cfifty / rotation_trick

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Restructuring Vector Quantization with the Rotation Trick

  1. October 9, 2024: Initial release.

This repository contains the official code for Restructuring Vector Quantization with the Rotation Trick.


Restructuring Vector Quantization with the Rotation Trick
Christopher Fifty, Ronald G. Junkins, Dennis Duan, Aniketh Iger, Jerry W. Liu, \ Ehsan Amid, Sebastian Thrun, Christopher Ré\ Under Review\ arXiv


In the context of VQ-VAEs, the rotation trick smoothly transforms each encoder output into its corresponding codebook vector via a rotation and rescaling linear transformation that is treated as a constant during backpropagation. As a result, the relative magnitude and angle between encoder output and codebook vector becomes encoded into the gradient as it propagates through the vector quantization layer and back to the encoder.


Code environment

This code requires Pytorch 2.3.1 or higher with cuda support. It has been tested on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS and python 3.8.5.

You can create a conda environment with the correct dependencies using the following command lines:

cd rotation_trick
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate rotation_trick


The directory structure for this project should look like:

│   │   src/
│   │   ...
│   │   train/
│   │   │   n03000134/
│   │   |   ...
│   │   val/
│   │   │   n03000247/
│   │   |   ...

Training a Model

Follow the commands in src/

Evaluating a Model

See src/ as well as src/ to generate r-FID and r-IS scores respectively from a pretrained model.