cforster / theme-park-project

An assignment about theme park queues
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Wait management idea (Create two groups) #34

Open Alialialia opened 10 years ago

Alialialia commented 10 years ago

Place each customer in a group (group a or b). Each group is only able to ride a ride at a certain time, but the line will be half as long because only the customers in that group will be waiting in line. The groups that can ride a ride will switch every 30 minutes to an hour. When a certain group is not assigned to a ride, customers in that group cannot ride or be in line for that ride.

cforster commented 10 years ago

Interesting. will you schedule the groups at various times? or will you let them pick their time? how are you flattening out the peaks?

Alialialia commented 10 years ago

Peaks will hopefully flatten out because each line length is decreased by 1/2. The customers will probably randomly be assigned a group, but the times they are allowed to ride lines will be long enough that it doesn't really matter when they are assigned to ride the rides. Maybe the more appealing rides will not all be available to the same group at the same time.

cforster commented 10 years ago

I'm not sure I see the lines going down--there's still the same number of customers, wont they still just all go to the popular ride when it's their turn? i'm interested to see the results of this.

Alialialia commented 10 years ago

My guess is that ride times overall will decrease by 1/2 because there are half as many people who can go on a certain ride. There will still be peaks but I think they will be smaller.