cgkineo / adapt-search

Keyword-search extension for Adapt
GNU General Public License v3.0
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adapt extension


Search is an extension plugin for the Adapt framework.

sample search extension

The search extension displays in the Adapt 'drawer', either as a single item or with other items - such as the resources plugin.


To install this extension using the Adapt CLI, run adapt install adapt-search

Settings Overview

The search extension's main configuration should be added to course.json. Additional configuration of search 'keywords' may be included on contentObjects, articles, blocks and components.

General Attributes

The attributes listed below are used in course.json to configure Search, and are properly formatted as JSON in example.json.

title (string):

Extension title, defaults to "Search".

placeholder (string):

Search field text box 'placeholder' text, defaults to "".

description (string):

Extension description, defaults to "Type in search words".

_drawerOrder (number):

Determines the order in which this extension appears as a drawer item. You only need to set this if your course has more than one extension that appears in the drawer (e.g. glossary, resources) and you want to control the order in which they are listed when the drawer is opened.

noResultsMessage (string):

Text displayed when no results are found, defaults to "Sorry, no results were found".

awaitingResultsMessage (string):

Message between having enough characters to search and having search results (More than 2 characters per word). Defaults to "Formulating results...".

_showHighlights (boolean):

Show the yellow highlights on search results. Defaults to true.

_showFoundWords (boolean):

Show found words under the search results. Defaults to true.

_previewWords (integer):

The number of words taken from either side of the matching word. Defaults to 15.

_previewCharacters (integer):

If the number of _previewWords cannot be found then use x number of characters. Defaults to 30.

Item Attributes

The attributes listed below are used in contentObject.json, articles.json, blocks.json and components.json to configure Search Items, and are properly formatted as JSON in example.json.

_search (object):

Container object for the keywords setting

title (string):

Alternative title for search result.

keywords (array):

A list of search keywords/phrases to be associated with the contentObject/article/block/component. Each item in the array must be a string. NOTE: Keywords are exported with the grunt translate:export command. When localising content, use a process that ensures translated keywords are found in the actual translated course content.

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No known limitations.

Framework versions: 5.8+adapt learning logo
Author / maintainer: Kineo and community with contributors
Accessibility support: WAI AA
RTL support: No
Cross-platform coverage: Chrome, Chrome for Android, Firefox (ESR + latest version), Edge, IE11, Safari 14 for macOS/iOS/iPadOS, Opera