cgestes / ctafconf

configuration for emacs/zsh/bash/etc.
13 stars 7 forks source link
               --+-- -- -- -- -- -- --+--
              +--       CTAFCONF       --+
               --+-- -- -- -- -- -- --+--

=========================================================== INSTALL

the ctafconf should be installed in ~/.config/ctafconf. Installation should be done using the git repository, if you dont have git access you can get a tarball on github. Always prefer git master, the branch is keept as stable as possible. After calling ct-installconf, edit to change your settings.

Prefered way to install, from GIT:

mkdir .config cd .config git clone git:// cd ctafconf/bin ./ct-installconf nano ~/.config/ctafconf/

Install from a tarball. you download the tarball from the website and unpack it in .config

mkdir .config cd .config tar xvzf ctafconf-DATE.tgz cd ctafconf/bin ./ct-installconf nano ~/.config/ctafconf/

=========================================================== UPDATE

To update your configuration just call git pull, or extract newer file over the previous one. That's all, you dont need to call ct-installconf or ct-updateconf, it's automatic

Using git:

cd .config/ctafconf git pull That's all, the next time you launch your shell, the ctafconf will be updated

using a newer tarball: unpack the tarball in .config

cd .config/ tar xvzf ctafconf-DATE.tgz

========================================================== INSTALL FOR EMACS ONLY

if you are paranoid, and dont trust the install script. Try the manual way to get the emacs configuration:

echo "(load-file \"~/.config/ctafconf/etc/emacs/emacs\")" >> ~/.emacs

=========================================================== VIM

See ~/.config/ctafconf/etc/vim/README

=========================================================== ZSH

=========================================================== UNINSTALL

You will never want to uninstall, after you tried the ctafconf

=========================================================== HELP

It's a good framework to create our own personnal configuration

ct-ssh : create alias for ssh host findr : recursive find grepr : recursive grep with color rpurge : cleanup temporary file (#, ~) rpurge_c : cleanup c compiled object (.o) rpurge_cmake : cleanup cmake generated makefiles (Makefile, CMakeCache.txt, ..) rpurge_svn : cleanup svn files (.svn) rpurge_python : cleanup python files (.pyc, *.pyo) rpurge_cvs : cleanup cvs files (.cvs) replacer : recursive find and replace in all files in the current folder

visit for more information/help about the ctafconf

=========================================================== Credits

Some of thoses configurations files have been collected, modified and enhanced from a lot's of files from differents places. thanks for all peoples who share configs on the web.

thanks for Sergio Talens-Oliag for his ssft library thanks for all people I 'stolen' GPL code ;-)

=========================================================== About

Cedric GESTES (

< CTAFCONF? yuhh? MeuuuuuuuuuHHHHHHHH >

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