celo-org / website

OLD Repo for OLD Celo.org Website
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Henrynunez112/toggle blurb #592

Closed Henrynunez112 closed 2 years ago

Henrynunez112 commented 2 years ago

Description I created a component called ToggleBlurb. A reusable component created on contentful. It's a div that toggles on paragraphs to make them visible and not-visible with the click of a button. It works like an accordion (yes, the instrument). So when one a user clicks on a title, the title then expands to reveal a couple of paragraphs. Then, if the user clicks once again on the now opened title, the paragraph will then disappear. Finally, to elevate the user experience, if there is a paragraph opened and the user suddenly decides they would like to open another title without really worrying about the one that is already open, the opened title will automatically close and the new title will the proceed to open. Currently this feature works on the mobile version.

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github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

If all goes well this PR will be deployed and viewable at https://pr-592-dot-staging-dot-celo-org-website.uc.r.appspot.com