ceumicrodata / mETL

mito ETL tool
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data-integration etl etl-framework pipeline python


mETL is an ETL tool which has been especially designed to load elective data necessary for CEU. Obviously, the program can be used in a more general way, it can be used to load practically any kind of data. The program was written in Python, taking into maximum consideration the optimal memory usage after having assessed the Brewery tool’s capabilities.


  1. Extract, Transform, Load in Python - Bence Faludi (@bfaludi), Budapest.py Meetup

    Our solutions to create a new Python ETL tool from scratch.

  2. mETL - just another ETL tool? - Dániel Molnár (@soobrosa), Budapest Database Meetup

    A practical rimer on how to make your life easier on ETL processes - even without writing loader code.

  3. Extract, Transform, Load using mETL - Bence Faludi (@bfaludi), PyData '14, Berlin

    Presentation was published at PyData '14 conference in Berlin. Novice level training to help you learn and use mETL in your daily work. video

  4. Extract, Transform, Load using mETL - Bence Faludi (@bfaludi), PyCon Sei, Florince

    We are using this tool in production for many of our clients and It is really stable and reliable. The project has a few contributors all around the world right now and I hope many developers will join soon. I want to introduce you this tool. In this presentation I will show you the functionality and the common use cases. Furthermore, I will talk about other ETL tools in Python. video


  1. Novice level exercises

Thirty-seconds tutorial

First of all, let's see the most common problem. Want to load data into database from a text or binary file. Our example file is called authors.csv and file's structure is the following:

Duane Boyer,duaneboyer@yahoo.com,1918-05-01,+3670636943
Jonah Bazile,jonahbazile@live.com,1971-10-05,+3670464615
William Teeple,williamteeple@gmail.com,1995-07-26,+3670785797
Junior Thach,juniorthach@msn.com,1941-08-10,+3630589648
Emilie Smoak,emiliesmoak@msn.com,1952-03-08,+3670407688
Louella Utecht,louellautecht@yahoo.com,1972-02-28,+3670942982

First task to generate a Yaml configuration for mETL. This configuration file contains the fields and types, transformation steps and source and target data. Write the following into the terminal. config.yml will be configuration file's name, and the example file's type is CSV.

$ metl-generate csv config.yml

The script will give you information about the correct attributes what you have to fill out.

Usage: metl-generate [options] CONFIG_FILE SOURCE_TYPE

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LIMIT, --limit=LIMIT
                        Create the configuration file with examining LIMIT
                        number of records.

Have to add the following attributes for the generator script:

Run the command with the attributes:

$ metl-generate --resource authors.csv --headerRow 0 --skipRows 1 csv config.yml

Script will create the Yaml configuration which could be used by mETL. You could write the configuration manually but metl-generate will examine the rows and determine the correct field's type and mapping.

  - map: Phone
    name: Phone
    type: BigInteger
  - map: Email
    name: Email
    type: String
  - map: Birth
    name: Birth
    type: DateTime
  - map: Author
    name: Author
    type: String
  headerRow: '0'
  resource: authors.csv
  skipRows: '1'
  source: CSV
  silence: false
  type: Static

Modify the target because currently it will write out the information into the stdout. You have to add the database target.

  url: postgresql://username:password@localhost:5432/database
  table: authors
  createTable: true

Script will create the table and load data into the PostgreSQL database automatically. Run the following command the start the process:

$ metl config.yml

It's done. mETL knows many source and target types and supports transformations and manipulations as well.

Change Log

Version 1.0

Version 0.1.8

Version 0.1.7

Version 0.1.6

Version 0.1.5

Version 0.1.4



The actual version supports the most widespread file formats with data migration and data migration packages. These include:

Source- types:

Target- types:

During the develpoment of the program we tried to provide the whole course of processing with the most widespread transformation steps, program structures and mutation steps. In light of this, the program by default possesses the following transformations:

Four groups are differentiated in case of manipulations:

  1. Modifier

    Modifiers are those objects that are given a whole line (record) and revert with a whole line. However, during their processes they make changes to values with the usage of the related values of different fields.

    • JoinByKey: Merge and join two different record.
    • Order: Orders lines according to the given conditions.
    • Set: Sets a value with the use of fix value scheme, function or another source.
    • SetWithMap: Sets a value in case of a complicated type with a given map.
    • TransformField: During manipulation, regular field transformation can be achieved with this command.
  2. Filter

    Their function is primarily filtering. It is used when we would like to evaluate or get rid of incomlete or faulty records as a result of an earlier tranformation.

    • DropByCondition: The fate of the record depends on a condition.
    • DropBySource: The fate is decided by whether or not the record is in another file.
    • DropField: Does not decrease the number of records but field can be deleted with it.
    • KeepByCondition: The fate of the record depends on a condition.
  3. Expand

    It is used for enlargement if we would like to add more values to the present given source.

    • Append: Pasting a new source file identical to the used one after the actual one being used.
    • AppendAll: Run over a folder and append the file's content into the process.
    • AppendBySource: A new file source may be pasted after the original one.
    • Field: Collects coloumns as parameters and puts them into another coloumn with the coloumns’ values.
    • BaseExpander: Class used for enlargement, primarily used when we would like to multiply a record.
    • ListExpander: Splits list-type elements and puts them into separate lines.
    • Melt: Fixes given coloumns and shows the rest of the coloumns as key-value pairs.
  4. Aggregator

    Aggregators are used to connect and arrange data.

    • Avg: Used to determine the mean average.
    • Count: Used to calculate figures.
    • Sum: Used to determine sums.

Component figure



As a traditional Python package, installation can the most easily be carried out with the help of the following command int he mELT directory:

$ python setup.py install


$ easy_install mETL

Then the package can be tested with the following command:

$ python setup.py test

The package has the following dependancies: python-dateutil, xlrd, gdata, demjson, pyyaml, sqlalchemy, xlwt, nltk, tarr, xlutils, xmlsquash, qspread, py2neo

On Mac OSX before installation, one needs to have the following packages installed. Afterwards all packages are installed properly.

On Linux before installation, one needs to check that they have python-setuptools and in case of its absence it need to be installed with the help of apt-get install.

Running of the program

The program is a collection of console scripts which can be built into all systems and can even be timed with the help of cron scripts.

The programme is made up of the following scipts:

  1. metl: A complete process can be started with the help of it ont he basis of the YAML file as a parameter. The processes in the configuration should all be described by the configuraion file including the exact route of input and outout files.

    Usage: metl [options] CONFIG.YML
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                            During running, it prepares a migration file from the
                            state of the present data.
                            Conveyance of previous migration file that was part of
                            the previously run version.
      -p PATH, --path=PATH  Conveyance of a folder, which is added to the PATH
                            variable in order that the link in the YAML
                            configuration could be run on an outside python file.
      -d, --debug           Debug mode, writes everything out as stdout.
      -l LIMIT, --limit=LIMIT
                            One can decide the number of elements to be processed.
                            It is an excellent opportunity to test huge files with
                            a small number of records until everything works the
                            way they should.
      -o OFFSET, --offset=OFFSET
                            Starting element of processing.
      -s SOURCE, --source=SOURCE
                            If the configuration does not contain the path of the
                            resource, it could be given here as well.
  2. metl-walk: Its task is to apply the YAML file to every folder that act as parameter. The configuration files in this case do not have to contain the accessibility of input file as the script automatically carries out their substitution.

    Usage: metl-walk [options] BASECONFIG.YML FOLDER
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -p PATH, --path=PATH  Conveyance of a folder, which is added to the PATH
                            variable in order that the link in the YAML
                            configuration could be run on an outside python file.
      -d, --debug           Debug mode, writes everything out as stdout.
      -l LIMIT, --limit=LIMIT
                            One can decide the number of elements to be processed.
                            It is an excellent opportunity to test huge files with
                            a small number of records until everything works the
                            way they should.
      -o OFFSET, --offset=OFFSET
                            Starting element of processing.
      -m, --multiprocessing
                            Turning on multiprocessing on computers with more than
                            one CPU. The files to be processed are to be put to
                            different threads. It is to be used exclusively for
                            Database purposes as otherwise it causes problems!
  3. metl-transform: Its task is to test the transformation steps of a field in a YAML file. As parameters, it requires the name of the field and the value on which the test should be based. The script will write out the changes in value step by step.

    Usage: metl-transform [options] CONFIG.YML FIELD VALUE
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -p PATH, --path=PATH  Conveyance of a folder, which is added to the PATH
                            variable in order that the link in the YAML
                            configuration could be run on an outside python file.
      -d, --debug           Debug mode, writes everything out as stdout
  4. metl-aggregate: Its task is to collect all the possible values to the field given as a parameter. Based on these values, a Map is easily made for the records.

