cgoncalves94 / CS-101-Introduction-to-Programming

Welcome to my portfolio project for CS 101: Introduction to Programming! In this project, I've built a fully functional, interactive Minesweeper game that can be played in the terminal.
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Building a Minesweeper Game with Python

Welcome to my portfolio project for CS 101: Introduction to Programming! In this project, I've built a fully functional, interactive Minesweeper game that can be played in the terminal.

How To Play

Minesweeper is a single-player puzzle game. The game is started on a grid of unrevealed cells. Some randomly selected cells are designated as containing mines. Most cells, however, are devoid of mines. When a cell is revealed, it shows the number of mines in the eight surrounding cells. If none of these eight cells have mines, they will be automatically revealed. The game is won when all cells not containing a mine have been revealed.

The interactive feature of the game, powered by Python's input() function, allows players to reveal or flag cells, providing a fully interactive game experience right in the terminal.


To run this game, you need Python 3.12 installed. If you don't have Python installed, download it from here.

Installation and Running the Game

  1. Clone this repository by copying the URL and using it with your preferred Git client.
  2. Once the repository is cloned to your local machine, navigate to the directory containing the file.
  3. To run the game, execute the file with Python.

Game Rules

In this project, I've used Python's fundamental concepts extensively:

By using Git for version control, I was able to keep track of my progress and revert to previous versions when necessary. This project was an excellent opportunity to practice using the command line for file navigation and running Python scripts.

Enjoy the game, and happy coding!