cesterlizi / vertortc

Cordoba + PhoneRTC Plugin + FreeSwitch WebRTC Verto Proof of Concept
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Cordova + PhoneRTC Plugin + FreeSwitch WebRTC Verto Proof of Concept


$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.console

$ cordova plugins add https://github.com/rbarroetavena/phonertc.git

$ cordova plugin add https://github.com/knowledgecode/WebSocket-for-Android.git ( optional)

$ cordova platform add android

$ cordova platform add browser

$ cordova build android

Configuration CLICK2CALL example

Edit index.html and change value inputs

        <input id="click2call_user" value="user">
        <input id="click2call_domain" value="mydomian.com">
        <input id="click2call_password" value="password">
        <input id="click2call_number" value="3010">