celestiary / web

Astronomical simulator of solar system and local stars
42 stars 2 forks source link
3d astronomy astrophysical-simulation glsl glsl-shaders javascript three-js virtual-reality webgl webgl2


A celestial simulator inspired by Celestia (http://shatters.net/celestia), written in JS/three.js/GLSL.

A running instance of Celestiary is available at:



See open issues page for upcoming features.


yarn install
yarn test
yarn serve
# Visit http://localhost:8080/

Edits in the source directory will be available in the app on a page refresh.

For larger changes, it's also a good idea to step through the guide pages (in /guide) to make sure they'll all working.


The app runs at https://celestiary.github.io/ and is in the celestiary.github.io repo. From it grab the changes from the web repo and then push them:

git pull upstream master
git push


A first-time session downloads ~3-5MB, mostly of the stars data. Planet textures are lazy-fetched as the user moves around the scene, but will bring that upwards to ~10MB in full.

Everything is highly cacheable, so subsequent visits are brief HEAD checks on root resources.

Warm load on a local server is 260B in ~300ms (mostly cache checking). Page rendering finishes by 1s.