cessda / cessda.guidelines.public

CESSDA Technical Guidelines
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CESSDA Technical Guidelines

This repository contains the technical guidelines for CESSDA ERIC. Pull Requests from CESSDA affiliated developers are highly welcome.

Technical Implementation

The documentation is written in markdown files and compiled to html using Jekyll with the CESSDA theme based on the Just the docs theme.

To get started locally, make sure to have Ruby installed, then run

gem install jekyll bundler
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config.yml,_devsettings.yml

Menu structure

The page order and navigation structure is defined manually using the theme's options. A guide to the structure can be found at document-navigation-structure.md.

Writing Style

The documentation is written using Markdown files with Jekyll headers. Coding follows the Google Style Guide for Markdown, including ATX style headers and a maximal line lengths of 140 characters. We follow British spelling with -ise, check e.g. with aspell --lang=en_GB-ise.

Style Guide compliance is checked with markdownlint by running

bundle exec mdl --git-recurse .

HTML output is checked with html-proofer, which also finds any broken internal and external links

bundle exec rake htmlproofer

Technical documentation is generally used for consultation or reference, instead of being read from beginning to end. This use case forms the basis for form and structure of the CESSDA Technical Guidelines. As a general rule, the »what« should be most prominently presented, followed by the motivation and optional examples.

General recommendations:

Practical recommendations:

{% include glossary.html entry="RI" text="RI" %}

Note that glossary entries have to be referenced with exact matching, including case. It is possible to display a different text in-line though:

{% include glossary.html entry="RI" text="Research Infrastructure" %}

Release Process

The documentation is deployed using a continuous deployment process.

  1. The source markdown is converted into HTML and packaged into a Docker container
  2. The Docker container is deployed to the staging environment
  3. Tests are run against the staging deployment
  4. If the tests pass, the documentation is deployed to the production environment

The main branch of this repository should match what is deployed to https://docs.tech.cessda.eu/.