It is the fifth brightest star in the naked eye. In 1983, infrared analysis of the star determined that it contains a protoplanetary disk, one of the first stars detected to contain such structures, however it wasn't confirmed to exist until 2005. In addition, a planet was detected orbiting the star in 2021, but its existence is yet to be confirmed by follow-up studies Proposed category: Stars Demo Object Name: Vega Author(s): Cham Release date: 2009-Sept-17 Link to download: Vega.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Proposal to move HD 163296 (096A0433-642B-64E4-7C2C-4B8B2A32B5FD) into Stars category since no exoplanet was detected on this system yet

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: HD 106906 Description: HD 106906 is a binary star system of two F-type main-sequence stars about 337 light-years away in the constellation Crux. A massive debris disk about 65-550 AU wide surrounds the pair of stars, in addition to a very distant planetary-mass companion (nicknamed "Gallifrey") currently about 900 AU from both stars, completing an orbit once every 3,000 years Proposed category: Exoplanets (Kepler Era, 2009 ~ 2017) Demo Object Name: HD 106906 Author(s): Vision, Cham, Shas-El Release date: 2016-Apr-22 Link to download: HD 106906.zip Image: Untitled

SevenSpheres commented 2 years ago

March 2022 unconfirmed exoplanets update.

Release date: 2022-03-06 Link to download: extrasolar_unconfirmed.zip

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: TrES-2 TrES-2 Ab is an exoplanet orbiting the star TRES-2 A located 750 light years away from the Earth. The planet has been identified in 2011 as the darkest known exoplanet, reflecting less than 1% of any light that hits it. This system was within the field of view of the Kepler space telescope. TrES-2 Ab is a hot Jupiter that orbits very close to its parent star. Proposed Category: Exoplanets (Kepler Era, 2009 - 2017) Demo Object Name: TrES-Ab Author(s): Edasich, SpaceExplorer Release date: 2022-03-06 Link to download: tres-2.zip Image: 20220306_175657

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Author correction for the "Messier 87 Central Black Hole" (83E69BB1-431A-71DE-AD08-3232A52814FA) addon

Author(s): Vision

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Update and Proposal to rename "Vostok 1" (F6E31C15-D5A5-D203-F272-9688AFE4C300) into "Vostok 1 to 6". Added the unmanned Korabl-Sputnik test flights and follow-up crewed missions Vostok 2 to 6

Title: Vostok 1 to 6 Description: The Vostok program was a Soviet human spaceflight project to put the first Soviet citizens into low Earth orbit and return them safely, directly competing with NASA's Project Mercury. It flew five unmanned test flights in 1960 under the codename Korabl-Sputnik, before culminating in the flight of Yuri Gagarin, the first human in space, in 1961-Apr-12. Five other Vostok missions were launched until 1963, when it was succeeded by the Voskhod and later Soyuz programmes

(NOTE: The model is a little heavy and therefore may cause some minor crashes)

Demo Object Name: N/A Release date: 2014-Apr-10 Link to download: Vostok.zip Additional metadata: Untitled Timeline of unmanned Vostok flights, also known as Korabl-Sputnik

Untitled Timeline of crewed Vostok flights

Untitled Vostok 1 during integration before launch, 1961

Untitled Launch of Vostok 1, 1961-Apr-12

Untitled Earth as viewed by Gherman Titov aboard Vostok 2, 1961-Aug-6

Untitled The first cosmonauts of the USSR that flew during the Vostok programme

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Proposal to rename "Surveyor" (87F11016-16D9-0411-9149-6EA69F8CDF88) into "Surveyor 1 to 7"

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Update to "NEAR-Shoemaker" (9339D48D-CF0F-3FF4-7658-5EA1E418743C). Removed 253 Mathilde and turned it into a separate addon

Description: Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous – Shoemaker (NEAR Shoemaker), renamed after its 1996 launch in honor of planetary scientist Eugene Shoemaker, was a NASA space probe that studied the near-Earth asteroid Eros from close orbit over a period of a year. It was the first spacecraft to successfully orbit and land on an asteroid.

