cerndb / oracle-weblogic-1221-domain-ords-autodeploy

Oracle WebLogic docker image with ORDS deployed
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Oracle WebLogic with ORDS

This Dockerfile extends the Oracle WebLogic image oracle/weblogic:12.2.1-developer. It creates a domain based on the Basic WebLogic Server Domain ( template and deploys the Oracle REST Data Services in the AdminServer. The purpose of this image is to help devops engineers to debug their ORDS installations on WebLogic.

The Dockerfile installs the domain and creates the ORDS_HOME with the script that will configure ORDS, deploy it on WLS server and start the domain.

How to build and run

Download ORDS binaries

You can get the binaries from here. For this example I did use the version 3.0.12. You will need to extract the ords.war from the .zip file and put it in the same folder as the Dockerfile.

Build the base Oracle WebLogic image

First make sure you have built oracle/weblogic:12.2.1-developer. Now to build this sample, run:

    $ docker build -t 1221-domain --build-arg ADMIN_PASSWORD=welcome1 .

Create an user defined network

Before you run your containers you will have to specify a network in which WLS will communicate with the database. In order to do so you need to create an user-defined network first. This can be done via following command:

docker network create <your network name>

Once you have created the network you can double check by running:

docker network ls

You should see your network, amongst others, in the output.

Run Oracle Database container

To run this sample you will need the Oracle Database Container. Either you can pull it from the Oracle Container Registry, from Docker Store or build any of the images provided on this repository.

For this example I have built the Oracle Database 12c Standard Edition Release

Now you want to start your database container with the specified network. This can be done via the docker run with --network option:

   $ docker run --name <your database container name> --network=<your network name> -p <host port>:1521 -p <host port>:5500 -e ORACLE_PWD==<Your DB SYS PASSWORD> -e ORACLE_SID=<Your DB System ID> -e ORACLE_PDB=<Your pluggable database name> -v [<host mount point>:]/opt/oracle/oradata oracle/database:

Note: You can find the password for SYS, SYSTEM and PDBADMIN in the docker output

Build your image

Just run:

  $ docker build -t 1221-domain-ords-autodeploy --build-arg ADMIN_PASSWORD=welcome1 .

Run your Weblogic image

Use an environment to set the database host, port, service, password of the ORDS_PUBLIC_USER, sys username and password:

  DB_HOSTNAME=<Your database container name>
  DB_SERVICENAME=<Your pluggable database name>
  USER_PUBLIC_PASSWORD=<Any password of your choice>

Run the container with:

  $ docker run --name wls_ords --network=SampleNET --env-file=env.txt -p 7001:7001 1221-domain-ords-autodeploy

The first thing that our container will do is to set the configdir for the ords.war. In the docker output you should see something like:

 INFO: Set config.dir to /u01/oracle/user_projects/ords/conf in: /u01/oracle/user_projects/ords/ords.war

Once the configdir is set, the install command will create the ORDS_METADATA (random password) and ORDS_PUBLIC_USER (with the specified password) in your PDB database. ORDS_METADATA is the owner of the PL/SQL packages used for implementing many Oracle REST Data Services capabilities. ORDS_PUBLIC_USER is the one used for invoking RESTful Services in the Oracle REST Data Services-enabled schemas. The docker output should look like this:

 INFO: Updated configurations: defaults, apex_pu
 Nov 11, 2017 6:38:54 PM oracle.dbtools.installer.Installer log
 INFO: Installing Oracle REST Data Services version
 Nov 11, 2017 6:38:54 PM oracle.dbtools.installer.Runner log
 INFO: ... Log file written to /u01/oracle/ords_install_core_2017-11-11_183854_00277.log
 Nov 11, 2017 6:38:54 PM oracle.dbtools.installer.Runner log
 INFO: ... Verified database prerequisites
 Nov 11, 2017 6:38:55 PM oracle.dbtools.installer.Runner log
 INFO: ... Created Oracle REST Data Services schema
 Nov 11, 2017 6:38:55 PM oracle.dbtools.installer.Runner log
 INFO: ... Created Oracle REST Data Services proxy user
 Nov 11, 2017 6:38:56 PM oracle.dbtools.installer.Runner log
 INFO: ... Granted privileges to Oracle REST Data Services
 Nov 11, 2017 6:39:04 PM oracle.dbtools.installer.Runner log
 INFO: ... Created Oracle REST Data Services database objects
 Nov 11, 2017 6:39:09 PM oracle.dbtools.installer.Runner log
 INFO: ... Log file written to /u01/oracle/ords_install_datamodel_2017-11-11_183909_00379.log
 Nov 11, 2017 6:39:09 PM oracle.dbtools.installer.Installer log
 INFO: Completed installation for Oracle REST Data Services version Elapsed time: 00:00:15.614

Finally Weblogic will pick up the ords.war from its autodeploy folder and will deploy it in the AdminServer under the /ords context:

 INFO: No encryption key found in configuration, generating key
 Nov 11, 2017 6:39:36 PM  
 INFO: No mac key found in configuration, generating key
 Nov 11, 2017 6:39:36 PM  
 INFO: Updated configurations: defaults
 Nov 11, 2017 6:39:36 PM  
 INFO: Updated configuration with generated keys
 Nov 11, 2017 6:39:36 PM  
 INFO: Using configuration folder: /u01/oracle/user_projects/ords/conf/ords
 Nov 11, 2017 6:39:36 PM  
 INFO: Validating pool: |apex|pu|
 Nov 11, 2017 6:39:37 PM  
 INFO: Pool: |apex|pu| is correctly configured
 Nov 11, 2017 6:39:37 PM  
 INFO: Oracle REST Data Services initialized
 Oracle REST Data Services version :
 Oracle REST Data Services server info: WebLogic Server Tue Oct 6 10:05:47 PDT 2015 1721936 WebLogic JAX-RS 2.0 Portable Server / Jersey 2.x integration module 

Test your installation

If you try this request


You will get a 404. This is because there is still no schema, neither database object (table, procedure, etc.) with the REST services enabled. Probably the first thing you want to do is to create a simple table and populate it with some data. Unfortunately the user default user pdbadmin created in your database has not enough privileges to create a table. By default our pdbadmin user is granted with the PDB_DBA role, and no privileges are provided with this role. You can fix this granting the user the RESOURCE role, see ddl-scripts/grant_resource_to_pdbadmin_user.sql. Nevertheless keep in mind that Oracle recommends to design your own roles, see the docs here. Your user still does not have privileges on the tablespace USERS, so you will also get an ORA-01950 error. You can give him 100M of quota running ddl-scripts/give_quota_to_pdbadmin_on_users.sql. Summarizing:

 $ docker cp ddl-scripts/grant_resource_to_pdbadmin_user.sql <your database container name>:/home/oracle
 $ docker exec -ti <your database container> sqlplus sys/<your sys password>@//localhost:1521/PDB as SYSDBA @/home/oracle/grant_resource_to_pdbadmin_user.sql
 $ docker cp ddl-scripts/give_quota_to_pdbadmin_on_users.sql <your database container name>:/home/oracle
 $ docker exec -ti <your database container> sqlplus sys/<your pdbadmin password>@//localhost:1521/PDB @/home/oracle/give_quota_to_pdbadmin_on_users.sql

Now you can create a simple table for testing

 $ docker cp ddl-scripts/create_customer_table.sql <your database container name>:/home/oracle
 $ docker exec -ti <your database container> sqlplus pdbadmin/<your pdbadmin password>@//localhost:1521/PDB @/home/oracle/create_customer_table.sql

We are almost done! The final step would be to enable the rest access on your table. This can be easily done through the AutoREST capability. However if you try to do this in our freshly created table you will get an error like this:

 ORA-06598: insufficient INHERIT PRIVILEGES privilege
 ORA-06512: at "ORDS_METADATA.ORDS", line 1
 ORA-06512: at line 5
 06598. 00000 -  "insufficient INHERIT PRIVILEGES privilege"
 *Cause:    An attempt was made to run an AUTHID CURRENT_USER function or
            procedure, or to reference a BEQUEATH CURRENT_USER view, and the
            owner of that function, procedure, or view lacks INHERIT PRIVILEGES
            privilege on the calling user.
 *Action:   Either do not call the function or procedure or reference the view,
            or grant the owner of the function, procedure, or view
            INHERIT PRIVILEGES privilege on the calling user.

The problem is that the ORDS.ENABLE_OBJECT is an invoker's rights procedure, so it is being executed with the privileges of our current user pdbadmin. When a user runs an invoker's rights procedure, Oracle Database checks it to ensure that the procedure owner has either the INHERIT PRIVILEGES privilege on the invoking user, or if the owner has been granted the INHERIT ANY PRIVILEGES privilege. For fixing this you can run ddl-scripts/grant_inherit_privileges.sql:

 $ docker cp ddl-scripts/grant_inherit_privileges.sql <your database container>:/home/oracle
 $ docker exec -ti <your database container> sqlplus pdbadmin/<your pdbadmin password>@//localhost:1521/PDB @/home/oracle/grant_inherit_privileges.sql

For more info about invoker's rights have a look at the docs

Now you can enable the REST services on the customer table:

 $ docker cp ddl-scripts/enable_auto_rest_on_customer_table.sql <your database container>:/home/oracle
 $ docker exec -ti <your database container> sqlplus pdbadmin/<your pdbadmin password>@//localhost:1521/PDB @/home/oracle/enable_auto_rest_on_customer_table.sql

Finally if you try

 $ curl http://localhost:7001/ords/pdbadmin/customer/

You will get the list of your customers in json format!


To download and run ORDS, regardless whether inside or outside a Docker container, you must download the binaries from the Oracle website and accept the license indicated at that page.

All scripts and files hosted in this project and GitHub docker-images/OracleWebLogic/samples/1221-domain-ords-autodeploy repository required to build the Docker images are, unless otherwise noted, released under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.

Known issues

Well, probably I have already my first case to support :). If you try something like

 $ curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":4,"name":"Luis","lastname":"Rodriguez"}' http://localhost:7001/ords/pdbadmin/customer/

The new customer will be inserted, but you will get a 500 error response with a message like this: An unexpected error with the following message occurred: Length not positive In the WLS docker container you will see an exception like:

 SEVERE: Length not positive
 java.lang.AssertionError: Length not positive
at oracle.jdbc.driver.NumberCommonAccessor.getBigDecimal(

It looks like there is an issue if we have a NUMBER as a primary key in our table.


Thanks Martin Giffy D'Souza for this fantastic example Oracle REST Data Services on Docker Thanks Damian Radoslaw Moskalik for showing me the magic path to REST and ORDS ;)


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