A free set of scripts to semi-automatically generate open access workshop proceedings for CEUR-WS.org, with special support for proceedings exported from EasyChair.
CEUR-WS.org may revise their submission rules and their requirements for index.html files, copyright forms, etc., at any time. You are responsible for checking whether CEUR-WS.org have released new versions of these (concretely: if the CEURVERSION in the source of the index.html template is the same as the one in the source of toc2ceurindex.xsl). The ceur-make developers welcome any bug reports related to this. If you manually edit the output generated by ceur-make, you will be doing so entirely at your own risk. In particular, take care not to break any CEUR...
Use ceur-make at your own risk. At the time of this writing, the documentation (both in this README file and in the sources) is not yet complete, but we will be working on this.
On a recent Linux all of these components (except maybe Saxon) should be installable via the central package manager, if they are not yet installed anyway. On Mac OS, most components should be installable via MacPorts or Fink, on Windows via Cygwin. For Saxon, it suffices to download its distribution for Java, and to unzip the saxon9he.jar
file from the ZIP file, and to put it into some user directory.
ceur-make has so far been tested on Linux and Windows (using Cygwin); reports from users of other systems are welcome.
To get started, you need to copy the ceur-make scripts into the directory in which you would like to keep your proceedings. You can do this by calling ./ceur-make-init path/to/your/directory
from the directory where you installed ceur-make. Copy Makefile.vars.template
to Makefile.vars
and adapt the paths to point to the path of where you put Saxon, etc. (ceur-make-init
doesn't do this automatically to prevent problems.)
When you use EasyChair and instruct it to create an LNCS proceedings volume, ceur-make can automatically generate the XML table of contents (toc.xml
) from the EasyChair volume information. Note that, for the purpose of ceur-make, “LNCS” just means that EasyChair will provide the proceedings for download in a ZIP file with a certain structure. It doesn't mean that your proceedings will be published with Springer, nor that the papers have to be in the LNCS layout.
by make toc.xml
and adapt it manually if needed; see below. (If make toc.xml
doesn't do its job, try to enforce it with make -B toc.xml
Note that publishing with CEUR-WS.org only requires PDF versions of papers but no sources. EasyChair, however, will force authors who contribute to an “LNCS” proceedings volume to upload the ZIPped LaTeX sources or the Word source of their papers. If the actual sources of the papers are not relevant to your workflow (ceur-make does not require them in any case!), you can ask your authors to upload a dummy ZIP or a dummy Word file.
When you do not generate toc.xml
from EasyChair, as explained above, you will have to write it manually, following the example.
If it has been generated from EasyChair, the following special situtations may require manual adaptation of toc.xml
EasyChair does not support workshops having multiple sessions. If your workshop has multiple sessions, you need to insert them manually into toc.xml
; see the example file.
Page numbers are an optional feature, but make toc.xml
generates page number information from the EasyChair metadata.
If you do not wish to use page numbers, please remove all pages
entries from toc.xml
If you wish to use page numbers and would also like to generate an all-in-one PDF, e.g., for distribution during your workshop, please make sure you adapt the pages
entries to match the all-in-one PDF. They will have to be shifted as soon as the all-in-one PDF includes material before the papers, such as a preface, and if this material uses the same counter as the papers' pages, e.g. if the preface doesn't use Roman numerals.
To get started with this, you need a toc.xml
file (see this example), which you can either write manually, or have generated from an EasyChair archive (see above). Additionally, you need to write workshop.xml
(see this example) manually.
From these files, you can generate the following building blocks of a CEUR-WS.org proceedings volume.
, or specifically make ceur-ws/index.html
, or specifically make copyright-form.txt
, or specifically make toc.tex
). The all-in-one PDF is assumed to have the name proc.pdf
, or specifically make ceur-ws/temp.bib
). This file will need manual post-processing; please read on below.make zip
)Some features of the a CEUR-WS.org index.html template are not yet supported by ceur-make and will require manual adaptation. This includes the distinction between regular papers and “AUX” papers, which are not to be indexed in publication databases.
“Joint volume” proceedings comprising papers from multiple workshops also require manual work. See Vol-1010 as an example for such a volume; however be aware that the index.html template has changed meanwhile, i.e. you should not literally copy source code from old tables of content.
If your editors have FOAF profiles, please consider manually adding resource="foaf-profile"
in addition to href="https://github.com/ceurws/ceur-make/blob/master/homepage"
for each editor.
If your authors have FOAF profiles, manually add resource="foaf-profile"
to each outer <span rel="dcterms:creator">
; otherwise, if they have homepages and you want to link to them, manually add rel="foaf:homepage" resource="homepage"
to each inner <span property="foaf:name">
The BibTeX database, generated as ceur-ws/temp.bib
may work out of the box with BibLaTeX and Biber but usually requires manual revision, as ceur-make does not handle persons' names as intelligently as BibTeX, and as bibtex
does not support Unicode names and identifiers.
For these reasons we force you to manually inspect and revise ceur-ws/temp.bib
and copy it to ceur-ws/yourworkshopYYYY.bib
(according to the settings in workshop.xml
); ceur-ws/temp.bib
is not included in the ZIP archive for upload to CEUR-WS.org.
While you are working on ceur-ws/temp.bib
, you can test it with make bibtest.pdf
(which currently assumes plain old BibTeX, not Biber).
This code is licensed under GPL version 3 or any later version.