React - - First time React users, install React using create-react-app from a node.js command prompt, a tool that installs all of the dependencies to build and run a full React.js application.
.NET Core 6.0.x, Visual Studio 2022 or equivalent
DB - Install PostgreSQL
- Install PostgreSql, including pgAdmin (
- See below for more details on setting up DB for this project.
\api - This contains a .NET web API back end for profile designer. Within this solution, the OPC translations will occur, database connections will occur, etc.
\frontend - This contains the REACT front end for profile designer.
\SampleNodeSets - This contains nodesets that we use to import into system. Any OPC UA compliant nodeset is permitted. These are stored just for convenience while developing within the system.
\sql - This contains the SQL script used to generate the DB structure and insert required lookup data as well as some sample users.
How to Build
Clone the repo from GIT.
Build/Run the front end:
cd \frontend
npm install
npm run start
Verify the site is running in a browser: http://localhost:3000
Note: The ENV files in the root React folder point to the base URL for the web API.
Login: The login process was intentionally simple. Use cesmii/cesmii to login.
Build/Run the back end API (.NET 6 Solution):
Standard .NET build and run.
PostgreSql DB
See above for initial install instructions.
- Run pgAdmin
- Create local DB (see AppSettings.json for database name.)
- Open the Query Tool (Tools menu)
- Open the CESMII-Profile-Designer\sql\CESMII.ProfileDesigner.DB.sql file
- Create the cesmii role/login and the database (comment out everything except the create role and create database sections and run the script)
- Open a query tool on the newly created database and run the rest of the script
- Change the password on the cesmii login to match the one in the appsettings.development.json file.