(NOTE: This modifies the stock version of the asteroid 433 Eros)

Link to download: NEAR-Shoemaker.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: 253 Mathilde Description: 253 Mathilde is a main-belt asteroid about 50 km in diameter. On 1997-Jun-27, the asteroid was visited by the NEAR-Shoemaker probe at a distance of 1,212 km while the spacecraft was en route to asteroid 433 Eros Proposed category: Asteroids & NEOs Demo Object Name: Mathilde Author(s): Askaniy Release date: 2020-Apr-20 Link to download: 253 Mathilde.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: GD 356 Description: GD 356, also known as Gliese 1205, is a white dwarf about 68.8 light-years away in the constellation Draco. In 2010, it was theorized that a highly conductive planetary-mass companion orbits the dead star, however as of 2022, its existence is yet to be confirmed Proposed category: Exoplanets (Unconfirmed) Demo Object Name: GD 356 Author(s): Edasich Release date: 2010-Apr-17 Link to download: GD 356.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: NGC 6440 X-2 Description: NGC 6440 X-2 is a millisecond pulsar about 27,722 light-years away in the constellation Sagittarius. In 2009, a rare super-Jovian planet was found orbiting the dead star. Proposed category: Exoplanets (Kepler Era, 2009 ~ 2017) Demo Object Name: NGC 6440 X-2 Author(s): Edasich Release date: 2012-Apr-6 Link to download: NGC 6440 X-2.zip Image: Untitled

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

@levinli303 You can create the "Space debris" category and when you do, please move 2020 SO to this new category.

levinli303 commented 2 years ago

@levinli303 You can create the "Space debris" category and when you do, please move 2020 SO to this new category.

a category image is needed

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

a category image is needed

Space Debris


SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: PSR B1620-26 Description: PSR B1620-26 b is an exoplanet located 12,400 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Scorpius. The planet is in a binary star system with a white dwarf and a pulsar, within the globular cluster M4. The planet is known unofficially as Methuselah, and is estimated to be the oldest planet ever discovered, at 12.7 billion years old. Proposed Category: Exoplanets (Early Years, 1988 - 2008) Demo Object Name: N/A Author(s): SevenSpheres Release date: 2020-08-15 Link to download: Methuselah.zip Image: 20220307_132727

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Genesis Description: Genesis was a NASA sample-return probe that collected a sample of solar wind particles and returned them to Earth for analysis. It was the first NASA sample-return mission to return material since the Apollo program, and the first to return material from beyond the orbit of the Moon. Genesis was launched on August 8, 2001, and the sample return capsule crash-landed in Utah on September 8, 2004, after a design flaw prevented the deployment of its drogue parachute. The crash contaminated many of the sample collectors. Although most were damaged, some of the collectors were successfully recovered. Proposed Category: Spacecraft (2001 - 2020) Demo Object Name: Genesis Author(s): Jack Higgins Release date: N/A Link to download: genesis.zip Image: 20220306_182932

Additional Metadata: The-Genesis-spacecraft-on-its-side-during-assembly-at-Lockheed-Martin-The-white-return Genesis before launch, 2001

Delta_II_Genesis_Launch Genesis launch in Delta II rocket, August 8, 2001

Genesis-landing-Utah-Sept-8-2004 Genesis sample return capsule damaged after ground impact, September 8, 2004

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Aqua Description: Aqua is a NASA scientific research satellite in orbit around the Earth, studying the precipitation, evaporation, and cycling of water. It is the second major component of the Earth Observing System (EOS) preceded by Terra (launched 1999) and followed by Aura (launched 2004). Aqua is still operating in 2022. Proposed Category: Spacecraft (2001 - 2020) Demo Object Name: Aqua Author(s): toutatis Release date: 2020-08-22 Link to download: Aqua.zip Image: 20220306_182833

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Aura Description: Aura is a multi-national NASA scientific research satellite in orbit around the Earth, studying the Earth's ozone layer, air quality and climate. It is the third major component of the Earth Observing System (EOS) following on Terra (launched 1999) and Aqua (launched 2002). Aura is a joint mission between NASA, the Netherlands, Finland, and the U.K. Aura is still operating in 2022. Proposed Category: Spacecraft (2001 - 2020) Demo Object Name: Aura Author(s): toutatis Release date: 2020-08-22 Link to download: Aura.zip Image: 20220306_182851

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Terra Description: Terra is a multi-national, NASA scientific research satellite in a Sun-synchronous orbit around the Earth that takes simultaneous measurements of Earth’s atmosphere, land, and water to understand how Earth is changing and to identify the consequences for life on Earth. It is the flagship of the Earth Observing System (EOS) and the first satellite of the system which was followed by Aqua (launched in 2002) and Aura (launched in 2004). Terra was launched in 1999. Terra is still operating in 2022. Proposed Category: Spacecraft (1951 - 2000) Demo Object Name: Terra Author(s): toutatis Release date: 2020-08-22 Link to download: Terra.zip Image: 20220306_182908

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Proposal to rename the following black hole addons:

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Update to "Rosetta" (77DCDAB9-5C56-208C-ADAC-56F51AD6512F). Removed 21 Lutetia and 2867 Steins, and made them into two separate addons. Adjusted Philae's z-coordinates so that it touches the edge of the comet's CMOD model

