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Addon submission #8

Closed levinli303 closed 2 years ago

levinli303 commented 2 years ago

Submit your add-ons in this issue, thanks for your contribution! Submission template:

**Description:** (a short description to be shown on the addon download window)
**Proposed category:** (pick one of the existing categories (https://celestia.mobi/resources/), or suggest a new one)
**Demo Object Name:** (optional, the name of the main object used for Go to command)
**Release date:** (The date this add-on is released. If left empty, will be the date the add-on is uploaded here)
**Link to download:** (Please use zip to package the addon)
**Image:** (optional, no UI control element, HUD display, label. Avoid using "tall" pictures (height > width))
**Thumbnail:** (optional, by default will be the downscaled version of Image if present, so unless you want something different to show as a thumbnail, leave it empty)
**Additional metadata:** (optional, this can be anything that web supports. Link, image, audio, video, text, attributed text, cel URL, cel/celx scripts, embedded stuff (for example a YouTube video)...)

For updates to existing add-ons, please attach the link to the add-on and only include updated fields from the template.

For removal of add-ons, please attach the link too.

Check before uploading an add-on

Your add-on will be running on Android/iOS/macOS/Windows, to enable maximum compatibility, please ensure that

  1. files names referenced in models, ssc, dsc files, etc are exactly the same as the actual file names (some file systems are case sensitive. For example if in your .ssc there is Mesh "Progress.cmod", then the file name should be exactly Progress.cmod not progress.cmod).
  2. Textures should have width/height of power of 2 (for example: 1024 512, a texture of 1000 500 will not work on many mobile devices).
  3. If your add-on requires specific Celestia versions, please mention in the description. Please also ensure that your add-on should not crash running on other versions.
  4. If you are updating an existing add-on, note that existing users will not see an update button, so it might be a good idea to include version history in the description.
  5. Please try to use smaller files for image/thumbnail/other metadata. For example, use JPG if alpha value is not needed.


Title: Kepler-1649 Description: The Kepler-1649 planetary system, which is a red dwarf star orbited by a Venus-analogue and an Earth-analogue. Alternate surfaces for planet c are included. Proposed category: Exoplanets Demo Object Name: Kepler-1649/c Author(s): SevenSpheres Release date: 2020-07-16 Link to download: Kepler-1649.zip Image: kepler1649planets

levinli303 commented 2 years ago

@SpaceExplorer2008 please try to use landscape screenshots instead of portrait screenshots. also you should be turning the labels off.

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: HD 45166 Description: HD 45166 is a binary star system comprising of a B-type main-sequence star and a quasi-Wolf-Rayet star about 4,851 light-years away in the constellation Monoceros. Proposed category: Stars Demo Object Name: TYC 732-754-1 Author(s): Trolligi, cubicApoc Release date: 2021-Jul-15 Link to download: HD 45166.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: CW Leonis Description: CW Leonis is a well-studied carbon star about 309 light-years away in the constellation Leo. It is embedded in a thick envelope of gas which indicates that the dying red giant is slowly turning into a white dwarf in the near future, doing so in the last 69,000 years Proposed category: Stars Demo Object Name: CW Leo Author(s): Trolligi Release date: 2022-Feb-23 Link to download: CW Leonis.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Proposal to rename Starlink Satellite Mega Constellation into just Starlink

Title: Starlink Release date: 2022-Feb-13 Image: Untitled Thumbnail: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: Mira Description: Mira is a binary star system comprising of a red giant and a white dwarf about 443.5 light-years away from the constellation Cetus. It is one of the first variable stars ever discovered, where the apparent magnitude changes over a period of time as seen from Earth. Proposed category: Stars Demo Object Name: Mira Author(s): buggs_moran, Runar Thorvaldsen Release date: 2008-Dec-13 Link to download: Mira.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: Explorer 1 to 5 Description: The first generation satellites of the still-active Explorers program were among the very first spacecraft successfully launched into orbit by the United States. Although unable to beat Sputnik on being the first artificial object in space, the Explorers (particularly Explorer 1) discovered the existence of a region of charged particles around the Earth's magnetosphere called the Van Allen radiation belts. Five satellites were launched in 1958, only three were successful (1, 3 and 4). All of them operated for four months each, but stayed derelict in orbit for many years until 1970 Proposed category: Spacecraft Demo Object Name: N/A Author(s): Jack Higgins, DaveBowman2001 Release date: 2022-Feb-24 Link to download: Explorer 1 to 5.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Proposal to rename Thestias (Pollux b) into just Pollux to match the naming pattern of the other Exoplanet addons

