cengiz-pz / godot-android-notification-scheduler-plugin

Notification Scheduler Plugin allows scheduling of local notifications on the Android platform.
MIT License
21 stars 4 forks source link

Notification Scheduler Plugin

Notification Scheduler Plugin allows scheduling of local notifications on the Android platform.

For iOS version, visit https://github.com/cengiz-pz/godot-ios-notification-scheduler-plugin .


Follow instructions on the following page to create a custom Android gradle build

Prior to using this plugin, a notification icon should be generated. For instructions please visit the following link:


There are 2 ways to install the Notification Scheduler plugin into your project:

Installing via AssetLib


Installing manually


Notification icon

Copy your notification icon to your project's android/build/res directory.

Alternatively, you could use Android Studio's Image Asset Studio to generate your icon set.

Note: the notification icon resource should be of type drawable


Add a NotificationScheduler node to your scene and follow the following steps:

Other Available Methods



ADB logcat

adb logcat is one of the best tools for troubleshooting unexpected behavior

Also check out: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/platform/android/android_plugin.html#troubleshooting


Developed by Cengiz

Original repository: Godot Android Notification Scheduler Plugin

All Plugins

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