cemac / SWIFT-Testbed3

ARCHIVED. Repository for Testbed 3 Work Flow
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SWIFT catalogue web interface: finalise initial display for nowcasting summary page #61

Closed tdjames1 closed 2 years ago

tdjames1 commented 2 years ago

Email from JM 27/08/2021:

I would have CRR top-left, RDT top right, MSG-IR bottom left (with colours for coldest BTs ideally, GFS plot of TCWV, winds etc bottom right.


N.B. GFS plots need to be added first - see #60.

tdjames1 commented 2 years ago

Category ranking can be adjusted by @earajr via the admin user interface.

tdjames1 commented 2 years ago

Email from JM 07/09/2021 re priorities for TB3:

1 Display CHance of Precip not chance of Precip Ph by default

2 Reorder drop down to have : CRR PC RDT 10.8 enhanced Convection RGB dust RGB at top of list

tdjames1 commented 2 years ago

@eardkdw Alex can't edit category rank for the swift-test database so won't be able to adjust ordering as desired until we've sorted that.

tdjames1 commented 2 years ago

73 now resolved which means that it is possible to amend the order as requested by John as priority for TB3.