cggh / scikit-allel

A Python package for exploring and analysing genetic variation data
MIT License
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Scheduled monthly dependency update for July #326

Closed pyup-bot closed 4 years ago

pyup-bot commented 4 years ago

Update cython from 0.29.19 to 0.29.20.

Changelog ### 0.29.20 ``` ==================== Bugs fixed ---------- * Nested try-except statements with multiple ``return`` statements could crash due to incorrect deletion of the ``except as`` target variable. (Github issue 3666) * The ``classmethod`` decorator no longer rejects unknown input from other decorators. Patch by David Woods. (Github issue 3660) * Fused types could leak into unrelated usages. Patch by David Woods. (Github issue 3642) * Now uses ``Py_SET_SIZE()`` and ``Py_SET_REFCNT()`` in Py3.9+ to avoid low-level write access to these object fields. Patch by Victor Stinner. (Github issue 3639) * The built-in ``abs()`` function could lead to undefined behaviour when used on the negative-most value of a signed C integer type. Patch by Serge Guelton. (Github issue 1911) * Usages of ``sizeof()`` and ``typeid()`` on uninitialised variables no longer produce a warning. Patch by Celelibi. (Github issue 3575) * The C++ ``typeid()`` function was allowed in C mode. Patch by Celelibi. (Github issue 3637) * The error position reported for errors found in f-strings was misleading. (Github issue 3674) * The new ``c_api_binop_methods`` directive was added for forward compatibility, but can only be set to True (the current default value). It can be disabled in Cython 3.0. ```
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Update numpy from 1.18.4 to 1.19.0.

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Update dask[array] from 2.17.2 to 2.19.0.

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Update scipy from 1.4.1 to 1.5.0.

