cemreefe / goo.gl-shortener-dump

Goo.gl is being deprecated. This repository is to provide a means for the internet to find out where their short links used to lead.
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Goo.gl Shortener Dump

By August 2025, goo.gl is being deprecated by Google (surprise!). Hence we need a way to preserve what goo.gl shortened link points to what webpage to refer in the future.

This is primarily a Python script for checking goo.gl's shortened URLs. It generates IDs of a specified length, validates their resolution, and logs the results in a CSV file. As it is theoretically impossible for me to parse them all, please do contribute.



Install the required libraries using:

pip install requests termcolor


To run the script, execute:

python script.py


Adjust the following parameters in the script:

Modify these settings as needed:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    length = 4
    output_file = 'goo_gl_results.csv'
    wait_time = 0.5
    batch_size = 20
    start_id = "aaaa"
    end_id = "a999"

    print(f"Starting the script with length {length}, output file '{output_file}', wait time {wait_time} seconds, and batch size {batch_size}.")
    print(f"Checking IDs from {start_id} to {end_id}")
    main(length, output_file, wait_time, batch_size, start_id=start_id, end_id=end_id)


If you want to help with parsing:

  1. Find a Range: Choose a range of IDs you wish to parse. Please check the issue tracker here to avoid overlapping with others.
  2. Update the Script: Modify the start_id and end_id in the script to match your chosen range.
  3. Run the Script: Execute the script to generate your CSV file.
  4. Submit Your Results: Open a pull request with your CSV file only. Any changes to the script should be submitted in a separate pull request.


For questions or to discuss this initiative, please open a new issue. If you'd like to contribute and reserve an ID range for parsing, please let me know under this issue..