cforlando / voter-registration

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A frictionless, opinionated registration tool. Look up your current registration, and make changes if desired and register if you aren't already registered.

aspirational overview

A simple form should search and populate a registration form. By filling it out, people can register anew or change an existing registration.

Type birth-date, then start filling name, address, et c, and entered details cause the page to suggest existing registrations to fill the entire form. User can decide there's nothing to fix and feel confident they're already registered, or they can change what's populated or fill out details for new registration. When finished, we ask them to sign with the pointer and we caputure the signature. Then, we print the form locally or in some mailroom and make it ready to deliver to the Florida Dept of Elections.

A single piece of paper, one sided that folds (with instructions for close (for citizen) and open (for govt)) into a self-contained postable letter is perfect. If we can pre-pay the postage, even better. (Get sponsorship for this!)

implementation details

We don't have a database on server, we assume. We know how we're going to access the data, so we pre-compute the indexing and move the search into the browser in a Trie data-structure and on server's disk as a directory structure.

We make a map of numeric voter IDs to voter details.

We make a map of personal details (like name, address) to voter IDs.

By typing a few letters of personal details, we can then search for the closest-matching voterids.

That means Trie descent for each part of personal details, then breadth-first search with limit for remaining. Voter IDs that show up in many searches have matched many times, and are likely matches for the user. Then, go through the most-returned voter IDs, and download voterid-to-details maps, and display details as suggestion to auto-fill.

Birth date is something not likely to change over a person's lifetime and serves as a good way to distribute massive data into managable, downloadable snippets. So, we ask for birth date first and use that in all remaining look-ups.

The existing registration data is a public record, but the FLDOE doesn't make it trivial to get. We use a third party who has done the work of requesting data.