centrifuge / website

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Add Contributor: Sandeep Kumar Seeram #744

Open sandeepseeram-techfirst opened 3 months ago

sandeepseeram-techfirst commented 3 months ago

You can propose to add yourself as a contributor to the centrifuge.io website. To get added as a contributor please provide the following details:

Name: Sandeep Kumar Seeram Role: RWA Researcher Affiliation (optional): Photo: https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C5103AQGEo7QxI81Mgw/profile-displayphoto-shrink_400_400/0/1560416408126?e=1721865600&v=beta&t=FDw9dmPuKUqrG8PcE3BoO6GdwVPNERR410vyYVMRTWI Your favorite link on the internet: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandeepseeram/