celestiary / web

Astronomical simulator of solar system and local stars
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Milkyway center Sagitarius A* black hole/Relativistic spacetime #22

Open pablo-mayrgundter opened 3 years ago

pablo-mayrgundter commented 3 years ago

GR background

https://dhruvp.netlify.com/2019/02/25/eigenvectors/ has an intuitive workup of slanted basis vectors https://youtu.be/UfThVvBWZxM GR field equations explained https://github.com/grtensor/grtensor

(NB: On Levi-Civita’s contribution to GR https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_tensor)

pablo-mayrgundter commented 2 years ago

The Black Hole Cosmology Hypothesis (Raj Pathria, developed by Smolin and Hawking) states that the big bang of our universe is a white hole complement to a black hole in another universe. This would be a convenient way of setting up the entire spacetime for Celestiary.