    Usage: metl-aggregate [options] CONFIG.YML FIELD
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -p PATH, --path=PATH  Conveyance of a folder, which is added to the PATH
                            variable in order that the link in the YAML
                            configuration could be run on an outside python file.
      -d, --debug           Debug mode, writes everything out as stdout.
      -l LIMIT, --limit=LIMIT
                            One can decide the number of elements to be processed.
                            It is an excellent opportunity to test huge files with
                            a small number of records until everything works the
                            way they should.
      -o OFFSET, --offset=OFFSET
                            Starting element of processing.
      -s SOURCE, --source=SOURCE
                            If the configuration file does not contain the
                            resource path, it can be given here as well.
  5. metl-differences: Its task is to compare two different migrations. Its first parameter is the recent migration whereas the second parameter is the older migration. The script lets us know the number of elements that have become part of the new migration, the number of elements that have been modified and the number of elements that have been left unchanged or deleted.

    Usage: metl-differences [options] CURRENT_MIGRATION LAST_MIGRATION
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -p PATH, --path=PATH  Conveyance of a folder, which is added to the PATH
                            variable in order that the link in the YAML
                            configuration could be run on an outside python file.
      -d DELETED, --deleted=DELETED
                            Configuration file for receiving keys of the deleted
      -n NEWS, --news=NEWS  Configuration file for receiving keys of the new
      -m MODIFIED, --modified=MODIFIED
                            Configuration file for receiving keys of the modified
      -u UNCHANGED, --unchanged=UNCHANGED
                            Configuration file for receiving keys of the
                            unmodified elements.
  6. metl-generate: Prepares a YAML file from a chosen source file. In order that a configuration can be made, the initialisation and source parameters of the source are needed.

    Usage: metl-generate [options] SOURCE_TYPE CONFIG_FILE
  7. metl-transfer: Transfer all data from one database to another.

    Usage: metl-transfer CONFIG.YML


The tool uses a YAML file for configuration, which describes the route of the realisation as well as all the needed transformation steps.

Outline of the functioning of an average program:

  1. The programme reads the given source file.
  2. Line by line, the program fills in the fields with the values with the help of a setting.
  3. Different transformations are carried out individually in each field.
  4. The final transformed field reaches the first manipulation where further filtering or modifications can be done to the whole line. Each manipulation sends the converted and processed line to the next manipulation step.
  5. After reaching the target object, the final line is written out to the given file type.

Let’s examine in detail all the components used during functioning and then let’s take a look at how we can make from the listed steps YAML configuration files.

This document has two main objectives. Firstly, it defines how one can describe tasks in a YAML configuraion. Secondly, through an example, lets us glance at the python code. Also, it helps us make additional conditions and modifications when the basic tools prove to be insufficient.



Configuration file (Yaml)

All mETL configuration files are made up of the following:

  source: <source_type>

  - <listing_of_manipulations>

  type: <target_type>

Out of these, the listing of manipulations is not necessary as in easier processes they’re not even needed. Interestingly, configuration files can be adapted indefinite times, therefore similar configuration files can be made from the same „abstract” configuration. Let us examine the following example.

Let the file be called base.yml:

    - name: ID
      type: Integer
      key: true
    - name: FORMATTED_NAME
      key: true
    - name: DISTRICT
      type: Integer
    - name: LATITUDE
      type: Float
    - name: LONGITUDE
      type: Float

  type: Static

And the next fromcsv.yml:

base: base.yml
    source: CSV
    resource: input/forras.csv
      ID: 0
      DISTRICT: 2
      LATITUDE: 3
      LONGITUDE: 4

The above file was derived from the first one and only showed where the source file and its fileds are if it had to process data from the CVS source file. If we had a TSV file, then the following configuration can be written for it (where the CVS-style sign for separation is represented not by ,but by \t)

base: fromcsv.yml
    source: TSV
    resource: input/forras.tsv


All processes start with a source file, from which the the data are retrieved. There are unique types, which all have their own settings. There role is complex as during the ETL procedure any transformation or manipulation can retrieve further sources in order to do their operations. Their number and interlocking are critical. The all source type have the following data:

An example of the configuration of a Static source YAML file:

  source: Static
    - [ 'El Agent', 'El Agent@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2008 ]
    - [ 'Serious Electron', 'Serious Electron@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2013 ]
    - [ 'Brave Wizard', 'Brave Wizard@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2008 ]
    - [ 'Forgotten Itchy Emperor', 'Forgotten Itchy Emperor@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2013 ]
    - [ 'The Moving Monkey', 'The Moving Monkey@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2008 ]
    - [ 'Evil Ghostly Brigadier', 'Evil Ghostly Brigadier@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2013 ]
    - [ 'Strangely Oyster', 'Strangely Oyster@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2008 ]
    - [ 'Anaconda Silver', 'Anaconda Silver@metl-test-data.com', 2006, 2008 ]
    - [ 'Hawk Tough', 'Hawk Tough@metl-test-data.com', 2004, 2008 ]
    - [ 'The Disappointed Craw', 'The Disappointed Craw@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2013 ]
    - [ 'The Raven', 'The Raven@metl-test-data.com', 1999, 2008 ]
    - [ 'Ruby Boomerang', 'Ruby Boomerang@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2008 ]
    - [ 'Skunk Tough', 'Skunk Tough@metl-test-data.com', 2010, 2008 ]
    - [ 'The Nervous Forgotten Major', 'The Nervous Forgotten Major@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2013 ]
    - [ 'Bursting Furious Puppet', 'Bursting Furious Puppet@metl-test-data.com', 2011, 2008 ]
    - [ 'Neptune Eagle', 'Neptune Eagle@metl-test-data.com', 2011, 2013 ]
    - [ 'The Skunk', 'The Skunk@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2013 ]
    - [ 'Lone Demon', 'Lone Demon@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2008 ]
    - [ 'The Skunk', 'The Skunk@metl-test-data.com', 1999, 2008 ]
    - [ 'Gamma Serious Spear', 'Gamma Serious Spear@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2008 ]
    - [ 'Sleepy Dirty Sergeant', 'Sleepy Dirty Sergeant@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2008 ]
    - [ 'Red Monkey', 'Red Monkey@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2008 ]
    - [ 'Striking Tiger', 'Striking Tiger@metl-test-data.com', 2005, 2008 ]
    - [ 'Sliding Demon', 'Sliding Demon@metl-test-data.com', 2011, 2008 ]
    - [ 'Lone Commander', 'Lone Commander@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2013 ]
    - [ 'Dragon Insane', 'Dragon Insane@metl-test-data.com', 2013, 2013 ]
    - [ 'Demon Skilled', 'Demon Skilled@metl-test-data.com', 2011, 2004 ]
    - [ 'Vulture Lucky', 'Vulture Lucky@metl-test-data.com', 2003, 2008 ]
    name: 0
    year: 2
    name: 'Empty Name'
    - name: name
      type: String
      key: true
    - name: time
      type: Date
      finalType: String
        - transform: ConvertType
          fieldType: String
        - transform: ReplaceByRegexp
          regexp: '^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2})-[0-9]{2}$'
          to: '$1'
    - name: year
      type: Integer

The example is long and may contain data and structure not known as of yet, these will be analysed in depth later on.

The source is therefore responsible for the following:

  1. Description of type and format of the file containing the data (source)
  2. Description of processed data (fields)
  3. Defining the interlocking between them (map)

Let us examine how we can describe the type of files containing data.


Source type used with CSV files. Its parameters of intialisation:

Further parameters for source data:

An extract example of YAML configuration with CSV source

source: CSV
resource: path/to/file/name.csv
delimiter: "|"
headerRow: 0
skipRows: 1


Source type for getting data from databases. Can perform more than one function, but first let us examine the necessary parameters for getting data.

In light of this, let’s see two examples of YAML configuration. Let the first be the test table of a SQLite database:

source: Database
url: sqlite:///tests/test_sources/test_db_source.db
table: test

The second one is a unique query from a PostgreSQL database:

source: Database
url: 'postgresql://felhasznalo:jelszo@localhost:5432/adatbazis'
statement: "select c.*, p.* from public.t_customer as c inner join public.t_purchase as p on ( p.cid = c.id ) where p.purchase_date >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '2 months'"


Source type for using fixed width files. Parameter of its initialisation:

Further parameters for source data:

An example of an XLS configuration:

source: FixedWidthText
resource: path/to/file.txt
skipRows: 1


It is also possible to use Google Spreadsheet as a source. It doesn’t require much data for inicialisation, however, for getting source data, it does require lots of parameters:

None of the above is mandatory, however the source is unable to work without proper data. When supplying data, the following rules apply:

  1. Public Google SpreadSheet: Only spreadsheetKey is required. Usage of public spreadsheets is not perfect of the file contains : and, characters, they can give problematic results. It is Google’s fault, because in case of public documents, it does not give values back per cells, but as a complete text, without protecting characters.

