celo-org / website

OLD Repo for OLD Celo.org Website
15 stars 10 forks source link
celo react


This is the Celo Foundation website, which is deployed to https://celo.org/


Steps to get running

  1. Ensure you have installed the latest dependencies:


  2. Decrypt the secrets files

    • Install the gcloud SDK.

      brew install google-cloud-sdk

    • Log in (You may need to be granted additional permissions).

      gcloud auth login

    • From the root of monorepo:

      yarn run keys:decrypt

  3. From the web directory, run yarn run dev. The server will now be accessible at http://localhost:3000.


The website uses React.js, Next.js, and React Native Web. React is a great library for building user interfaces. Next.js takes care of server-rendering React apps in a simple way and preloading/transitioning pages quickly. React Native web allows us to use the same code in the application on the website, specifically the way we do CSS.

Notes on Web Package Directory

/pages files in here become page routes which reflect the folder structure they are in /pages/api files in here become api routes see next.js docs for more information

server files here are strictly for serverside code. (currently only reletive paths are working)

public static files can be found here. such as Celo Whitepapers (including stability paper) and i18n locale files.

src most files here including, components, tests for components, images.

Adding Papers

PDF files of whitepapers and research findings are stored in /public/papers adding a file there will make it downloadable. However for the purposes of having nice unchanging URLS and such we also

  1. update production.yaml (staging.yaml too is best) with the pretty url and point it to the pdf
  2. add a redirect that does the same thing to the index.js express routes. (this is mostly for when in development mode / a backup)


🧰 tools: jest, @testing-library/react

✅ run tests with yarn test

📸 update snapshots with yarn test -u

Testing Strategy

Each page should have a snapshot test found in src/_page-tests. More interactive components should have an additional tests for various states/ interactions. These test files should be coolocated with the file they are testing.


see release.md