Description: Rosetta was an ESA space probe launched on 2004-Mar-2. Along with Philae, its lander module, Rosetta performed a detailed study of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko until the latter crashed intentionally on the comet's nucleus on 2016-Sept-30. Philae performed the first successful landing of a comet's nucleus on 2014-Nov-12

(NOTE: This addon also includes the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko)

Author(s): DaveBowman2001, FarGetaNik, toutatis Link to download: Rosetta.zip Image: Untitled Additional metadata: 2004-03-02: Launch of Rosetta Probe & Philae Lander - YouTube Rosetta's journey - YouTube The Amazing Adventures of Rosetta and Philae - YouTube Untitled Rosetta undergoing testing at an ESA facility in Netherlands, 2004-Jan-19

Untitled Launch on an Ariane 5 rocket, 2004-Mar-2

Untitled Mars as seen by Rosetta, 2007-Feb-25

Untitled Earth as seen by Rosetta during its second flyby of the planet, 2007-Nov-17

Untitled 2867 Steins, as seen by Rosetta on 2008-Sept-5

Untitled 21 Lutetia, the largest asteroid visited by a spacecraft (until 2011), as seen by Rosetta on 2010-Jul-10

Untitled Philae just two hours after separating from Rosetta, 2014-Nov-12

Untitled Philae's view of "Agilkia" (left) and "Abydos" (right), which are its initial and final landing sites respectively, 2014-Nov-12

Untitled 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as seen by Rosetta in March 2015

800px-Comet_outburst_12_September_2015_ESA19707455 Cometary outburst on 2015-Sept-12

Untitled Philae spotted on "Abydos" by Rosetta on 2016-Sept-2, just 28 days before the spacecraft's mission was terminated

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: 21 Lutetia Description: Lutetia is a large M-type asteroid in the Asteroid Belt about 100 km in diameter. It was visited by Rosetta at a distance of 3,162 km on 2010-Jul-10. which it briefly became the largest asteroid ever visited by a spacecraft until Dawn inserted itself into orbit around Vesta just a year later Proposed category: Asteroids & NEOs Demo Object Name: Lutetia Author(s): John van Vliet, Greg Frieger Release date: 2020-Apr-28 Link to download: 21 Lutetia.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: 2867 Steins Description: Steins is a diamond-shaped E-type asteroid in the Asteroid Belt about 5 km in diameter. It was visited by Rosetta at a distance of 800 km on 2008-Sept-5 Proposed category: Asteroids & NEOs Demo Object Name: Steins Author(s): John van Vliet, Greg Frieger Release date: 2015-Mar-21 Link to download: 2867 Steins.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: 1998 KY26 Description: 1998 KY26 is an X-type near-Earth asteroid that is only 30 m in diameter. A member of the Apollo group, it orbits the Sun once every 500 days, and rotates on its axis once every 10.7 minutes. In September 2020, the asteroid was targeted for future exploration during the extended mission of JAXA's Hayabusa2 probe, which it will encounter on July 2031. As a result of this selection, 1998 KY26 will be the smallest object ever visited by a spacecraft up close

(NOTE: This will replace the stock version of 1998 KY26)

Proposed category: Asteroids & NEOs Demo Object Name: 1998 KY26 Author(s): Jestr Release date: 2004-Aug-4 Link to download: 1998 KY26.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: (98943) 2001 CC21 Description: (98943) 2001 CC21 is an L-type near-Earth asteroid about 740 m in diameter. A member of the Apollo group, it completes one orbit around the Sun every 383 days. Hayabusa2 is scheduled to visit this asteroid on July 2026 Proposed category: Asteroids & NEOs Demo Object Name: 2001 CC21 Author(s): DaveBowman2001, gradius_fanatic Release date: 2021-Nov-15 Link to download: (98943) 2001 CC21.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Update for "Gaia" (637C7269-05CA-CB05-4ADF-8BC5AD5B72A0)

Image: Untitled Additional metadata: VS06 Soyuz Launches ESA Gaia Spacecraft Untitled Gaia undergoing testing at Kourou before launch, October 2013

Untitled Launch on a Soyuz-2.1b/Fregat rocket, 2013-Dec-19

Untitled Map of the Milky Way released as part of Gaia EDR3, 2020-Dec-2

levinli303 commented 2 years ago

@DaveBowman2001 I do not think we should post too many images/videos. Rosetta has 12 pics and 3 videos where a wikipedia link might work better.