  2. Not Public spreadsheet: It is mandatory to give the username and password fields, and one of ’spreadsheetKey’ or ’spreadsheetName’. If we wish to refer to a given spreadsheet, it is enough to supply one of worksheetId or worksheetName

An example of a YAML configuration of a public Google Spreadsheet.

source: GoogleSpreadsheet
spreadsheetKey: 0ApA_54tZDwKTdHNGNVFRX3g1aE12bXhzckRzd19aNnc


Source type used with JSON files. Initialisation parameter:

An example of the above rootIterator, where the value of the rootIterator is items:


Further parameters for source data:

An example of a YAML configuration:

source: JSON
resource: path/to/file.json
rootIterator: items


Source type mainly used for testing, in which the configuration file contains the records. Has only one parameter:

Example from above:

source: Static
  - [ 'El Agent', 'El Agent@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2008 ]
  - [ 'Serious Electron', 'Serious Electron@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2013 ]
  - [ 'Brave Wizard', 'Brave Wizard@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2008 ]
  - [ 'Forgotten Itchy Emperor', 'Forgotten Itchy Emperor@metl-test-data.com', 2008, 2013 ]


Source type used for TSV files. It's initialisation parameters:

Further parameters for source data:

Example of YAML configuration from a TSV source:

source: TSV
resource: path/to/file.tsv
headerRow: 0
skipRows: 1


Source type used for XLS files. Its initialisation parameters:

Further parameters for source data:

Example of an XLS configuration:

source: XLS
resource: path/to/file.xls
skipRows: 1
sheetName: Sheet1


Source type for XML files. Its initialisation parameters:

Example of giving itemName if the file contains more than one record. In this case, the value of itemName should be item.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Further parameters for source data:

Example of an XML configuration:

source: XML
resource: path/to/file.xml
itemName: item

Later on, during mapping one should take into account that the access to the XMLs and its routes the xml2dict package will be used, therefore when giving the value, the true value will be at the text attribute. An example of a a setting in case of latitude, longitude and name fields.

    latitude: lat/text
    longitude: lng/text
    name: nev/text


Source type used for YAML files. Initialisation parameters:

Example of the above rootIterator the the value of the rootIterator is items:

- district_id: 3
    lat: 47.5487066254
    lng: 19.0546094353
    nev: "\xD3budaisziget"

Further parameters for source data:

An example of a YAML configuration:

source: Yaml
resource: path/to/file.yml
rootIterator: items

A couple of pages above it has been mentioned that the source is responsible for the following:

  1. Description of the type and format of the files containing data (source)
  2. Description of processed data structure (field)
  3. Settings/joining between the above two (map)

We’ve seen the first function, let us now examine how we describe processed data.


It is mandatory to give the fields of the source in the case of all source files. Naturally, if any of the fields is not necessary for the process, it does not have to be included unless we want it to be appeared in the output. But those fields in which we would like to write values must be listed, as during the process there is no possibility to add new fields. All fields can possess the following values:

An example of a YAML configuration:

- name: uniquename
  type: Float

Important functions in Python:

An example of a Python code:

f = Field( 'uniquename', FloatFieldType(), key = True )
f.setValue( u'5,211' )
print repr( f.getValue() )
# 5.211


Each field possesses a type. The following types are handled by mETL currently:

The type value is used for conversion. Its basic task is to convert an incoming value to the defined type of element. If the conversion is unsuccessful or has an empty value (e.g. empty text) then it will result in a None value. All field types can have None value, the value of the type is adequate this way also.

Example from Python:

print repr( DateFieldType().getValue( u'22/06/2013 11:33:11 GMT+1' ) )
# datetime.date(2013, 6, 22)

Usage in YAML configuration file:

type: Date

The most interesting type is List since it is hard to imagine in the case of certain resources. In XML and JSON it will be stored in its original format, in CSV and TSV the Python list will be converted to text format, while in the case of Database it will be stored as JSON in the VARCHAR field.


The process of field transforms within mETL is done by using TARR packages. Ordinary list should be used which can contain both transforms and statements. However, on the configuration side there is a possibility to arrange the steps in order to make it easier to read by using the 'then' structure.

Its functioning is simple, it checks the transforms by statements, and at the end, if the finalType value of the field differs from the earlier field type it tries to convert the value.

Let's examine the following YAML configuration for a field:

- name: district
  type: Integer
  finalType: String
    - transform: ConvertType
      fieldType: String
    - transform: Map
        '1': Budavár
        '2': null
        '3': 'Óbuda-Békásmegyer'
        '4': Újpest
        '5': 'Belváros-Lipótváros'
        '6': Terézváros
        '7': Erzsébetváros
        '8': Józsefváros
        '9': Ferencváros
        '10': Kőbánya
        '11': Újbuda
        '12': Hegyvidék
        '13': 'Angyalföld-Újlipótváros'
        '14': Zugló
        '15': null
        '16': null
        '17': Rákosmente
        '18': 'Pestszentlőrinc-Pestszentimre'
        '19': Kispest
        '20': Pestszenterzsébet
        '21': Csepel
        '22': 'Budafok-Tétény'
        '23': Soroksár

What needs to be noticed in the first place is that the Integer type was used during the read, so we can be sure that all values which cannot be handled as numbers are stored as None. Since the finalType value is String, a type change will be performed during the transform as well. The first transform is a ConvertType which processes the above type change, while the next step is the Map which gives different values for a certain value. This way we created a text value field from a number field where the original name of the disctricts are shown. All transformations must be named by the key word transform.

These types of transforms can be defined for each field one by one.

Before getting into the description of more difficult transforms, let's take a look at to an other simple example:

- name: district_roman
  type: Integer
  finalType: String
    - transform: ConvertType
      fieldType: String
    - transform: tests.test_source.convertToRomanNumber

Our aim with this field is to generate a Roman numeral from a whole number value. Since mETL does not have this transform by default, we use the content of an other package. If it is not an installed package, then for mETL, the PATH variable can be supplemented with the -p parameter to load the necessary Python package.

def convertToRomanNumber( field ):

    if field.getValue() is None:
        return None

    number = int( field.getValue() )
    ints = (1000, 900, 500, 400, 100,  90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1)
    nums = ('M', 'CM', 'D', 'CD', 'C', 'XC', 'L', 'XL', 'X', 'IX', 'V', 'IV', 'I')

    result = ""
    for i in range( len( ints ) ):
        count   = int( number / ints[i] )
        result += nums[i] * count
        number -= ints[i] * count

    field.setValue( '%s.' % ( result ) )
    return field

With this method, we can easily add unique transforms to our project. This method has only one shortcoming - no further parameters can be given for the transforms defined this way, so it is not sure that it can be used for more general tasks.

See the StripTransform code as an example:

class StripTransform( metl.transform.base.Transform ):

    init = ['chars']

    # void
    def __init__( self, chars = None, *args, **kwargs ):

        self.chars = chars

        super( StripTransform, self ).__init__( *args, **kwargs )

    def transform( self, field ):

        if field.getValue() is None:
            return field

        field.setValue( field.getValue().strip( self.chars ) )
        return field

This method allows us to add transforms to the system that can accept further parameters in the following way:

  - transform: package.path.StripTransform
    chars: -

The above example is not the best since the word 'Transform' never needs to be added after the transform name that are default in mETL, and no paths need to be supplied either.

It was mentioned that transforms supported statements as well. Let's see an example YAML configuration for this case:

- name: intervalled
  type: Date
  map: created
    - statement: IF
      condition: IsBetween
      fromValue: 2012-02-02
      toValue: 2012-09-01
        - transform: ConvertType
          fieldType: Boolean
          hard: true
          defaultValue: true
    - statement: ELSE
        - transform: ConvertType
          fieldType: Boolean
          hard: true
        - transform: Set
          value: false
    - statement: ENDIF
  finalType: Boolean

The above reads a date field from which a true-false value is generated by the end of the process. To achieve this, statements are used. Like in every low-level progamming language, IF needs to be closed with ENDIF. The above example examines whether the read date is between two intervals or not. If yes, it takes the 'true' value, otherwise it will end up as 'false'. The above example also shows several possibilities for the value set.

