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This repository contains a collection of data ingestion and curation tools used
to prepare the datasets, software and any accompanying material for public open
data releases on the CERN Open Data <http://opendata.cern.ch/>
_ portal.
utils <utils>
_ - various helper scriptsSpecific data ingestion and curation campaigns:
atlas-2016-masterclasses <atlas-2016-masterclasses>
_ -- helper scripts for the ATLAS 2016 masterclasses releaseatlas-2016-outreach <atlas-2016-outreach>
_ -- helper scripts for the ATLAS 2016 outreach releaseatlas-2024-odfr <atlas-2024-odfr>
_ -- helper scripts for the ATLAS 2024 Open Data For Research releasecms-2010-collision-datasets <cms-2010-collision-datasets>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS 2010 open data release (collision datasets)cms-2010-simulated-datasets <cms-2010-simulated-datasets>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS 2010 open data release (simulated datasets)cms-2011-collision-datasets <cms-2011-collision-datasets>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS 2011 open data release (collision datasets)cms-2011-collision-datasets-runb-update <cms-2011-collision-datasets-runb-update>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS 2011 RunB open data release (collision datasets)cms-2011-hlt-triggers <cms-2011-hlt-triggers>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS 2011 open data release (HLT triggers)cms-2011-l1-triggers <cms-2011-l1-triggers>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS 2011 open data release (L1 triggers)cms-2011-simulated-datasets <cms-2011-simulated-datasets>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS 2011 open data release (simulated datasets)cms-2012-collision-datasets <cms-2012-collision-datasets>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS 2012 RunB RunC open data release (collision datasets)cms-2012-collision-datasets-update <cms-2012-collision-datasets-update>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS 2012 RunA RunD open data release (collision datasets)cms-2012-event-display-files <cms-2012-event-display-files>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS 2012 open data release (event display files)cms-2012-simulated-datasets <cms-2012-simulated-datasets>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS 2012 open data release (simulated datasets)cms-2013-collision-datasets-hi <cms-2013-collision-datasets-hi>
_ - helper scripts for CMS 2013 heavy ion release (lead collision datasets)cms-2013-collision-datasets-hi-ppref <cms-2013-collision-datasets-hi-ppref>
_ - helper scripts for CMS 2013 heavy ion release (proton-proton reference collision datasets)cms-2013-hlt-triggers <cms-2013-hlt-triggers>
_ - helper scripts for CMS 2013 trigger informationcms-2013-simulated-datasets-hi <cms-2013-simulated-datasets-hi>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS 2013 HI open data release (simulated datasets)cms-2015-collision-datasets <cms-2015-collision-datasets>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS 2015 open data release (collision datasets)cms-2015-collision-datasets-hi-ppref <cms-2015-collision-datasets-hi-ppref>
_ - helper scripts for CMS 2015 heavy ion release (proton-proton reference collision datasets)cms-2015-simulated-datasets <cms-2015-simulated-datasets>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS 2015 open data release (simulated datasets)cms-2016-collision-datasets <cms-2016-collision-datasets>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS 2016 open data release (collision datasets)cms-2016-pileup-dataset <cms-2016-pileup-dataset>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS 2016 open data release (pileup dataset)cms-2016-simulated-datasets <cms-2016-simulated-datasets>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS 2016 open data release (simulated datasets)cms-YYYY-luminosity <cms-YYYY-luminosity>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS luminosity information records (any year)cms-YYYY-run-numbers <cms-YYYY-run-numbers>
_ -- helper scripts for enriching CMS dataset run numbers (any year)cms-YYYY-simulated-datasets <cms-YYYY-simulated-datasets>
_ -- helper scripts for CMS simulated dataset records (any year)cms-YYYY-validated-runs <cms-YYYY-validated-runs>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS validated runs records (any year)cms-derived-data <cms-derived-data>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS derived datasets (NanoAODRun1, PFNano, POET)cms-release-info <cms-release-info>
_ -- CMS year-specific and run-era-specific informationcms-run2-hlt-triggers <cms-run2-hlt-triggers>
_ -- helper scripts for the CMS Run2 data release (HLT triggers)cms-run2-ultra-legacy-production <cms-run2-ultra-legacy-production>
_ - helper scripts for CMS Run2 ultra-legacy productioncod2-to-cod3 <cod2-to-cod3>
_ - record migration from version 2 to version 3jade-2023-raw-datasets <jade-2023-raw-datasets>
_ - helper scripts for the initial release of JADE dataopera-2017-multiplicity-studies <opera-2017-multiplicity-studies>
_ - helper scripts for the release of OPERA multiplicity studiesopera-2019-electron-neutrinos <opera-2019-electron-neutrinos>
_ - helper scripts for the release of OPERA electron neutrino eventsopera-2019-neutrino-induced-charm <opera-2019-neutrino-induced-charm>
_ - helper scripts for the release of OPERA charm eventsSee also:
CERN Open Data <http://opendata.cern.ch>
_ portalsource code <https://github.com/cernopendata/opendata.cern.ch>
_record fixtures <https://github.com/cernopendata/opendata.cern.ch/tree/master/cernopendata/modules/fixtures/data/records>
_The list of contributors in alphabetical order:
Anna Trzcinska <https://github.com/annatrz>
_Artemis Lavasa <https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5633-2459>
_Audrius Mecionis <https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3759-1663>
_Heitor de Bittencourt <https://linkedin.com/in/heitorpb>
_Dana Alsharif <danaalsharif03@gmail.com>
_Jan Okraska <https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1416-3244>
_Julie Hogan <https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8604-3452>
_Joud Masoud <joud003@gmail.com>
_Kati Lassila-Perini <https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5502-1795>
_Mantas Savaniakas <https://github.com/mantasavas>
_Miko Piitsalo <https://github.com/mokotus>
_Nancy Hamdan <nancyehamdan@gmail.com>
_Osama Sh. Almomani <https://github.com/OsamaMomani>
_Tibor Šimko <https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7202-5803>
_Xiaohe Shen <https://github.com/Ari-mu-l>
_Zach Marshall <https://github.com/zlmarshall>