cfenzo / Ractive-decorators-minmaxwidth

Ractive.js decorator for element min/max width
MIT License
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Ractive.js minmaxwidth decorator

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See the demo here.

This decorator provides "Element Media Queries" by setting data-attributes based on the provided breakpoints. It will also set the current width as a variable on the Ractive instance when a keypath is provided.

<div class="item" decorator="minmaxwidth:[100,200],'keypath'">
    Something something {{keypath}}

You can then do CSS "Element Media Queries" by matching the data-attributes like this:

.item[data-min-width~="100"] {
.item[data-max-width~="100"] {


Include this file on your page below Ractive, e.g:

<script src='lib/Ractive.js'></script>
<script src='lib/Ractive-decorators-minmaxwidth.js'></script>

Or, if you're using a module loader, require this module:

// requiring the plugin will 'activate' it - no need to use the return value
require( 'Ractive-decorators-minmaxwidth' );

Use the decorator in your template with any of the following syntaxes (explanation of the variables in the "options" syntax):

A single breakpoint

<div class="item" decorator="minmaxwidth:100">
    html content

An array of breakpoints

<div class="item" decorator="minmaxwidth:[100,200]">
    html content

A single breakpoint and a keypath

<div class="item" decorator="minmaxwidth:100,'my_width'">

An array of breakpoints and a keypath

<div class="item" decorator="minmaxwidth:[100,200],'my_width'">

An object with one or more of these keys

<div class="item" decorator="minmaxwidth:{breakpoints:[100,200],keypath:'my_width'}">


The decorator will add data-min-width and data-max-width attributes holding a space-delimited list of matched min/max values, and set the given keypath to the current width (not just if it matches one of the min/max values):

<!-- Ractive template -->
<div class="item" decorator="minmaxwidth:[100,200,300],'width'">{{width}}</div>

<!-- resulting html when the width is 299px -->
<div class="item" data-min-width="100 200" data-max-width="300">299</div>

Using the ~= attribute-selector you can write styles targeting the specific min/max values:

.item[data-min-width~="100"] {
.item[data-max-width~="300"] {

It's recommended to use a className with the attribute-selector, so your CSS rules don't match more elements than it should.

See the demo with more CSS examples here.

Configurable defaults

These decorator-defaults are exposed so they can be overwritten if needed (defaults should work fine)

// how often the poller-fallback should poll for changes (for IE11 and other browsers with no support for onresize, over/underflow and flowchanged events on elements, uses setInterval)
Ractive.decorators.minmaxwidth.pollerInterval = 250;
// the classname used on the sensor-html (for firefox and webkit-based browsers)
Ractive.decorators.minmaxwidth.sensorClass = 'resize-sensor';
// should sensor styles be added by the script? (PS. the sensor styles must be provided, the resize listener will not work without them)
Ractive.decorators.minmaxwidth.addSensorStyles = true;

Known issues


Based on Back Alley Coder's "Element Queries, From the Feet Up"

Copyright (c) 2014 Jens Anders Bakke. Licensed MIT

Created with the Ractive.js plugin template for Grunt.