In the case of statements, the key word statement must be used instead of transform. For conditions, the key word condition is the needed one, but first, let's see what conditions exist and how their parametrization works.


Each condition uses the key word condition, but it does not have importance on its own, it is only used by statements and certain manipulation objects for decision making. One condition decides the true or false value for exactly one field, it cannot be used for entire lines or for correlations between fields!

Conditions work the following way in Python:

f = Field( 'uniquename', FloatFieldType(), key = True, defaultValue = '5,211' )
print repr( IsBetweenCondition( 5.11, '5,2111' ).getResult( f ) )
# True

As in the case of ordinary transforms, unique conditions can be defined here also in the following way:

def IsGreaterThenFiveCondition( field ):

    return field.getValue() is not None and field.getValue() > 5

Also, the above can be done in a parameterized way:

class IsGreaterCondition( metl.condition.base.Condition ):

    init = ['value']

    # void
    def __init__( self, value, *args, **kwargs ):

        self.value = value

        super( IsGreaterCondition, self ).__init__( *args, **kwargs )

    # bool
    def getResult( self, field ):

        if field.getValue() is None:
            return False

        return field.getValue() > field.getType().getValue( self.value )

Here the code of one of the built-in conditions can be seen. The below version is longer than the above one as in this case, the number from which we want to get a bigger value can be conveyed as a parameter, and also a type conversion is processed on the result number to make the evaluation occur for the same types.


Field value falls into a given interval or not. It makes sense to use only in the case of Integer, Float, Date, DateTime types. Its parameters:

An example of a YAML configuration:

condition: IsBetween
fromValue: 2012-02-02
toValue: 2012-09-01

Checks whether the result field is empty or not. No parameters are expected and can be used for all types.

An example of a YAML configuration:

condition: IsEmpty

The value of the field is the same as the value of the parameter. This condition can be used for all types. Its parameter:

An example of a YAML configuration:

condition: IsEqual
value: 2012-02-02

The value of the field is greater than or equal to the value of the parameter. This condition can be used for all types. Its parameter:

An example of a YAML configuration:

condition: IsGreaterAndEqual
value: 2012-02-02

The value of the field is greater than the value of the parameter. This condition can be used for all types. Its parameter:

An example of a YAML configuration:

condition: IsGreater
value: 2012-02-02

The value of the field is less than or equal to the value of the parameter. This condition can be used for all types. Its parameter:

An example of a YAML configuration:

condition: IsLessAndEqual
value: 2012-02-02

The value of the field is less than the value of the parameter. This condition can be used for all types. Its parameter:

An example of a YAML configuration:

condition: IsLess
value: 2012-02-02

The value of the field is one of the values of the parameter. This condition can be used for all types. Its parameter:

An example of a YAML configuration:

condition: IsIn

It works in a quite similar way as IsIn, but the values used in the examination are loaded from an other source file and the inclusion of the field value is checked from this other file. Parameter:

There are other parameters as well since the entire Source configuration must be attached to this condition.

An example of a YAML configuration:

condition: IsInSource
source: Yaml
resource: examples/vins.yml
rootIterator: vins
join: vin
  - name: vin
    type: String

It uses a regular expression for the evaluation of the field value. The given field is considered successful if the regular expression interlocks with it. Its parameters:

An example of a YAML configuration:

condition: IsMatchByRegexp
regexp: '^.*[0-9]+.*$'
ignorecase: false


The key word statement must be used instead of transform. Statements can only be used during the transform steps of fields to create the final form of field value and to do a successful data cleanup. Statements can be embedded into each other without amount limit but all of them must be closed.


It serves as an "If, then" condition just as in regular programming languages. Each IF must be followed by an ENDIF later on. Its parameter:

It is not necessary, but in the YAML configuration a then can be added to it as well which contains the transforms belonging to it.


It serves as an "If not, then" condition. The same rules and parameters apply to it as for IF. Its parameter:


This statement is used if the condition is not met but we want to define a new one. It can be used between IF and ENDIF, but always before ELSE. The same rules and parameters apply to it as for IF. Its parameter:


The same rules and parameters apply to it as for ELIF, but this is met if the condition is denied. Its parameter:


It is used if the condition is not met and we do not want to set further conditions, but a path without condition is needed where the transform is able to go. Must be used between IF and ENDIF. If ELIF or ELIFNOT is present, this statement must be added after them. It does not have any parameter.


Key word to close an IF condition. It does not have any parameter.


It exists from the condition and ends the transforms. It does not have any parameter.


It was mentioned that the list of transforms could be defined to fields. These transformations are labelled with the key word transform after which the name of the used transformation must be added. The followings are available in the system.


It adds a number to the value of the field. Can be used only in the case of Integer and Float fields. Its parameters:

An example of a YAML configuration:

- transform: Add
  number: 4

An example for the result of the above transform:

=> 16

Removes the different staves from the defined field. It is important that it can be used only in the case of String and Text fields. Its parameters are not mandatory, but can be redefined:

An example of a YAML configuration:

- transform: Clean
    many: 1+

An example for the result of the above transform:

'  That is a good sentence, which is contains many english word! ' 
=> 'That is a good sentence which is contains 1+ english word'

Modifies the type of the field to an other type. Since not all field types can be converted to an other type without loss, more parameters need to be set here.

If we want to convert a date into text, there is no need for hard mode since this conversion is quite easily processed and in a lucky case, it can be executed in the other direction as well. Though the hard mode must be used to convert the value of a date field to Boolean. It is important to note that the finalType value of the field does not work on hard principle, so that must be assured with a transform before.

An example of a YAML configuration:

- transform: ConvertType
  fieldType: Boolean
  hard: true
  defaultValue: true


- transform: ConvertType
  fieldType: String

It changes the accentuated characters to non-accentuated ones in the case of String and Text fields. It is a very frequent process if we want to pair values to data coming from other sources since the quality of the data can be questionable, but this way we can make crosschecks easily. No parameter is expected.

An example of a YAML configuration:

- transform: Homogenize

An example for the result of the above transform:

=> 'arvizturotukorfurogeparvizturotukorfurogep'

It changes the field value to lowercase in the case of String and Text fields. No parameter is expected.

An example of a YAML configuration:

- transform: LowerCase

An example for the result of the above transform:

'That is a good sentence, which is contains many english word!'
=> 'that is a good sentence, which is contains many english word!'

It changes the value of the field to other values. It needs to be given as key-value pairs. It works appropriately only in the case of String and Text field types. Its parameters:

An example can be the previously seen YAML configuration:

- transform: Map
    '1': Budavár
    '2': null
    '3': 'Óbuda-Békásmegyer'
    '4': Újpest
    '5': 'Belváros-Lipótváros'
    '6': Terézváros
    '7': Erzsébetváros
    '8': Józsefváros
    '9': Ferencváros
    '10': Kőbánya
    '11': Újbuda
    '12': Hegyvidék
    '13': 'Angyalföld-Újlipótváros'
    '14': Zugló
    '15': null
    '16': null
    '17': Rákosmente
    '18': 'Pestszentlőrinc-Pestszentimre'
    '19': Kispest
    '20': Pestszenterzsébet
    '21': Csepel
    '22': 'Budafok-Tétény'
    '23': Soroksár

which results in the following

=> 'Újpest'

It removes words from an arbitrary sentence in String or Text field types by using an other source file. Words are separated by spaces, so it is highly recommended to run Clean before the removal.

It does not have own parameters, but the entire Source configuration is needed in this case also. The source can contain only one field. If more fields are included, the transform considers only the first one and removals will be done based on the value defined there.

An example of a YAML configuration:

- transform: RemoveWordsBySource
  source: CSV
  resource: materials/hu_stopword.csv
    - name: word
      type: String
      map: 0

It executes a replacement based on regular expressions in String and Text field types. Parameters that can be used:

An example for YAML configuration where only the year-month pair is kept from a text based date format:

- transform: ReplaceByRegexp
  regexp: '^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2})-[0-9]{2}$'
  to: '$1'

The above results in the following:

=> '2013-04'

It replaces words in String or Text field types by using an other source file. Its parameters:

There are other parameters as well since the entire Sourceconfiguration must be attached to this condition. Important to note that the source defined here can contain only 2 fields - including the field defined during join! Thus the value to which the replacement takes places will be a column not part of the join conditon!

