cgkineo / adapt-search

Keyword-search extension for Adapt
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 10 forks source link

Any plans to release this to the Authoring Tool? #5

Closed hbaileylxd closed 8 years ago

hbaileylxd commented 8 years ago

I think people are crying out for this - what a great extension it would be!

oliverfoster commented 8 years ago

just rewriting the algorithm for it, we'll know soon if it's ready

hbaileylxd commented 8 years ago

skip :) Cheers Oli

paul-mediakitchen commented 8 years ago

Any update on this?

oliverfoster commented 8 years ago

Not just yet. It's going through testing in a project at the moment.

paul-mediakitchen commented 8 years ago

Ok thanks Oli. I hope the testing goes well. I have a project that desparately needs this search functionality.

oliverfoster commented 8 years ago

If you're keen, you can try the branch "new" it should work fine with v2 of the framework.

paul-mediakitchen commented 8 years ago

Thanks Oli. I tried the "new" branch but had errors when building:

Running "concat:less" (concat) task File src/less/adapt.less created.

Running "less:dist" (less) task

NameError: variable @drawer-color-inverted is undefined in src/less/adapt.less on line 3645, column 38: 3644 color: @drawer-item-text-color; 3645 border-bottom: 1px solid darken(@drawer-color-inverted, 10%); 3646 width: 100%; Warning: Error compiling src/less/adapt.less

hbaileylxd commented 8 years ago

I'm using it in the AT - seems to work great. Only thing is I have to be good and name all my components now or in the search results it just comes up with "Component Title" ;)

Thanks team!

moloko commented 8 years ago

no problem at all @hmaffin thanks for letting us know

paul-mediakitchen commented 8 years ago

Helen, yes that is annoying and adding the ability to exclude or include each article, block or component from the search results would remove that issue perhaps. Fingers crossed we may see this functionality soon - I know that someone may be working on it at the moment.

hbaileylxd commented 8 years ago

I think you can remove certain components and things from the search results can't you - in the search settings for each part? checks ah no - there's just a "keyword" box - although I have no idea what that is used for! Just adding the "true and false" in with this for each component like you can with pageLevelProgress would be awesome!

paul-mediakitchen commented 8 years ago

The keyword box is to add additional keywords. So if I had a text component with the following text:

"I like programming."

I could add the following keywords to make this component appear in the search results if say I typed in "coding" or "programming".

code, nerd, coding, programing (typo!)

Without the keywords it would not come up when I searched for "coding"

hbaileylxd commented 8 years ago

oooooh that's very neat!!!