Title: Pollux

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: Antares Description: Antares is a bright red supergiant star about 610.6 light-years away in the constellation Scorpius. It is the 15th-brightest star in the night sky, and like all variable stars, its apparent magnitude changes over time. It is likely to explode into a supernova in the next 10,000 years Proposed category: Stars Demo Object Name: Antares Author(s): trappistplanets Release date: 2021-Mar-19 Link to download: Antares.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: HAT-P-7 Description: HAT-P-7, also known as Kepler-2, is a binary star system comprising of an F-type star and a red dwarf about 1,123.5 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. The brighter star has a super-Jovian planet orbiting very close to it, completing one revolution every 2.2 days Proposed category: Exoplanets Demo Object Name: HAT-P-7 A Author(s): Edasich Release date: 2010-May-14 Link to download: HAT-P-7.zip Image: Untitled

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Title: HAT-P-12 Description: HAT-P-12, also known as TOI-1844, is a K-type main-sequence star about 467.52 light-years away in the constellation Canes Venatici. A single hot Jovian planet completes an orbit around this star every 3.21 days Proposed category: Exoplanets Demo Object Name: HAT-P-12 Author(s): Edasich Release date: 2009-Jun-5 Link to download: HAT-P-12.zip Image: Untitled

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Luna-1 Description: Luna-1 was a soviet space probe intended to impact the Moon. It was launched on January 2, 1959, but failed to impact the Moon, passing 6,000 km away a few days later. But it became the first space probe in a heliocentric orbit. Proposed Category: Spacecraft Demo Object Name: Luna-1 Author(s): toutatis Release date: 2019-04-27 Link to download: luna-1.zip Image: 20220224_124155

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Luna-2 Description: Luna-2 is a soviet space probe launched on September 12, 1959 for the purpose of impacting the Moon. The probe impacted the Moon on September 13, 1959 and became the first man-made artifact to impact another celestial body. Proposed Category: Spacecraft Demo Object Name: Luna-2 Author(s): toutatis Release date: 2019-08-09 Link to download: luna-2.zip Image: 20220224_140040

SpaceExplorer2008 commented 2 years ago

Title: Luna-3 Description: Luna-3 was a soviet space probe with the objective of carrying out a flyby of the Moon. Launched on October 3, 1959, it performed a flyby at a distance 6,200 km of from the Moon on October 6, 1959 and made the first images of the far side of the Moon that is not visible from Earth. After the lunar flyby, Luna-3's fate is uncertain, but it is believed to have impacted Earth's atmosphere in the year 1960. Proposed Category: Spacecraft Demo Object Name: Luna-3 Author(s): toutatis Release date: 2019-08-16 Link to download: luna-3 Image: 20220224_140115

Additional Metadata: 800px-Luna_3_moon Photograph of the far side of the Moon by Luna-3, October 1959.

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Update to D/1993 F2 (Shoemaker-Levy 9) addon

Description: Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 is a comet that broke into at least 21 fragments due to its close encounter with Jupiter in 1992. It has garnered the interest of many astronomers as it was predicted to collide with Jupiter on July 1994. It was speculated that it was a short-period comet that was captured by Jupiter's gravity sometime in the 1970s, and measured about 5 km in diameter before its 1992 break-up. The collision events contributed greatly to the knowledge that Jupiter's strong gravitational influence decreases the chances of asteroid/comet impacts to occur particularly on Earth

DaveBowman2001 commented 2 years ago

Authors correction to the Starlink addon

Author(s): DaveBowman2001, gironde

levinli303 commented 2 years ago

new series #10