An example of a YAML configuration:

- transform: ReplaceWordsBySource
  join: KEY
  source: CSV
  resource: materials/hu_wordtoenglish.csv
    - name: KEY
      type: Integer
      map: 0
    - name: VALUE
      type: String
      map: 1

It performs value setting in the case of any field types. Its parameters:

In the case of String and Text fields it is possible to paste the old value into the new one. Let's see a YAML configuration example for this:

- transform: Set
  value: '%(self)s or the new string'

An example for the result of the above transform:

=> 'Myself or the new string'

It separates the words by the spaces and leaves the defined interval in the case of String and Text field types. It is important to note that an exact number can be given (e.g.: 1) meaning that the words with that index will be kept. Intervals can be defined as well separated by a colon (e.g.: 2:-1). Its parameters:

An example of a YAML configuration:

- transform: Split
  idx: '1:-1'

An example for the result of the above transform:

'contains hungarian members attractive sadness killing'
=> 'hungarian members attractive sadness'

It brings the words in String and Text fields to their stem. Words are separated by spaces, so in most cases the usage of Clean transform is necessary. Its parameters:

An example of a YAML configuration:

- transform: Stem
  language: English

An example for the result of the above transform:

'contains hungarian members attractive sadness killing'
=> 'contain hungarian member attract sad kill'

For process execution the nltk SnowballStemmer package is used.


Removes the unnecessary spaces or other characters from the beginning and end of the value. Can be used only in the case of String and Text fields. Its parameters:

An example of a YAML configuration:

- transform: Strip

An example for the result of the above transform:

'  That is a good sentence, which is contains many english word!   '
=> 'That is a good sentence, which is contains many english word!'

It subtracts a number from the field value. Can be used only in the case of Integer and Float fields. Its parameters:

An example of a YAML configuration:

- transform: Sub
  number: 4

An example for the result of the above transform:

=> 8

It capitalizes each word. Can be used only in the case of String and Text fields. No parameter is expected.

An example of a YAML configuration:

- transform: Title

An example for the result of the above transform:

'That is a good sentence, which is contains many english word!'
=> 'That Is A Good Sentence, Which Is Contains Many English Word!'

It changes the field value to upper case in the case of String and Text fields. No parameter is expected.

An example of a YAML configuration:

- transform: UpperCase

An example for the result of the above transform:

'That is a good sentence, which is contains many english word!'

It has already been mentioned that the source is responsible for the followings:

  1. To describe the type and form of the resource containing data (source)
  2. To describe the data structure read (fields)
  3. To define the mapping between the above items (map)

We have already covered the first 2 points, let's see how the mapping of the processed data lines works for the above defined arbitrary fields.


We have a resource which values we want to read, and we have fields we want to put the values in for each line. The only missing item is to create a mapping which we can define for all sources.

For fields, fieldmap can be defined in two places:

  1. In the Source record under the map parameter.

        MEZONEV: 0
  2. Within the Field itself as map.

        - name: MEZONEV
          map: 0
        - name: MASIKMEZONEV
          type: Integer
          map: 2

Both will produce the same result. The first version is the better choice if we want to derieve a configuration file from it, since in this case, the fields do not need be redefined. The second version is better in the sense that it is more transparent since everything is where they belong. If no map is defined for a field, then values are searched based on the field name by default.

Each map means a path to the "data". The path can contain words, numbers (indices) and the combinations of them divided by a /.

In the light of this, let's see a more complex example based on which it will be easier to understand the process. The XML, JSON, YAML resources could contain multidimensional lists, but when the data is coming from Database, GoogleSpreadsheet, it has to be a one-dimensional list.

python_dict = {
    'first': {
         'of': {
             'all': 'dictionary',
             'with': [ 'many', 'list', 'item' ]
         'and': [ (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4) ]
     'filtered': [ { 
         'name': 'first', 
         'value': 'good'
     }, {
         'name': 'second',
         'value': 'normal'
     }, {
         'name': 'third',
         'value': 'bad'
     } ],
     'emptylist': {
         'item': 'itemname'
     'notemptylist': [
         { 'item': 'itemname' },
         { 'item': 'seconditemname' }
     'strvalue': 'many',
     'strlist': [ 'many', 'list', 'item' ],
     'root': 'R'

print repr( metl.fieldmap.FieldMap({
     'list_first': 'first/of/with/0',
     'list_last': 'first/of/with/-1',
     'tuple_last_first': 'first/and/-1/0',
     'not_existing': 'first/of/here',
     'root': 'root',
     'dict': 'first/of/all',
     'filtered': 'filtered/name=second/value',
     'list': 'filtered/*/value',
     'emptylistref': 'emptylist/~0/item',
     'notemptylistref': 'notemptylist/~0/item',
     'strvalue': 'strvalue',
     'strvalue1': 'strvalue/!/0',
     'strvalue2': 'strvalue/!/1',
     'strlist1': 'strlist/!/0',
     'strlist2': 'strlist/!/1'
 }).getValues( python_dict ) )

 # {'list_first': 'many', 'not_existing': None, 'dict': 'dictionary', 'tuple_last_first': 3, 'list_last': 'item', 'root': 'R', 'filtered': 'normal', 'list': ['good','normal','bad', 'emptylistref': 'itemname', 'notemptylistref': 'itemname', 'strvalue': 'many', 'strvalue1': 'many', 'strvalue2': None, 'strlist1': 'many', 'strlist2': 'list' ]}

If several data sources are used - like CSV, TSV, XLS, lists arrive. Note that in the case of CSV and TSV, it can be achieved that they receive one-dimensional values in the above format by defining the headerRow parameter.

python_list = [ 'many', 'list', 'item' ]

print repr( metl.fieldmap.FieldMap({
    'first': 0,
    'last': '-1',
    'not_existing': 4
}).getValues( python_list ) )

# {'last': 'item', 'not_existing': None, 'first': 'many'}

More important operators:


After the whole line is processed, the values are in the fields and the transforms are done on the field level, there is a possibility to manipulate the entire, cleaned values based on their correlations. There are 4 key words that can be used - each of them labels a single type: modifier, filter, expand, aggregator. We will mainly use them during our more complex tasks (e.g. API communication) Manipulation steps can follow each other in any order, regardless of the type. As soon as one of them finishes, it gives the result to the next one. This process continues until the Target object is reached.

  - filter: DropByCondition
    condition: IsMatchByRegexp
    regexp: '^.*\-.*$'
    fieldNames: name 
  - modifier: Set
      - district_search
      - district_copy
    value: '%(district)s'
  - modifier: TransformField
    fieldNames: district_copy
      - statement: IFNot
        condition: IsEmpty
          - transform: Set
            value: '%(self)s, '
      - statement: ENDIF
  - modifier: TransformField
      - name_search
      - district_search
      - transform: Clean
      - transform: LowerCase
      - transform: Homogenize
  - modifier: Set
    fieldNames: formatted_name
    value: '%(district_roman)s kerület, %(district_copy)s%(name)s'
  - filter: tests.test_source.DropIfSameNameAndDistrict
  - filter: DropField
      - name_search
      - district_copy
      - district_search
      - district_roman
      - district_id
      - region_id

The above example will not be explained in details, the main points are to show the key word usage and the format.


Modifiers are those objects that are given a whole line (record) and always return with a whole line. However, during their processes they make changes to values with the usage of the related values of different fields. In manipulations they always start with the key word modifier and we will use them most of the time during our work.

Before examining what system level modifiers mETL has, let's see how we can add new ones, as this step will be needed most frequently.

import urllib, demjson
from metl.utils import *

class MitoAPIPhoneSearch( Modifier ):

    # str
    def getURL( self, firstname, lastname, city ):

        return 'http://mito.api.hu/api/KEY/phone/search/hu/%(firstname)s/%(lastname)s/%(city)s' % {
            'firstname': urllib.quote( firstname.encode('utf-8') ),
            'lastname': urllib.quote( lastname.encode('utf-8' ) ),
            'city': urllib.quote( city.encode('utf-8' ) )

    # FieldSet
    def modify( self, record ):

        url = self.getURL( 
        ) )

        fp = urllib.urlopen( url )
        result = demjson.decode( fp.read() )
        phones = list( set([
            r.get('phone',{}).get('format',{}).get('e164') \
            for r in result['result']

        record.getField('PHONENUMBERS').setValue( u', '.join( phones ) )

        return record

This example shows that by using 3 values included from any source (surname, first name, city) we create a new value (phone number list). But we gather the data through an API request. The above does not have parameters, it can be easily embedded in the process.

- modifier: package.path.MitoAPIPhoneSearch

We need to pay attention to two things during extension:

  1. Needs to be derieved from Modifier class
  2. modify function needs to be rewritten and it should get back with record

It joins two sources by a key defined by the inner source. During the process, the key fields must be highlighted for the inner source so those fields will be searched in the outer source. If there is a match, the outer source is refreshed by the fields listed in the fieldNames. The same name must be given for both the key and the fields that need to be refreshed. In the case of key based join, only one record can belong to one line.

