cforster / theme-park-project

An assignment about theme park queues
0 stars 11 forks source link


You have been hired by a large corporation to improve their theme park. They have $$$, and they are interested in making more. They have read this article, and determined that they need to help riders get on more rides.

I've begun writing a simulator to test my new ideas. It has may have bugs, it only has a certain number of parameters, and it has lots of features that could be added.

Here's where you come in.

You are going to help me prototype some possible wait management solutions.

Steps to accomplish

  1. Fork the repo with your group. One person on your team should do this, and should add everybody else as collaborators.
  2. Every member of the team should clone to your machine, then read and test my code. Follow the local setup instructions below.
  3. Do you have questions? Ask a peer if you have questions, or post questions in issues in the ORIGINAL REPO.
  4. Is this a a good simulation? Are there parameters missing? Log enhancements in issues.
  5. Are there bugs or things that don't work? Log bugs in issues.
  6. Pick an issue to fix, do it, and make a pull request.
  7. Consider a wait management product. Do some research online. start some issues to build the prototype for a solution.
  8. In YOUR forked repo, make a new branch for your solution.
  9. Implement the solution.
  10. Make a pull request with your new solution.

Your grade for the group will be the step you reach.

local setup instructions

clone the repo to your computer, then compile and run the Park class

git clone
cd theme-park-project
javac -cp jcommon-1.0.20.jar:jfreechart-1.0.16.jar *.java
java -cp jcommon-1.0.20.jar:jfreechart-1.0.16.jar:. Park

how to keep up to date

keep your fork up to date with the original repository by adding a remote: git remote add cforsterupstream git:// occasionally, you should pull upstream updates from my repository by saying git pull cforsterupstream master when you do this, your fork will get the most recent changes from my version.