celiyo / frugality

MIT License
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Project Description

The user will search for a meal and the drink by the main ingredient that they have available for each. The user then will be given ingredients for a random meal and randomly selected cocktail based on the user input.

User Story

As a host, I want to create meals and cocktails based on the main ingredient I have available for each one, So that I can quickly plan for an event at my home.


Original wireframes:




Our first challenge as a group was around communication and project working; we found it difficult to find a way of working that would allow us to work effectively and efficiently. We found that using issues was helping in identifying the main areas we needed to work on, which allowed team members to work on specific tasks over the weekend and or in zoom sessions. We used Slack to pass messages and check in with each other or request merges and pull requests.

We also found it interesting working in a group that had different strengths and speeds. Although it would have been easier to allow those strong in, for example, Javascript to do all the Javascript code, we wanted everyone to have a go and learn. We used zoom to share our screen so that when a team member needed help, someone could guide them through the code to success.

Javascript proved our biggest nemesis - we had to rely on each other, console.log and the internet to help us solve the numerous issues we came across. The main issue came when the user had to input their ingredient for the meal as our api didn't accept spaces, such as in chicken breast. This required some extensive research until we found a solution that worked best.

Screenshot and Deployed Site

Deployed site: https://celiyo.github.io/frugality/

FireShot Capture 009 - Frugality - One stop meals inspiration! -


Please refer to the LICENSE in the repo.