An example of a YAML configuration:

  source: XML
  resource: outer_source.xml
  itemName: property
    - name: originalId
      map: "source-system-id"

    - name: agentId
      map: "agent-id"


    - name: phone
    - name: email

  - modifier: JoinByKey
    source: XML
    resource: inner_source.xml
    itemName: agent
      - phone
      - email
      - name: agentId
        map: "agent-id"
        key: true
      - name: name
        map: "agent-name/text"
      - name: phone
        map: "agent-phone/text"
          - transform: test.convertToE164
      - name: email
        map: "agent-email/text"

  type: JSON

It orders the records based on the defined fields. Its parameters:

An example of a YAML configuration:

- modifier: Order
    - year: DESC
    - name: ASC

It executes value setting by using fixed value scheme, function or other source. It is the most commonly used modifier, but in order to get a faster and optimal processing, it is worth writing an own modifier. its parameters for initialization:

The functioning of Set is complicated. It can be extended with a fn parameter as well, where an arbitrary value setting function can be defined for it, and also an entire source description can be given.

Types of usage:

  1. Value modification

    In short, value modification can be done based on the actual field values by putting the names of the fields into value parameter. Value set will be performed for all fields listed in fieldNames.

    - modifier: Set
      fieldNames: formatted_name
      value: '%(district_roman)s kerület, %(district_copy)s%(name)s'
  2. Value modification by using function

    For performing a complex calculation, it is worth using the Set modifier this way. The function needs to be created by our own, therefore the -p parameter should be used here as well when running the metl script.

    - modifier: Set
      fieldNames: age
      fn: utvonal.calculateAge

    For the above, the following function can be written:

    def calculateAge( record, field, scope ):
        if record.getField('date_of_birth').getValue() is None:
            return None
        td = datetime.date.today() - record.getField('date_of_birth').getValue()
        return int( td.days / 365.25 )

    In the above function, record means the whole line, field defines the field that needs to be set (this function is carried out for all values listed in fieldNames), while scope stands for the SetModifier.

  3. Value modification by using other source

    This is the most difficult modifier type, but if the optimal speed is important, it is worth redefining based on the data structure of the known source. fn and source need to be given as well.

    - modifier: Set
      fieldNames: EMAILFOUND
      fn: utvonal.setValue
      source: TSV
      resource: utvonal/masikforras.tsv
        - name: EMAIL
        - name: FIRSTNAME
        - name: LASTNAME

    The following function belongs to it:

    def setValue( record, field, scope ):
        return 'Found same email address' \
            if record.getField('EMAIL').getValue() in \
                [ sr.getField('EMAIL').getValue() for sr in scope.getSourceRecords() ] \
            else 'Not found same email address'

Sets field's values based on the mapping of a Complex field.

Transforms must be done one by one for each field listed among fieldNames.

An example of a YAML configuration:

  source: JSON
    - name: LISTITEMS
      map: response/tips/items/*
      type: List
    - name: LISTELEMENT
      type: Complex
    - name: CREATEDAT
      type: Integer
    - name: TEXT
    - name: CATEGORIES
      type: List

  - expand: ListExpander
    listFieldName: LISTITEMS
    expandedFieldName: LISTELEMENT
  - modifier: SetWithMap
      CREATEDAT: createdAt
      TEXT: text
      CATEGORIES: venue/categories/*/id
    complexFieldName: LISTELEMENT
  - filter: DropField

It performs a regular field level transormation during the manipulation step. Parameters of its initialization:

Transforms must be done one by one for each field listed among fieldNames.

An example of a YAML configuration:

- modifier: TransformField
  fieldNames: district_copy
    - statement: IFNot
      condition: IsEmpty
        - transform: Set
          value: '%(self)s, '
    - statement: ENDIF


Their function is primarily filtering. It is used when we would like to evaluate or get rid of incomplete or faulty records as a result of an earlier tranformation.

If we want to put a new filter in the system, the following can help:

from metl.utils import *

class MyFilter( Filter ):

    # bool
    def isFiltered( self, record ):

        return not record.getField('MEGMARADJON').getValue()

The fate of the record is decided by condition. Parameters of its initialization:

Let's see three examples. In the first example, we want to leave out from the results those cases when the value of the NAME field matches with a pattern. During the evaluation a field, the operation parameter is not important.

- filter: DropByCondition
  condition: IsMatchByRegexp
  regexp: '^.*\-.*$'
  fieldNames: NAME 

In the second example, let's see an other type of assessment. We want to delete the line if both EMAIL and NAME values are empty.

- filter: DropByCondition
  condition: isEmpty
   - NAME
   - EMAIL
  operation: AND

In the third example, let's examine the previous one with OR operation. In this case, the line will be deleted from the results if either the NAME or the EMAIL fields are empty.

- filter: DropByCondition
  condition: isEmpty
   - NAME
   - EMAIL
  operation: OR

Inclusion in an other source file decides on the fate of the record. All rules are identical with the ones applicable for DropByCondition, so here the cases will not be described again. Its initialization:

and source with all its parameters. The only parameter that belongs to the condition (which is usually value) must contain that in which column of the other source the comparison value can be found.

An example of a YAML configuration:

- filter: DropBySource
  join: PID
  condition: IsEqual
  value: NAME
  source: Database
  url: 'postgresql://felhasznalonev:jelszo@localhost:5432/adatbazis'
  table: adattabla
    - name: PID
      type: Integer
      map: id
    - name: NAME
      type: String

Fields can be dropped from a record with its help. It can happen that a value from a source is pasted into several fields in order to perform different transformations on them, and at the end of the process we want to delete those fields that are not needed anymore. This filter makes this possible.

An example of a YAML configuration:

- filter: DropField
    - name_search
    - district_copy
    - district_search
    - district_roman
    - district_id
    - region_id

The fate of the record can be decided by condition. Parameters for its initialization as follows:

It is almost identical with the DropByCondition function, the only difference is that in this case, the record will not be filtered if the condition is met!


It is used for expansion if we want to add additional values after the current source.


It gives the possibility to read a resource with the same format as of the actual source, and paste it in the actual process. Its parameters:

Important to note that it does not extend the previous source with new fields, everything continues the same way as if the current file would get an other resource without modifier and target. All resouce attributes can be rewritten, even username, password, or encoding data connected to htaccess!

An example of a YAML configuration:

- expand: Append
  resource: target/otherfile.json
  encoding: iso-8859-2
  skipIfFails: true
  logFile: log/otherfile.txt
  appendLog: true

It gives the possibility to read a resource with the same format as of the actual source, and paste it in the actual process. Its parameters:

Important to note that it does not extend the previous source with new fields, everything continues the same way as if the current file would get an other resource without modifier and target. It creates Append for each file and the process will be executed this way.

An example of a YAML configuration:

- expand: AppendAll
  folder: source/oc
  extension: xml

The content of an other source can be appended after the original source. Only source is needed for initialization with all its parameters.

Important to note that it does not extend the previous source with new fields, it pairs everything by name to the data and columns of the original source. The same fields in must have identical name in both sources. Those fields of the current source that do not exist in the original source will not be included among the results!

An example of a YAML configuration:

- filter: AppendBySource
  source: Database
  url: 'postgresql://felhasznalonev:jelszo@localhost:5432/adatbazis'
  table: adattabla
    - name: PID
      type: Integer
      map: id
    - name: NAME
      type: String

It collects columns defined as parameters to an other column including the column values. It can be used if we want to list a few lines of a statistics in key-value form below each other and we want to keep all original columns. Its initialization:

An example of a YAML configuration:

- expand: Field
    cz: Czech
    hu: Hungary
    sk: Slovak
    pl: Poland
  valueFieldName: count
  labelFieldName: country

A class that can be used for expansion, but it cannot work on its own. It has a task if we want to create more lines from one line in the process. Don't forget the clone() method during the prototype query!

class ResultExpand( BaseExpanderExpand ):

    def expand( self, record ):

        for phone in record.getField('PHONES').getValue().split(', '):
            fs = self.getFieldSetPrototypeCopy().clone()
            fs.setValues( record.getValues() )
            fs.getField('PHONES').setValue( phone )

            yield fs

It breaks up list type elements to separate lines based on their values. It derieves from BaseExpander, therefore their functioning is quite similar. Its parameters:

It is important to note, that the two fields can never be identical. If the list element is not needed later, the unnecessary field can be dropped by a filter step. Either the expandedFieldName or the expanderMap is mandatory.

  resource: 589739.json
  source: JSON
    - name: ID
      type: Integer
      map: response/user/id
    - name: FIRST
      map: response/user/firstName
    - name: LAST
      map: response/user/lastName
    - name: FRIENDS
      map: response/user/friends/groups/0/items/*/id
      type: List
    - name: FRIEND
      type: Integer

  - expand: ListExpander
    listFieldName: FRIENDS
    expandedFieldName: FRIEND
  - filter: DropField
    fieldNames: FRIENDS

  type: JSON
  resource: result.json
  compact: false

It fixes the given columns while the other columns will be shown by key-value pairs. During the process, all fields that are neither fixed nor contain key-value pairs will be deleted. If we do not want to remove the fields just a few fields should be melted, the Field expander must be used. Its initialization:

An example of a YAML configuration:

- expand: Melt
    - first
    - last
  valueFieldName: value
  labelFieldName: quantity


It is used to create groups and calculate information from them. Aggregators act many times as Filters or Modifiers as well, since in several cases they delete lines or columns, modify and collect given values. All procedures like this starts with the key word aggregator.