Changelog ### 1.5.0 ``` many new features, numerous bug-fixes, improved test coverage and better documentation. There have been a number of deprecations and API changes in this release, which are documented below. All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release, as there are a large number of bug-fixes and optimizations. Before upgrading, we recommend that users check that their own code does not use deprecated SciPy functionality (to do so, run your code with ``python -Wd`` and check for ``DeprecationWarning`` s). Our development attention will now shift to bug-fix releases on the 1.5.x branch, and on adding new features on the master branch. This release requires Python `3.6+` and NumPy `1.14.5` or greater. For running on PyPy, PyPy3 `6.0+` and NumPy `1.15.0` are required. Highlights of this release ---------------------------- - wrappers for more than a dozen new ``LAPACK`` routines are now available in `scipy.linalg.lapack` - Improved support for leveraging 64-bit integer size from linear algebra backends - addition of the probability distribution for two-sided one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests New features ========= `scipy.cluster` improvements -------------------------------- Initialization of `scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2` using ``minit="++"`` had a quadratic complexity in the number of samples. It has been improved, resulting in a much faster initialization with quasi-linear complexity. `scipy.cluster.hierarchy.dendrogram` now respects the ``matplotlib`` color palette `scipy.fft` improvements ------------------------------ A new keyword-only argument ``plan`` is added to all FFT functions in this module. It is reserved for passing in a precomputed plan from libraries providing a FFT backend (such as ``PyFFTW`` and ``mkl-fft``), and it is currently not used in SciPy. `scipy.integrate` improvements ---------------------------------- `scipy.interpolate` improvements ------------------------------------- `` improvements --------------------------- `` error messages are more explicit about what's wrong, and extraneous bytes at the ends of files are ignored instead of raising an error when the data has successfully been read. `` gained a ``simplify_cells`` parameter, which if set to ``True`` simplifies the structure of the return value if the ``.mat`` file contains cell arrays. ``pathlib.Path`` objects are now supported in `` Matrix Market I/O functions `scipy.linalg` improvements ------------------------------- `scipy.linalg.eigh` has been improved. Now various ``LAPACK`` drivers can be selected at will and also subsets of eigenvalues can be requested via ``subset_by_value`` keyword. Another keyword ``subset_by_index`` is introduced. Keywords ``turbo`` and ``eigvals`` are deprecated. Similarly, standard and generalized Hermitian eigenvalue ``LAPACK`` routines ``?<sy/he>evx`` are added and existing ones now have full ``_lwork`` counterparts. Wrappers for the following ``LAPACK`` routines have been added to `scipy.linalg.lapack`: - ``?getc2``: computes the LU factorization of a general matrix with complete pivoting - ``?gesc2``: solves a linear system given an LU factorization from ``?getc2`` - ``?gejsv``: computes the singular value decomposition of a general matrix with higher accuracy calculation of tiny singular values and their corresponding singular vectors - ``?geqrfp``: computes the QR factorization of a general matrix with non-negative elements on the diagonal of R - ``?gtsvx``: solves a linear system with general tridiagonal matrix - ``?gttrf``: computes the LU factorization of a tridiagonal matrix - ``?gttrs``: solves a linear system given an LU factorization from ``?gttrf`` - ``?ptsvx``: solves a linear system with symmetric positive definite tridiagonal matrix - ``?pttrf``: computes the LU factorization of a symmetric positive definite tridiagonal matrix - ``?pttrs``: solves a linear system given an LU factorization from ``?pttrf`` - ``?pteqr``: computes the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a positive definite tridiagonal matrix - ``?tbtrs``: solves a linear system with a triangular banded matrix - ``?csd``: computes the Cosine Sine decomposition of an orthogonal/unitary matrix Generalized QR factorization routines (``?geqrf``) now have full ``_lwork`` counterparts. `scipy.linalg.cossin` Cosine Sine decomposition of unitary matrices has been added. The function `scipy.linalg.khatri_rao`, which computes the Khatri-Rao product, was added. The new function `scipy.linalg.convolution_matrix` constructs the Toeplitz matrix representing one-dimensional convolution. `scipy.ndimage` improvements ---------------------------------- `scipy.optimize` improvements ---------------------------------- The finite difference numerical differentiation used in various ``minimize`` methods that use gradients has several new features: - 2-point, 3-point, or complex step finite differences can be used. Previously only a 2-step finite difference was available. - There is now the possibility to use a relative step size, previously only an absolute step size was available. - If the ``minimize`` method uses bounds the numerical differentiation strictly obeys those limits. - The numerical differentiation machinery now makes use of a simple cache, which in some cases can reduce the number of function evaluations. - ``minimize``'s ``method= 'powell'`` now supports simple bound constraints There have been several improvements to `scipy.optimize.linprog`: - The ``linprog`` benchmark suite has been expanded considerably. - ``linprog``'s dense pivot-based redundancy removal