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Should've compiled some photos into a single image. Will provide a metadata update for Rosetta later

levinli303 commented 2 years ago

Should've compiled some photos into a single image. Will provide a metadata update for Rosetta later

we can leave it as is now. but for future submissions, id avoid too many images causing bad load time.

SevenSpheres commented 2 years ago

Proposal to rename the following black hole addons: Milky Way Center (B68843F5-4863-DA49-43AD-3376CAA93B85) = Sagittarius A*

No, this addon should not be renamed, since it includes many objects at the center of the Milky Way, not just Sagittarius A*.

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Jupiter (1967) Description: This addon adds a alternative texture of the planet Jupiter seen in 1967 from Earth. Proposed Category: Planets and Moons Demo Object Name: N/A Author(s): MrSpace43 Release date: N/A Link to download: jupiter1967.zip Image: 20220308_191404

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Uranus Infrared Description: This addon adds an alternative texture of the planet Uranus in infrared. Proposed Category: Planets and Moons Demo Object Name: N/A Author(s): Askaniy Release date: N/A Link to download: uranusinfrared.zip Image: 20220308_200916

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Neptune Infrared Description: This addon adds an alternative texture of the planet Neptune in infrared. Proposed Category: Planets and Moons Demo Object Name: N/A Author(s): Askaniy Release date: N/A Link to download: neptuneinfrared.zip Image: 20220308_200803

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: Hayabusa 2 Description: Hayabusa 2 is a JAXA sample-return mission launched to the asteroid 162173 Ryugu on 2014-Dec-3. It arrived on Ryugu in 2018-Dec-31 and collected samples from the asteroid twice in the following year. During its two year stay at Ryugu, it deployed three MINERVA-II "rovers" and the MASCOT hopper, before returning to Earth on 2020-Dec-6. It is now on its extended mission to study two asteroids, 2001 CC21 and 1998 KY26, on two subsequent encounters on 2026 and 2031 respectively

(NOTE: This addon also includes the asteroid 162173 Ryugu)

Proposed category: Spacecraft (2001 ~ 2020) Demo Object Name: Hayabusa 2 Author(s): DaveBowman2001, Askaniy, toutatis Release date: 2021-Nov-15 Link to download: Hayabusa 2.zip Image: Untitled Additional metadata: Hayabusa 2 Launch【H2A Launch】- YouTube Untitled Hayabusa2 before its first integration test, 2012-Dec-27

Untitled Launch on an H-IIA rocket, 2014-Dec-3

Untitled Earth as viewed by Hayabusa 2 during its first (left) and second (right) flyby encounters

Untitled The surface of Ryugu as seen by MASCOT and the two MINERVA-II-1 rovers, 2018

ezgif com-gif-maker (1) Hayabusa2 performing its first sampling touchdown on Ryugu, 2019-Feb-21

Untitled The sample return capsule of Hayabusa 2 being retrieved by JAXA scientists, 2020-Dec-6

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Jupiter Infrared Description: This addon adds an alternative texture of the planet Jupiter in infrared. Proposed Category: Planets and Moons Demo Object Name: N/A Author(s): Askaniy Release date: N/A Link to download: jupiterinfrared.zip Image: 20220309_062928

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Jupiter Ultraviolet Description: This addon adds an alternative texture of the planet Jupiter in ultraviolet. Proposed Category: Planets and Moons Demo Object Name: N/A Author(s): Askaniy Release date: N/A Link to download: jupiterultraviolet.zip Image: 20220309_062938

SevenSpheres commented 2 years ago

@levinli303 it seems a comment section has been added to addon pages. This needs to be either moderated or removed to prevent the kind of inappropriate comments seen here.


SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

I would suggest that this function of adding comments in addons should be removed immediately, from what we realize it won't work to keep this.

SevenSpheres commented 2 years ago

Also, why are there two identical Chariklo addons?

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Also, why are there two identical Chariklo addons?

I confirm. Here's the duplicate entry (the one without a description)

levinli303 commented 2 years ago

ah trolls. removed the comment section for now. I'll maybe add a moderation queue in the future

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

ADDON UPDATES: Added the COSPAR identification of spacecrafts.

Updated Voyager 1 and 2 addon ID: 7EC33280-6523-8F01-FB57-AB000C1000DB Link to download: Voyager.zip

Updated Pioneer 10 and 11 addon ID: C276F25A-DFE6-7F33-10D1-135C7DA4AB72 Link to download: Pioneer.zip

Updated Juno addon ID: 060AE9BE-2918-616D-1D88-64C60FE62D04 Link to download: Juno.zip

Updated Ulysses addon ID: A5B9FF27-B8E4-130C-182A-3917EFE3C566 Link to download: Ulysses.zip