It is used to determine the mean average. Its initialization:

The aggregator deletes all columns except for fieldNames, targetFieldName, listFieldName.

An example of a YAML configuration:

- aggregator: Avg
  fieldNames: author
  targetFieldName: avgprice
  valueFieldName: price

Used to calculate figures. Its initialization:

The aggregator deletes all columns except for fieldNames, targetFieldName, listFieldName.

An example of a YAML configuration:

- aggregator: Count
  fieldNames: word
  targetFieldName: count
  listFieldName: matches

It is used to sum values. Its initialization:

The aggregator deletes all columns except for fieldNames, targetFieldName, listFieldName.

An example of a YAML configuration:

- aggregator: Sum
  fieldNames: author
  targetFieldName: sumprice
  valueFieldName: price


After the data is read from the source, and the transform and manipulation steps are over, the finalized record gets to the Target. This will write and create the file with the final data.

  type: <target_type>

Target is required for every process, and only one instance of it could exist. You can continue previous actions when you have used CSV, TSV, Database targets before.


Target type used in the case of CSV resource. Parameters of its initialization:

Further parameters to define the target place:

An example of a YAML configuration:

  type: CSV
  resurce: path/to/the/output.csv
  delimiter: "|"
  addHeader: true
  appendFile: true


This target type is used if we want to write our records to a database. Several parameters exist for its initialization:

Further parameters to define the target place:

An example of a YAML configuration:

  type: Database
  url: sqlite:///tests/target
  table: result
  addIDKey: false
  createTable: true
  replaceTable: true
  truncateTable: true


  type: Database
  url: sqlite:///tests/target
  fn: mgmt.RunFunctionQuery

with the following Python resource:

def RunFunctionQuery( connection, insert_buffer, update_buffer ):

    for item in insert_buffer:
            INSERT INTO result ( lat, lng ) VALUES ( :lat, :lng );


To define fn is most useful when creating migrations. Example will be added later.


Target type used in the case of fixed width resources. Parameters of its initialization:

Further parameters to define the target place:

An example of a YAML configuration:

  type: FixedWidthText
  resurce: utvonal/output.txt


Target type used in the case of spreadsheet resources. Parameters of its initialization:

Further parameters to define the target place:

An example of a YAML configuration:

  type: GoogleSpreadsheet
  username: ***
  password: ***
  spreadsheetKey: 0ApA_54tZDwKTdDlibXppSkd1MExxb3Y5WmJrZjFxR1E
  worksheetName: Sheet1


Target type used in the case of JSON resources. Parameters of its initialization:

Further parameters to define the target place:

An example of a YAML configuration:

  type: JSON
  resurce: utvonal/output.json
  rootIterator: items


Target type used to write into graph database. Parameters of its initialization:

Further parameters to define the target place:

If we choose Relation resourceType, the following parameters are mandatory as well:

The system automatically places an index to the fields with key.

An example for YAML configuration in the case of Node:

  source: TSV
  resource: Artist.txt
  quote: ""
  skipRows: 1
    - name: uid
      map: 0
      key: true
    - name: name
      map: 1
    - name: nationality
      map: 2

  type: Neo4j
  url: http://localhost:7474
  label: Artist
  truncateLabel: true
  resourceType: Node

And in the case of Relation:

  source: TSV
  resource: AlbumArtist.txt
  quote: ""
  skipRows: 1
    - name: album_uid
      map: 0
    - name: artist_uid
      map: 1

  type: Neo4j
  url: http://localhost:7474
  label: Contains
  truncateLabel: true
  resourceType: Relation
  fieldNameLeft: album_uid
  fieldNameRight: artist_uid
  keyNameLeft: uid
  keyNameRight: uid
  labelLeft: Album
  labelRight: Artist


Type created for testing purposes, it works for stdout in TSV format. Parameters of its initialization:

An example of a YAML configuration:

  type: Static
  silence: false


Target type used in the case of TSV resources. Parameters of its initialization:

Further parameters to define the target place:

An example of a YAML configuration:

  type: CSV
  resurce: path/to/output.csv
  delimiter: "|"
  addHeader: true
  appendFile: true


Target type used in the case of XLS resources. Parameters of its initialization:

Further parameters to define the target place:

If we give a non-existing worksheet, the process automatically creates one together with the entire XLS file.

An example of a YAML configuration:

  type: XLS
  resource: path/to/output.xls
  sheetName: NotExisting
  replaceFile: false
  truncateSheet: false


Target type used in the case of XML resources. Parameters of its initialization:

Further parameters to define the target place:

An example of a YAML configuration:

  type: XML
  resource: utvonal/output.xml
  itemName: estate
  rootIterator: estates


Target type used in the case of Yaml resources. Parameters of its initialization:

Further parameters to define the target place:

An example of a YAML configuration:

  type: Yaml
  resource: utvonal/output.yml
  rootIterator: estates


During the running of the mETL script, there is a possibility to define a migration file (-m parameter) and to generate a new migration file (-t parameter). There are two types of migrations, keyless and with key. If a modification occurs in the configuration file, the earlier migration cannot be used in the future. The two different types of migrations cannot be mixed with each other in any way.

Key, Hash, ID

Each line has the above parameters.


log variable can be given to a start-up source, manipulation and target file. To activate the logging to a given step, the path of the file must be defined. Each step creates a different logging format, but in general the following applies:

  1. Source log: It contains the ID of the processed line, the dictionary of the processed line as JSON and the value after the transformation in JSON.
  2. Filter modifier log: It contains the ID of the processed line, and the transform value of the dropped line in JSON.
  3. Target file log: It contains the ID of the processed line, the operation (writing or modification) and the value of the line to be written out in JSON.

Modifiers, Expanders, and the transformation steps will not be logged one by one separately.

Migration without key fields

In this case, we can't identify the lines clearly, thus we can't determine whether the value of the line has changed or not compared to previous status. In this version, none of the fields contain key in their configuration, so the only item the migration can define is whether in the previous version (-m) there was any identical values based on the hash.

Only the already non-existing fileds will be written into Target. If a new migration is asked to be genarated (-t), then the miration file will have all old and new values. Those that are not inlcuded in the new file will not be part of the new migration, they will be considered as deleted elements though we do not mark them for deletion anywhere.

Migration with the use of key fields

It is more commonly used, since for almost all sources we can find a combination with which a line can be clearly identified based on several data. During the migration process, for all IDs it stores the hash belonging to the line. This way, if the hash that belongs to the same ID changes, we know exactly which record (line) value has been modified. In the case of text source, all new and modified records get into the target file. But in the case of database target, UPDATE commands must be used. Mingration to be generated (-t) will contain the final status.

List of new/modified/unaltered/deleted element keys

The metl-differences script is able to compare migrations. Example can be as follows:

metl-differences -d delete.yml migration/migration.pickle migration/historical.pickle

As it can be seen, it gets a -d parameter with the configuration file. It defines where to write the keys of those elements that are to be deleted during the new migration. An example for the delete.yml configuration:

  type: JSON
  resource: migration/migration_delete.json
  rootIterator: deleted
  flat: true

Only target must be defined, the others are handled by the script. The above generates a list similar to this one:


In the original configuration file, one single id field contained the key setting. The above script can be used only in the case of identical types of migrations!!!

But in most cases, the modifications and the list of deleted records are needed due to other reasons. It is common that the new records of the whole migration are written to a database, while the deleted records are to be inactivated. The fn attribute of the DatabaseTarget is used for this.