routine and sparse presolve are faster - When ``scikit-sparse`` is available, solving sparse problems with ``method='interior-point'`` is faster The caching of values when optimizing a function returning both value and gradient together has been improved, avoiding repeated function evaluations when using a ``HessianApproximation`` such as ``BFGS``. ``differential_evolution`` can now use the modern ``np.random.Generator`` as well as the legacy ``np.random.RandomState`` as a seed. `scipy.signal` improvements ------------------------------- A new optional argument ``include_nyquist`` is added to ``freqz`` functions in this module. It is used for including the last frequency (Nyquist frequency). `scipy.signal.find_peaks_cwt` now accepts a ``window_size`` parameter for the size of the window used to calculate the noise floor. `scipy.sparse` improvements -------------------------------- Outer indexing is now faster when using a 2d column vector to select column indices. `scipy.sparse.lil.tocsr` is faster Fixed/improved comparisons between pydata sparse arrays and sparse matrices BSR format sparse multiplication performance has been improved. `scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator` has gained the new ``ndim`` class attribute `scipy.spatial` improvements -------------------------------- `scipy.spatial.geometric_slerp` has been added to enable geometric spherical linear interpolation on an n-sphere `scipy.spatial.SphericalVoronoi` now supports calculation of region areas in 2D and 3D cases The tree building algorithm used by ``cKDTree`` has improved from quadratic worst case time complexity to loglinear. Benchmarks are also now available for building and querying of balanced/unbalanced kd-trees. `scipy.special` improvements --------------------------------- The following functions now have Cython interfaces in `cython_special`: - `scipy.special.erfinv` - `scipy.special.erfcinv` - `scipy.special.spherical_jn` - `scipy.special.spherical_yn` - `scipy.special.spherical_in` - `scipy.special.spherical_kn` `scipy.special.log_softmax` has been added to calculate the logarithm of softmax function. It provides better accuracy than ``log(scipy.special.softmax(x))`` for inputs that make softmax saturate. `scipy.stats` improvements ------------------------------- The function for generating random samples in `scipy.stats.dlaplace` has been improved. The new function is approximately twice as fast with a memory footprint reduction between 25 % and 60 % (see gh-11069). `scipy.stats` functions that accept a seed for reproducible calculations using random number generation (e.g. random variates from distributions) can now use the modern ``np.random.Generator`` as well as the legacy ``np.random.RandomState`` as a seed. The ``axis`` parameter was added to `scipy.stats.rankdata`. This allows slices of an array along the given axis to be ranked independently. The ``axis`` parameter was added to `scipy.stats.f_oneway`, allowing it to compute multiple one-way ANOVA tests for data stored in n-dimensional arrays. The performance of ``f_oneway`` was also improved for some cases. The PDF and CDF methods for ``stats.geninvgauss`` are now significantly faster as the numerical integration to calculate the CDF uses a Cython based ``LowLevelCallable``. Moments of the normal distribution (`scipy.stats.norm`) are now calculated using analytical formulas instead of numerical integration for greater speed and accuracy Moments and entropy trapezoidal distribution (`scipy.stats.trapz`) are now calculated using analytical formulas instead of numerical integration for greater speed and accuracy Methods of the truncated normal distribution (`scipy.stats.truncnorm`), especially ``_rvs``, are significantly faster after a complete rewrite. The `fit` method of the Laplace distribution, `scipy.stats.laplace`, now uses the analytical formulas for the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters. Generation of random variates is now thread safe for all SciPy distributions. 3rd-party distributions may need to modify the signature of the ``_rvs()`` method to conform to ``_rvs(self, ..., size=None, random_state=None)``. (A one-time VisibleDeprecationWarning is emitted when using non-conformant distributions.) The Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sided test statistic distribution (`scipy.stats.kstwo`) was added. Calculates the distribution of the K-S two-sided statistic ``D_n`` for a sample of size n, using a mixture of exact and asymptotic algorithms. The new function ``median_abs_deviation`` replaces the deprecated ``median_absolute_deviation``. The ``wilcoxon`` function now computes the p-value for Wilcoxon's signed rank test using the exact distribution for inputs up to length 25. The function has a new ``mode`` parameter to specify how the p-value is to be computed. The default is ``"auto"``, which uses the exact distribution for inputs up to length 25 and the normal approximation for larger inputs. Added a new Cython-based implementation to evaluate guassian kernel estimates, which should improve the performance of ``gaussian_kde`` The ``winsorize`` function now has a ``nan_policy`` argument for refined handling of ``nan`` input values. The ``binned_statistic_dd`` function with ``statistic="std"`` performance was improved by ~4x. ``scipy.stats.kstest(rvs, cdf,...)