ceph / shaman

source of truth for the state of repositories on Chacra nodes
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A REST API that serves as the source of truth for the state of repositories on chacra nodes. It can be queried to get information on what branches and sha1's are built and available for ceph.

It also acts as an orchestration service for a pool of chacra nodes, allowing for horizontal scalability.



The POST and DELETE HTTP methods are protected by default using basic HTTP authentication. The credentials must be defined in the configuration file for the service as follows::

api_user = 'username'
api_key = 'secret'

chacra health checks

To configure the amount of times a chacra node can fail it's health check before being marked down set the following::

health_check_retries = 3

API Endpoints

The parent endpoint for any API interaction is /api/.

Shaman has three top level endpoints:

GET /api/repos/

Returns a list of projects that shaman has repo information about.

POST /api/repos/(project)/

Used to add and update a repo for a given project.

When adding a repo, you must POST a json object with the following data::

    "distro": "Ubuntu",
    "distro_version": "Trusty",
    "ref": "jewel",
    "sha1": "45107e21c568dd033c2f0a3107dec8f0b0e58374",
    "url": "https://chacra.ceph.com/r/ceph/jewel/45107e21c568dd033c2f0a3107dec8f0b0e58374/ubuntu/trusty/",
    "chacra_url": "https://chacra.ceph.com/repos/ceph/jewel/45107e21c568dd033c2f0a3107dec8f0b0e58374/ubuntu/trusty/",
    "status": "requested"

The status and url fields are available for updating. You need to include the chacra_url as the unique identifier for the repo when updating. For example, to change a repo's status to "ready" POST with the following::

    "chacra_url": "https://chacra.ceph.com/repos/ceph/jewel/45107e21c568dd033c2f0a3107dec8f0b0e58374/ubuntu/trusty/",
    "status": "ready"

GET /api/search/

This endpoint is used to query for repos. It will return metadata about the latest built repository or repositories that matches your search criteria.

Search results are returned as a list of Repo objects and ordered by the date they were built in descending order. For example::

[ { "ref": "master", "sha1": "8d48f5413564b418a8016b6a344b517282a0f0fa", "distro": "ubuntu", "distro_codename": "trusty", "distro_version": "14.04", "extra": {}, "url": "https://chacra.ceph.com/r/ceph/master/8d48f5413564b418a8016b6a344b517282a0f0fa/ubuntu/trusty/", "chacra_url": "https://chacra.ceph.com/repos/ceph/master/8d48f5413564b418a8016b6a344b517282a0f0fa/ubuntu/trusty/", "modified" "2016-06-15 14:04:54.671504", "status": "building", "flavor": "default", "project": "ceph", "archs": ["x86_64"] }, { "ref": "master", "sha1": "8d48f5413564b418a8016b6a344b517282a0f0fa", "distro": "ubuntu", "distro_codename": "xenial", "distro_version": "16.04", "extra": {}, "url": "", "chacra_url": "https://chacra.ceph.com/repos/ceph/master/8d48f5413564b418a8016b6a344b517282a0f0fa/ubuntu/xenial/" "modified" "2016-06-15 14:04:54.671504", "status": "queued", "flavor": "notcmalloc", "project": "ceph", "archs": ["x86_64", "arm64"] }, ... ]

Repo Metadata +++++++++++++

The following metadata is returned for a Repo object when searching.

Search Filters ++++++++++++++

The following querystring parameters are supported.

For example, to find the latest sha1 built for the jewel branch of ceph for all ubuntu xenial and centos7 you would do the following: ?project=ceph&distros=ubuntu/xenial,centos/7&ref=jewel&sha1=latest

GET /api/nodes/

Returns a dict containing info on all the chacra nodes available in the pool::

{"chacra01.ceph.com", {
    "host": "chacra01.ceph.com",
    "last_used": "2016-07-07 22:08:13.112633",
    "last_check": "2016-07-07 22:08:13.112633",
    "healthy": true,
    "down_count": 0
{"chacra02.ceph.com", {
    "host": "chacra02.ceph.com",
    "last_used": "2016-07-05 22:08:13.112633",
    "last_check": "2016-07-07 22:08:13.112633",
    "healthy": false,
    "down_count": 3

GET /api/nodes/(node_host)/

Returns a JSON object representing the requested node::

  "host": "chacra02.ceph.com",
  "last_used": "2016-07-05 22:08:13.112633",
  "last_check": "2016-07-07 22:08:13.112633",
  "healthy": false,
  "down_count": 3

POST /api/nodes/(node_host)/

This endpoint is used to add a new chacra node to the pool.

No JSON body is needed for this endpoint, node_host will be used as the new node's host.

If the node already exists, this endpoint acts as a health check and it's last_check field will be reset back to zero.

GET /api/nodes/next/

Returns the url for the next chacra node in the rotation, in plain text::
