cellgeni / cellatac

Sanger Cellular Genetics single-cell ATAC-seq pipeline.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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  1. Introduction
  2. Basic workflow
  3. Cellatac functionality
  4. Running cellatac
  5. Downstream analysis
  6. Outputs


Sanger Cellular Genetics ATAC-seq pipeline by Luz Garcia Alonso, Simon Murray, Ni Huang and Stijn van Dongen.

cellatac takes scATAC-seq aligned data (such as the fragments file from Cell Ranger ATAC) and outputs a count matrix of accessible chromatin peaks by cell (i.e. analogous to the filtered_peak_bc_matrix from Cell Ranger ATAC). The output matrix can then be used for dowstream analysis in Seurat, Scanpy, cisTopic or any other tool.

Cell Ranger ATAC identifies the peaks by aggregating the signal of all the barcodes in the sample. There are some papers reporting that this may be unsuitable to detect peaks appearing in rare cell types/states. cellatac uses Cusanovich approach to increase the peak detection sensitivity by, first, identifying cell clusters on a windows x cell rather than peaks per cell matrix, and then doing a peak calling for each cluster.

Basic workflow

  1. Compute window coverage. The genome is broken into 5kb windows and then each cell is scored for insertions in each window, generating a binary matrix (large and sparce) of windows by cells. Note that if multiple samples are provided, these are aggregated into a unique matrix.
  2. Cluster cells based on window coverage. Matrix is filtered to retain only top 200k most commonly used windows. Using Signac, the binary matrix is normalized with Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) approach followed by a dimensionality reduction step using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). The first LSI component is ignored as it often captures sequencing depth (technical variation) rather than biological variation. The 2-30 top remaining components are used to perform graph-based Louvain clustering (at a X resolution) and clusters are reported.
  3. Accessible chromatin peak calling per cluster. Peaks are called separately on each cluster using macs2.
  4. Merge per-cluster peaks and generate peak by cell matrix. Peaks from all clusters are merged into a master peak set (i.e. overlapping peaks are aggregated), and the corresponfding peak by cell matrix (indicating any reads occuring in each peak for each cell) is reported. Note that if multiple samples are provided, these are aggregated into a unique matrix. This is the relevant matrix that you should use for clustering.

Cellatac functionality

Running cellatac

Cellatac needs

Useful options

--mermul true           merge multiplets using CR bam file
--mermul false          [default] use CR fragments.tsv.gz

--usecls __seurat__        [default] use Seurat/Signac approach resembling Cusanovich. It uses Louvain clustering instead.
--usecls __cusanovich__    use cusanovich-strict approach. It uses bi-clustering of cells and windows based on cosine distances using the ward algorithm.
--usecls <filename>        use custom clustering

--mergepeaks true       [default] merge cluster peaks, compute master cell/peak matrix
--perclusterpeaks false [default] computer per-cluster cell/peak matrix  
                            Note both can be set to true.

--cellbatchsize 500     [default] parallelisation bucket size (number of cells per bucket)
--nclades 10            [default] number of clusters to use (only applies to cusanovich-strict approach)
--sampleid <tag>        use <tag> in naming outputs. Not yet consistently applied

Example invocations

This pipeline will need a singularity installation. It supports two executing platforms, local (simply execute on the machine you're currently on) and lsf. To use the latter specify -profile lsf.




nextflow run $source        \
  --cellcsv $manifest       \
  --fragments $fragments    \
  --cellbatchsize $cellbatchsize   \
  --posbam $posbam          \
  --outdir results          \
  --sampleid CR12345678     \
  -profile local            \
  --mermul true             \
  --usecls __seurat__       \
  --mergepeaks true         \
  -with-report reports/report.html \
  -resume -w work -ansi-log false \
  -config my.config

where my.config supplies singularity mount options and tells nextflow how many CPUs it can utilise when using the local executor, e.g.

singularity {
  runOptions = '-B /some/path1 -B /another/path2'
  cacheDir = '/home/jovyan/singularity/'

executor {
    cpus   = 56
    memory = 600.GB

To run multiple samples:

nextflow run $source        \
  --muxfile mux.txt         \
  --cellbatchsize $cellbatchsize   \
  --outdir results          \
  -profile local            \
  --usecls __seurat__       \
  --mermul false            \
  --mergepeaks true         \
  -with-report reports/report.html \
  -resume -w work -ansi-log false \
  -c my.config

where mux.txt is a tab separated file that looks like this:

1   sampleX   /path/to/cellranger/output/for/sampleX
2   sampleY   /path/to/cellranger/output/for/sampleY
3   sampleZ   /path/to/cellranger/output/for/sampleZ
4   sampleU   /path/to/cellranger/output/for/sampleU

The first column will be used to make the barcodes in each sample unique across the merged samples. As such it can be anything, but it is suggested to simply use a range of integers starting at 1, or to use the last one or two significant digits of the sample ID provided they are unique to each sample.

The cellranger output directories need not contain the full output. Currently the pipeline expects these files:

fragments.tsv.gz  possorted_bam.bam singlecell.csv

When running multiple samples, the bam file is only used for its header. It is possible to substitute the original bam file with the output of samtools view -H possorted_bam.bam. This can be useful if it is necessary to copy the data prior to running this pipeline; it is not necessary in this case to copy the full position sorted bam file (they tend to be very large). Currently it is necessary that the substituted file has the same name possorted_bam.bam.

Downstream analysis

The snippet below shows how to read in cellatac output as a Seurat object.

### Load scATAC binary matrix
# This is analogous to the gene expression count matrix used to analyze single-cell RNA-seq. 
# However, instead of genes, each row of the matrix represents a PEAK of the genome learned by cellatac. 
# The matrix is not binary, > 0 if there is any Tn5 cut site for each single barcode (i.e. cell) that map within each peak.
f_binary_mat <- readMM(file = paste0(cellatac_dir, 'peak_matrix/peaks_bc_matrix.mmtx.gz'))
regions.names = read.delim(paste0(cellatac_dir, 'peak_matrix/peaks.txt'), header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
cells.names = read.delim(paste0(cellatac_dir, 'peak_matrix/bc.txt'), header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(f_binary_mat) = cells.names$V1
rownames(f_binary_mat) = regions.names$V1

# Make binary
f_binary_mat@x[f_binary_mat@x > 0] <- 1

### Get some stats
# check distributions
message('Matrix size:\n', 'rows ', f_binary_mat@Dim[1], '\ncolumns ', f_binary_mat@Dim[2])
n_cells_with_site = rowSums(f_binary_mat)
options(repr.plot.width = 8, repr.plot.height = 4)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
hist(log10(n_cells_with_site), main = 'No. of Cells Each Site is Observed In', breaks = 50)
hist(n_cells_with_site, main = 'No. of Cells Each Site is Observed In', breaks = 50)

sites_per_cell = colSums(f_binary_mat)
options(repr.plot.width = 8, repr.plot.height = 4)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
hist(log10(sites_per_cell), main = 'No. of Sites Observed per Cell', breaks = 50)
hist(sites_per_cell, main = 'No. of Sites Observed per Cell', breaks = 50)

# compare coverage vs peak length 
pos = sapply(strsplit(rownames(f_binary_mat), split= ':'), tail , 1)
pos_len = sapply(strsplit(pos, split= '-'), function(x) as.numeric(x[2])-as.numeric(x[1]) )
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
plot(pos_len, n_cells_with_site)
abline(v = f_binary_mat@Dim[2]*0.75)

# filter non-informative peaks: length < 2k bp or >75% frequency
f_binary_mat = f_binary_mat[ pos_len < 2000 & n_cells_with_site < f_binary_mat@Dim[2]*0.75, ]

# create CreateSeuratObject
chrom_assay <- CreateChromatinAssay(
  counts = f_binary_mat,
  sep = c(":", "-"),
  genome = 'hg38',
  fragments = NULL,
  min.cells = 5,
  min.features = 100

so <- CreateSeuratObject(
  counts = chrom_assay,
  assay = "peaks",
  meta.data = metadata


The most import outputs are described below. Cellatac creates a toplevel output directory by default called 'results' (change with the --outdir option).

results/qc/seurat-clades.tsv        (cluster annotation)
results/qc/seurat.pdf               (cluster-annotated and sample-annotated UMAP plots)
results/peak_matrix/bc.txt                    (barcode(cell) labels)
results/peak_matrix/peaks.txt                 (peak labels)
results/peak_matrix/peaks_bc_matrix.mmtx.gz   (main output object)
results/peak_matrix/bc_peaks_matrix.mmtx.gz   (transpose of above)
results/cellmetadata/singlecell.tsv           (joined metadata)
results/cellmetadata/tagmap.txt               (links two-digit sampletag and samplename)

The list of all directories with a short description:

cellmetadata      (see above)
peak_matrix       (see above)
qc                (see above)
clus_peak_matrix  (per-cluster results, multiple bundles as in peak_matrix)
macs2             (per-cluster macs2 results)
peaks             (bed files with peak information)
win_matrix        (outputs relating to the windows selected for clustering, can be ignored)

The bed files in peaks are allclusters_peaks_sorted.bed and allclusters_masterlist_sps.bed. The first is the concatenated and position-sorted list of all per-cluster peaks. The second is the result of merging these peaks so that overlapping and book-ended peaks are joined in a single peak. The infix sps indicates it is sample-position-sorted, indicating we use the chromosome order as found in the cellranger bam file.