cernopendata / data-curation

Data ingestion and curation tools
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CMS - test 2016 GT reading #206

Open katilp opened 1 year ago

katilp commented 1 year ago

(from #124)

Test the GT reading

Use with data, change the input file and the GT in PFNano/

    fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring('root://'),
process.GlobalTag.connect = cms.string('sqlite_file:/cvmfs/')
process.GlobalTag.globaltag = '106X_dataRun2_v37'

and, eventually, redo for MC when some OD files get transferred, change the input file and the following in PFNano/

process.GlobalTag.connect = cms.string('sqlite_file:/cvmfs/')
process.GlobalTag.globaltag = '106X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v17'

Also, think of an automated test wf to be added as a test to the container image build

katilp commented 9 months ago

Testing in a new VM image from the cernvm group, with slc7 singularity shell.

The GT access is fine but the PFNano test job fails with

Did not find frontier-connect in calib-data section in /cvmfs/

indicating an attempt to access the condition database outside of GT. The problem was traced to the RecoTau package (see discussion

The code retrieves a db (or more). It was verified that it is not in the default GT.

This is an undesired feature of the production code, not related to the OD example, and a fix will be implemented in CMSSW and a new GT can be provided with the necessary tags.

An update to most of the already prepared records/docs will be needed, a new container needs to be built and the updated GTs moved to /cmvfs and eos.

See also in the release guide how to disconnect frontier in the CMS OD container to test that database access in only to the GT on /cvmfs. It will speed up testing.