In the case of

metl-differences -d delete.yml migration/current.pickle migration/prev.pickle

the content of delete.yml is:

  type: Database
  url: sqlite:///database.db
  fn: mgmt.inactivateRecords

while the content of the mgmt.py is:

def inactivateRecords( connection, delete_buffer, other_buffer ):

            active = FALSE
            id = ANY( VALUES %s )
        """ % ( ', '.join( [ "('%(key)s')" % b for b in delete_buffer ] ) ) 


As we are already familiar with the possibilities the tool can give, let's see what it can be used for.

Loading Spanish data

It is a quite simple load, but can be interesting due to the amount of data. The data is several GBs, it covers almost a decade. On a monthly basis, it has about 10 pieces of 80 MB resources with 250 000 lines for each. The goal is to load the data in a database table in the fastest way.

The following configuration was created for it:

  source: FixedWidthText
    FLOW: '0:1'
    YEAR: '1:3'
    MONTH: '3:5'
    WEIGHT: '89:104'
    UNITS: '104:119'
    STATISTICAL_VALUE: '119:131'
    INVOICE_VALUE: '131:143'
    COUNTRY_CURRENCY: '143:146'
    CONTAINER: '158:159'
    TRANSPORT_SYSTEM: '159:164'
    ZONE_EXCHANGE: '170:171'
    TERMS_OF_DELIVERY: '174:177'
    CONTINGENT: '177:183'
    TARIFF_PREFERENCE: '183:189'
    FREIGHT: '189:201'
    - name: FLOW
    - name: YEAR
      type: Integer
    - name: MONTH
      type: Integer
      type: Date
    - name: WEIGHT
    - name: UNITS
    - name: INVOICE_VALUE
    - name: CONTAINER
    - name: ZONE_EXCHANGE
    - name: CONTINGENT
    - name: FREIGHT

  type: Database
  url: postgresql://metl:metl@localhost:5432/metl
  table: spanish_trade
  createTable: true
  replaceTable: false
  truncateTable: false

As it can be seen, there is no resource parameter defined in he case of Source, since we do not want to create separate configurations for similar file formats. For running, metl-walk is used with multiprocess (-m) setting, to process the monthly 10 files as soon as possible simultaneously.

metl-walk -m spanishtrade.yml data/spanish_trade/2013/jan

Aggregated data conversion and collection

Many cases it is needed to create meaningful, clear data from non-reasonable data sources. The below resource formats arrived for each county:

         "category":"Local business",
               "name":"Fast Food Restaurant"
            "street":"Sz\u00e9chenyi t\u00e9r 1.",
         "name":"McDonald's P\u00e9cs Sz\u00e9chenyi t\u00e9r",

The goal is to generate a TSV resource that contains all data included in these files. Configuration used to achieve this:

  source: JSON
    - name: category
    - name: category_list_id
      map: category_list/0/id
    - name: category_list_name
      map: category_list/0/name
    - name: location_street
      map: location/street
    - name: location_city
      map: location/city
    - name: location_state
      map: location/state
    - name: location_country
      map: location/country
    - name: location_zip
      map: location/zip
      type: Integer
    - name: location_latitude
      map: location/latitude
      type: Float
    - name: location_longitude
      map: location/longitude
      type: Float
    - name: name
    - name: id
  rootIterator: data

  type: TSV
  resource: common.tsv
  appendFile: true

The program was running with the below format: metl-walk config.yml data/

Long format conversion from table form

By using Field expander

We have a TSV resource with the following format:

Year    CZ  HU  SK  PL
1999    32  694 129 230
1999    395 392 297 453
1999    635 812 115 97

To which we create the below configuration:

  source: TSV
  resource: input1.csv
  skipRows: 1
    - name: year
      type: Integer
      map: 0
    - name: country
    - name: count
      type: Integer
    - name: cz
      type: Integer
      map: 1
    - name: hu
      type: Integer
      map: 2
    - name: sk
      type: Integer
      map: 3
    - name: pl
      type: Integer
      map: 4

  - expand: Field
      cz: Czech
      hu: Hungary
      sk: Slovak
      pl: Poland
    valueFieldName: count
    labelFieldName: country
  - filter: DropField
      - cz
      - hu
      - sk
      - pl

  type: TSV
  resource: output1.csv

Thus we get the following result:

year    country count
1999    Slovak  129
1999    Czech   32
1999    Poland  230
1999    Hungary 694
1999    Slovak  297
1999    Czech   395

By using Melt expander

Let's see the following input file:

first   height  last    weight  iq
John    5.5     Doe     130     102
Mary    6.0     Bo      150     98

An example configuration file to get the data to long value based on the key-value pairs:

  source: TSV
  resource: input2.csv
  skipRows: 1
    - name: first
      map: 0
    - name: height
      type: Float
      map: 1
    - name: last
      map: 2
    - name: weight
      type: Integer
      map: 3
    - name: iq
      type: Integer
      map: 4
    - name: quantity
    - name: value

  - expand: Melt
      - first
      - last
    valueFieldName: value
    labelFieldName: quantity

  type: TSV
  resource: output2.csv

As a result, the below will be created:

first   last    quantity    value
John    Doe     iq          102
John    Doe     weight      130
John    Doe     height      5.5
Mary    Bo      iq          98
Mary    Bo      weight      150
Mary    Bo      height      6.0

Data load to two tables of a database

Let's see a complex example which is based on the usage of the ListExpander.

  source: JSON
  rootIterator: features
  resource: hucitystreet.geojson
    - name: id
      type: Integer
      map: id
      key: true
    - name: osm_id
      type: Float
      map: properties/osm_id
    - name: name
      map: properties/name
    - name: ref
      map: properties/ref
    - name: type
      map: properties/type
    - name: oneway
      type: Boolean
      map: properties/oneway
    - name: bridge
      type: Boolean
      map: properties/bridge
    - name: tunnel
      type: Boolean
      map: properties/tunnel
    - name: maxspeed
      map: properties/maxspeed
    - name: telkod
      map: properties/TEL_KOD
    - name: telnev
      map: properties/TEL_NEV
    - name: kistkod
      map: properties/KIST_KOD
    - name: kistnev
      map: properties/KIST_NEV
    - name: megynev
      map: properties/MEGY_NEV
    - name: regnev
      map: properties/REG_NEV
    - name: regkod
      map: properties/REG_KOD
    - name: geometry
      type: List
      map: geometry/coordinates

  type: Database
  url: postgresql://metl:metl@localhost:5432/metl
  table: osm_streets
  createTable: true
  replaceTable: true
  truncateTable: true
  addIDKey: false

In the database, the value of the geometry field will be JSON. We want to break up this list to an other table as latitude and longitude coordinates. Currently, the following values are in the geometry field:


We want to achieve this by the below configuration:

  source: Database
  url: postgresql://metl:metl@localhost:5432/metl
  table: osm_streets
    - name: street_id
      type: Integer
      map: id
    - name: latitude
      type: Float
    - name: longitude
      type: Float
    - name: geometry
      type: List
      map: geometry

  - expand: ListExpander
    listFieldName: geometry
      latitude: 0
      longitude: 1
  - filter: DropField
    fieldNames: geometry

  type: Database
  url: postgresql://metl:metl@localhost:5432/metl
  table: osm_coords
  createTable: true
  replaceTable: true
  truncateTable: true

We read out here the previously loaded value of the geometry field into a list, then with the help of the ListExpander we define what to write exactly in the latitude and longitude fields. With this, we created a table and a connection table belonging to it.

Database transfer

We have a MySQL and a PostgreSQL database and we want to switch between the two. Data can be transferred easily through a command:

metl-transfer config.yml

The configuration file is the following:

sourceURI: mysql+mysqlconnector://xyz:xyz@localhost/database
targetURI: postgresql://xyz:xyz@localhost:5432/database

  - [ 'Message', 'message' ]
  - [ 'SourceMessage', 'sourcemessage' ]
  - related_content
  - poi
  - shorturl
  - ident_data
  - user
  - estate_agency
  - time_series
  - auth_item
  - property_migration
  - property_group
  - cemp_id_daily
  - cluster
  - auth_assignment
  - property
  - lead
  - pic
  - lead_comment
  - similarity
  - property_cluster

  - auth_item
  - estate_agency

runAfter: |
      status = status + 1,
      condition = condition + 1,
      estatetype = estatetype + 1,
      heating = heating + 1,
      conveniences = conveniences + 1,
      parking = parking + 1,
      view = view + 1,
      material = material + 1;

sourceURI contains the address of the source database, while targetURI contains the address of the target database. Listing of tables is not mandatory, if they are not listed, then all of the tables from the source database will be copied to the target database. With the truncate option, given tables can be cleared in the target database before loading, while SQL ccommands can be run with runAfter and runBefore

Important to note that the tables must exist in the target database, the transfer does not create them.