`` now handles both one-sample and two-sample testing. The one-sample variation uses `scipy.stats.ksone` (or `scipy.stats.kstwo` with back off to `scipy.stats.kstwobign`) to calculate the p-value. The two-sample variation, invoked if ``cdf`` is array_like, uses an algorithm described by Hodges to compute the probability directly, only backing off to `scipy.stats.kstwo` in case of overflow. The result in both cases is more accurate p-values, especially for two-sample testing with smaller (or quite different) sizes. `scipy.stats.maxwell` performance improvements include a 20 % speed up for `fit()`` and 5 % for ``pdf()`` `scipy.stats.shapiro` and `scipy.stats.jarque_bera` now return a named tuple for greater consistency with other ``stats`` functions Deprecated features ============= `scipy` deprecations ---------------------- `scipy.special` changes -------------------------- The ``bdtr``, ``bdtrc``, and ``bdtri`` functions are deprecating non-negative non-integral ``n`` arguments. `scipy.stats` changes ----------------------- The function ``median_absolute_deviation`` is deprecated. Use ``median_abs_deviation`` instead. The use of the string ``"raw"`` with the ``scale`` parameter of ``iqr`` is deprecated. Use ``scale=1`` instead. Backwards incompatible changes ====================== `scipy.interpolate` changes ------------------------------- `scipy.linalg` changes ------------------------ The output signatures of ``?syevr``, ``?heevr`` have been changed from ``w, v, info`` to ``w, v, m, isuppz, info`` The order of output arguments ``w``, ``v`` of ``<sy/he>{gv, gvd, gvx}`` is swapped. `scipy.signal` changes ------------------------- The output length of `scipy.signal.upfirdn` has been corrected, resulting outputs may now be shorter for some combinations of up/down ratios and input signal and filter lengths. `scipy.signal.resample` now supports a ``domain`` keyword argument for specification of time or frequency domain input. `scipy.stats` changes ------------------------ Other changes ========== Improved support for leveraging 64-bit integer size from linear algebra backends in several parts of the SciPy codebase. Shims designed to ensure the compatibility of SciPy with Python 2.7 have now been removed. Many warnings due to unused imports and unused assignments have been addressed. Many usage examples were added to function docstrings, and many input validations and intuitive exception messages have been added throughout the codebase. Early stage adoption of type annotations in a few parts of the codebase Authors ======= * endolith * Hameer Abbasi * ADmitri + * Wesley Alves + * Berkay Antmen + * Sylwester Arabas + * Arne Küderle + * Christoph Baumgarten * Peter Bell * Felix Berkenkamp * Jordão Bragantini + * Clemens Brunner + * Evgeni Burovski * Matthias Bussonnier + * CJ Carey * Derrick Chambers + * Leander Claes + * Christian Clauss * Luigi F. Cruz + * dankleeman * Andras Deak * Milad Sadeghi DM + * jeremie du boisberranger + * Stefan Endres * Malte Esders + * Leo Fang + * felixhekhorn + * Isuru Fernando * Andrew Fowlie * Lakshay Garg + * Gaurav Gijare + * Ralf Gommers * Emmanuelle Gouillart + * Kevin Green + * Martin Grignard + * Maja Gwozdz * gyu-don + * Matt Haberland * hakeemo + * Charles Harris * Alex Henrie * Santi Hernandez + * William Hickman + * Till Hoffmann + * Joseph T. Iosue + * Anany Shrey Jain * Jakob Jakobson * Charles Jekel + * Julien Jerphanion + * Jiacheng-Liu + * Christoph Kecht + * Paul Kienzle + * Reidar Kind + * Dmitry E. Kislov + * Konrad + * Konrad0 * Takuya KOUMURA + * Krzysztof Pióro * Peter Mahler Larsen * Eric Larson * Antony Lee * Gregory Lee + * Gregory R. Lee * Chelsea Liu * Cong Ma + * Kevin Mader + * Maja Gwóźdź + * Alex Marvin + * Matthias Kümmerer * Nikolay Mayorov * Mazay0 + * G. D. McBain * Nicholas McKibben + * Sabrina J. Mielke + * Sebastian J. Mielke + * Miloš Komarčević + * Shubham Mishra + * Santiago M. Mola + * Grzegorz Mrukwa + * Peyton Murray * Andrew Nelson * Nico Schlömer * nwjenkins + * odidev + * Sambit Panda * Vikas Pandey + * Rick Paris + * Harshal Prakash Patankar + * Balint Pato + * Matti Picus * Ilhan Polat * poom + * Siddhesh Poyarekar * Vladyslav Rachek + * Bharat Raghunathan * Manu Rajput + * Tyler Reddy * Andrew Reed + * Lucas Roberts * Ariel Rokem * Heshy Roskes * Matt Ruffalo * Atsushi Sakai + * Benjamin Santos + * Christoph Schock + * Lisa Schwetlick + * Chris Simpson + * Leo Singer * Kai Striega * Søren Fuglede Jørgensen * Kale-ab Tessera + * Seth Troisi + * Robert Uhl + * Paul van Mulbregt * Vasiliy + * Isaac Virshup + * Pauli Virtanen * Shakthi Visagan + * Jan Vleeshouwers + * Sam Wallan + * Lijun Wang + * Warren Weckesser * Richard Weiss + * wenhui-prudencemed + * Eric Wieser * Josh Wilson * James Wright + * Ruslan Yevdokymov + * Ziyao Zhang + A total of 129 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. This list of names is automatically generated, and may not be fully complete. ```
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Update matplotlib from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2.

Changelog ### 3.2.2 ``` This is the second bugfix release of the 3.2.x series. This release contains several critical bug-fixes: - support fractional HiDPI scaling with Qt backends - support new Python and fix syntax errors in legacy Python - support new Qt 5 and fix support for Qt 4 - fix animation writer fallback - fix figure resizing - fix handling of large arcs - fix issues with tight layout - fix saving figures after closing windows or under certain size conditions - fix scatter when specifying a single color - fix several memory leaks - fix unexpected autoscaling behavior - fix various issues with usetex - various minor bug and documentation fixes ```
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Update pandas from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5.

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